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Calling out the elephant in the room - TTP's origin and supporters.

I'm seeing a lot of odd opinions regarding the Peshawar bombing by TTP.

Some claims are:

- It's a conspiracy hatched by the state to kill Pashtuns specifically for god knows what reason.

- TTP are a proxy of the ISI.

I find these claims to be quite frankly rooted in a victim complex but also void of any reality.

Are we all going to deny the unusually large amount of support for the TTP in Pakistani society, especially in KPK?

Are we going to act like the TTP doesn't hold huge amounts of support in Pashtun nationalist circles, all Afghans and their refugees, PTM separatist types, and religious extremist folks?

To pin TTP and its attacks on the ISI is just funny to me considering the above, you will encounter Afghans, Afghan refugees, Pashtun nationalists, PTM type separatist all celebrating TTP and their attacks.

But now suddenly the TTP is an ISI proxy and their goal is to kill Pashtuns?

This is void of logic and reality to me, and seems immersed in a victim complex. Especially considering various channels connected to the TTP claimed responsibility then attempted to back out of it.

Opinions below please.

@villageidiot @epebble @Menace2Society @hussain0216 @Mirzali Khan @Solidify @313ghazi @Meengla @kingQamaR @PakFactor @Ali_14 @AlKardai @Mujahid Memon @Signalian

There was a concert in Lahore that occurred a few days ago and Kati Khalil’s social media team decided to upload if I think the same day or day after the tragedy and that was seen as an oppurtunity to essentially put oil on the fire. Social media went all out with that footage.

Most people I’m talking to in real life think it’s an excuse to delay elections and say TTP magically shows up whenever Army is in trouble.
I would prefer to stay out of it as someone from AJK and Pahari ethnicity.
Bro sorry to break your bubble Pahari identify is just an extension of Panjab. Pak studies is prolly the worst thing that happened to Pakistan.
Honestly you know what I think the root problem is over here:

Pakistan is claiming itself to be an Islamic state, a state for Muslims, it has a practising Muslim majority 95%+ country, now when someone comes along wanting Sharia Law or something, people are subconsciously sympathetic towards them, because that's what an Islamic state requires, and they don't see it in Pakistan.

My question is:

"Will making Sharia Law official, and officially labelling any groups that pick up arms against the Pakistani state as Khawarij, solve the problem?"

It could destroy any sympathy because people will fully have belief in the state as an Islamic Republic. There will be no doubts. And we can confidently label these insurgent groups as Khawarijs.

Should this seriously be considered? @Signalian

In my opinion all the power will full into the state's hands, and all insurgent groups will become handicapped and weak against Pakistan...

Bro, we can’t even get two Pakistani scholars to agree on a single ruling of Shariah Law and already want to see it implemented in the country? First settle on what Shariah Law actually is, what it contains, on whom it is to be applicable and only then can we begin to simply think about whether it should be implemented or not. Even if Pakistan is to implement it, there will be millions upon millions who will disagree with certain rulings and that will only complicate matters even further for the worse. TTP are sick bunch of MOFOS , who need taking out
Can you porvide verfiable evidence that there were Non Muslims ????
Not what, he said she said, and not the Army, which has been shown to tell lies when it suits them.

TTP has a indegineous support base and many indigineous avenues for weapons and funds. How does RAW provide funds to TTP. People here asked for money trail when Nawaz is accused of pilfering monies. How do RAW fund TTP when TTP would blow the head of any Indian who approached them, being all kuffar ??

Sad and bitter truth is that TTP is all Afpak in weapons, funds, and personel. A truth Pakistan cannot digest, just as they could not digest Bengalis wanting to be free from the tyrany and colonialism of West Pakistan.

The endless pretense of the Indian connection subtly, and not so subtly, engendered in the guillible Pakistani mind is to distance the TTP from any internal support by pointing at India.

All wrongs can easily be passed off as India's design. That way the uncomfortable truths can be ignored, until the next terrorist atrocity.

India and all Indians have been screaming for DECADES that there are no good and bad terrorists. ALL TERRORISTS ARE BAD.
India never fails to support any destabilising element within Pakistan.

While you're right about indegenous support which exists within society, India still amplifies it and provides tangible support.

There is evidence to support this.

