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Personality: The fire-breathing tiger of Mysore:A day in the life of a lion is better than 100 years

Was he a hero...not to me.Why?Simple , he killed my people for their religion...thats all.Now, is he a hero to muslims...maybe.He was one of their own, so like all hero worshiping people, small mistakes are forgiven or overlooked.Do i have problems with such people...No.A man cannot be judged by his mistakes only,his conquests also have a legitimate claim in his legacy.Now,the question again remains is he my hero.....Yes, for opposition against the british,is he my hero....No, for massacring christians and hindus,Is he my hero....Yes, for being a great warrior and leader.So, you see the question on whether he is a hero or a villian is naive and has a multitude of facets depending highly on who you are posing that question to.
That's a common legacy for us just like Modi is worshiped by hindus and Babri mosque and gujrat riots are overlooked.
Exactly, because Myanmar is not secular. Their charter does not say so.

You said that you wouldnt have a problem with Modi and his actions if India was not secular, exactly like you dont have a problem with Tipu killing lakhs of Hindus and Christians because he wasnt running a secular kingdom.

And Myanmar is not a secular country...why then do you and your countrymen have a collective orgy over Rohingyas being killed and removed from Myanmar.

I still stand by my words. I might condemn the brutality but still would be more comfortable since you won't be calling yourself a secular nation then. I would just ask the international community to take necessary action to save the minorities from a theocratic state and won't expect action from the state itself. You just need to amend your constitution or else you are doing in some parts of Bharat exactly what Myanmar is doing with Rohingyas.

I am sure other Pakistanis would also feel the same.
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