Pashtuns generally have very low regards for life be it their own or others. Even if we remove TTP and other similar groups out of the view then they will resort to their traditional tribal wars all over again. Its wrong to say that TTP's blood thirst came from Islamist ideology rather it is from their own tribal culture. I knew a Pashtun guy who could not go his village for years because of a decades old enmity between his clan and opposing clan and he was on the hit list after don't know how many dozens they already killed of each others' young people because of a clash between their great grandparents.

Pashtuns generally have very low regards for life be it their own or others. Even if we remove TTP and other similar groups out of the view then they will resort to their traditional tribal wars all over again. Its wrong to say that TTP's blood thirst came from Islamist ideology rather it is from their own tribal culture. I knew a Pashtun guy who could not go his village for years because of a decades old enmity between his clan and opposing clan and he was on the hit list after don't know how many dozens they already killed of each others' young people because of a clash between their great grandparents.
Yes I know, I actually included that the TTP represents their tribal culture and criminal desires more than any Islamic ideology.

It's why I find it stupid that some religious folk support it, it's really only something Pashtun facist types would support because it only furthers their interests.
Yes I know, I actually included that the TTP represents their tribal culture and criminal desires more than any Islamic ideology.

It's why I find it stupid that some religious folk support it, it's really only something Pashtun facist types would support because it only furthers their interests.
First of all I haven't found any "religious folk" who openly supports TTP, maybe during or before the Lal Masjid massacre but not after all those terrible suicide bombings that created terror and havoc on general population. The most fierce resistance against Pak Army operations comes from the Liberandu gang who are so happy on their abbu's drone strikes with 99% collateral damage but shed crocodile tears when state does a military operation to establish law and order.

Even if any "religious folk" support TTP, its either because they don't believe the terrorist attacks done by TTP or they believe that the ones targeted by TTP are not somehow "innocent". So in either case their believe is that suicide bombings on civilians are not done by TTP but by foreign agencies. There is no way even the stupidest and the most illiterate seemingly "religious folk" would support killing of innocent civilians unless they are psychopath themselves
First of all I haven't found any "religious folk" who openly supports TTP, maybe during or before the Lal Masjid massacre but not after all those terrible suicide bombings that created terror and havoc on general population. The most fierce resistance against Pak Army operations comes from the Liberandu gang who are so happy on their abbu's drone strikes with 99% collateral damage but shed crocodile tears when state does a military operation to establish law and order.

Even if any "religious folk" support TTP, its either because they don't believe the terrorist attacks done by TTP or they believe that the ones targeted by TTP are not somehow "innocent". So in either case their believe is that suicide bombings on civilians are not done by TTP but by foreign agencies. There is no way even the stupidest and the most illiterate seemingly "religious folk" would support killing of innocent civilians unless they are psychopath themselves
Liberals of Pakistan are pure filth, they make me cringe

Just inferiority complex and parroting Europeans as some sort of personality trait, it's not their own thought process.
I'm seeing a lot of odd opinions regarding the Peshawar bombing by TTP.

Some claims are:

- It's a conspiracy hatched by the state to kill Pashtuns specifically for god knows what reason.

- TTP are a proxy of the ISI.

I find these claims to be quite frankly rooted in a victim complex but also void of any reality.

Are we all going to deny the unusually large amount of support for the TTP in Pakistani society, especially in KPK?

Are we going to act like the TTP doesn't hold huge amounts of support in Pashtun nationalist circles, all Afghans and their refugees, PTM separatist types, and religious extremist folks?

To pin TTP and its attacks on the ISI is just funny to me considering the above, you will encounter Afghans, Afghan refugees, Pashtun nationalists, PTM type separatist all celebrating TTP and their attacks.

But now suddenly the TTP is an ISI proxy and their goal is to kill Pashtuns?

This is void of logic and reality to me, and seems immersed in a victim complex. Especially considering various channels connected to the TTP claimed responsibility then attempted to back out of it.

Opinions below please.

@villageidiot @epebble @Menace2Society @hussain0216 @Mirzali Khan @Solidify @313ghazi @Meengla @kingQamaR @PakFactor @Ali_14 @AlKardai @Mujahid Memon @Signalian

Irrespective of conspiracies, few realities IMO, the latest peshawar attack happened in one of the most secure place near to cantt. How come he went past all checkpoints?
Yes TTP have support, and it happens in the deepest of places far from public eye. Be it military or civil.
Call it whatever u want but public support for army is at lowest ever way below than in 71. Which also means whatever the bastards from GHQ now want to sell, nobody is buying it.
And lastly now pak is alone and isolated (the army fanbois use to make fun of the neighbour) this time it has happened to pak although it is not bcoz of modi but pak leadership themselves. Neither is there any international support to fight against tangos this time nor is there any financial support from both local situation and international aid.
Irrespective of conspiracies, few realities IMO, the latest peshawar attack happened in one of the most secure place near to cantt. How come he went past all checkpoints?
Yes TTP have support, and it happens in the deepest of places far from public eye. Be it military or civil.
Call it whatever u want but public support for army is at lowest ever way below than in 71. Which also means whatever the bastards from GHQ now want to sell, nobody is buying it.
And lastly now pak is alone and isolated (the army fanbois use to make fun of the neighbour) this time it has happened to pak although it is not bcoz of modi but pak leadership themselves. Neither is there any international support to fight against tangos this time nor is there any financial support from both local situation and international aid.
Agreed with all of this of course, army hatred in the public is undeniable

Pashtuns generally have very low regards for life be it their own or others. Even if we remove TTP and other similar groups out of the view then they will resort to their traditional tribal wars all over again. Its wrong to say that TTP's blood thirst came from Islamist ideology rather it is from their own tribal culture. I knew a Pashtun guy who could not go his village for years because of a decades old enmity between his clan and opposing clan and he was on the hit list after don't know how many dozens they already killed of each others' young people because of a clash between their great grandparents.
Adding to this do you know how Pashtun bus drivers drive in Karachi? There are almost daily accidents which we don't hear in media at all (reason because our people are too accustomed to it). I also remember reading somewhere that Pathan-Muhajir clashes started in Karachi after a raged bus driver killed a schoolgirl.
Adding to this do you know how Pashtun bus drivers drive in Karachi? There are almost daily accidents which we don't hear in media at all (reason because our people are too accustomed to it). I also remember reading somewhere that Pathan-Muhajir clashes started in Karachi after a raged bus driver killed a schoolgirl.
Edit: Found it

In April 1985, Bushra Zaidi, a college student in Karachi, was killed in a traffic accident. The tragic incident sparked one of the deadliest waves of riots the city has ever witnessed. Since the bus owner and the driver were Pakhtuns, Pakhtuns began to be targeted by Urdu-speaking militants, who used the incident to create a sense of ‘Mohajir nationalism’ as well. Pakhtuns also responded in kind. Riots brought life in Karachi to a standstill. Numerous vehicles were torched and organised attacks took place in working class and middle class localities of Orangi and Liaquatabad. Law and order was restored only after the army was called in. Tensions continued for many months and it was feared that if underlying causes were not addressed, there might be a recurrence of violence.

Is this 2005 all over again? TTP good, Pak fauj bad.
you remember that time... going back in circles

Edit: Found it

low IQ nations have ethnic conflicts- thats why Africa is where its at, to some extent even MEer wars are tribal, ethnic conflicts,
smart people/nations realize the strength in numbers- to keep a nation back, ethnic, religious, and tribal conflicts are usually used

no matter what, always have love for each other, cause when time comes the other will come to protect you from outsiders, no one else

I hope our people are smarter than that or else, Africa, ME are there to be seen by everyone
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Can you porvide verfiable evidence that there were Non Muslims ????
Not what, he said she said, and not the Army, which has been shown to tell lies when it suits them.
search for it on your own, it might be in the media back then through reports. Don’t expect me to bear the onus, i have my sources, and I find them reliable.
low IQ nations have ethnic conflicts- thats why Africa is where its at, to some extent even MEer wars are tribal, ethnic conflicts,
smart people/nations realize the strength in numbers- to keep a nation back, ethnic, religious, and tribal conflicts are usually used

no matter what, always have love for each other, cause when time comes the other will come to protect you from outsiders, no one else

I hope our people are smarter than that or else, Africa, ME are there to be seen by everyone
You are asking for way too much lmfao

No offence but they even kill each other, so there's no reason for that policy not to include everyone else. Ultimately it's culturally derived from tribal lifestyle.
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