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brotherly relationship between Pakistan and Turkey, and Khilafat Movement

, or have any chance of being respected by Indians...so what choice do you have ? give yourself some other reason for your country's larger and long term interest..

About Indians, quite frankly, its got a lot to do with the media. I'm sure the scenario is not that different in Pakistan as well. In India we say its all pakistans fault and indians are all innocent lambs. When you guys talk about RAW and its atrocities in the forum, a new comer (like moi) would be surprised. In India, the RAW almost never features in any news. I'm not even sure how many indians know about the existence of RAW. So naturally we would deny all allegations outright. So on and so forth......propaganda machines of both countries condition their people to hate the other.
Mech, I can be friends with Indians on personal level, rather I even have some Jew friends. and we are like normal people...but it cannot be done on the whole community level...the common man of each community is manipulated by those who benefit from promoting the differences, they keep reminding us. Our personal fates is in our hands,
Our national fate is in hands of what commoners think !
About Indians, quite frankly, its got a lot to do with the media. I'm sure the scenario is not that different in Pakistan as well. In India we say its all pakistans fault and indians are all innocent lambs. When you guys talk about RAW and its atrocities in the forum, a new comer (like moi) would be surprised. In India, the RAW almost never features in any news. I'm not even sure how many indians know about the existence of RAW. So naturally we would deny all allegations outright. So on and so forth......propaganda machines of both countries condition their people to hate the other.

i would not say propganda machines.pakistanis are aware of the threat to our country.
Mech, I can be friends with Indians on personal level, rather I even have some Jew friends. and we are like normal people...but it cannot be done on the whole level...the common man of each community is manipulated by those who benefit from the differences.

Right on the money. Vested interests will never allow the differences to be mended.
no I am not Myth buster who is waiting for some massiah... we are working in our respective line of fire.... in our respective circles and we will never surrender,

Yes only messiah will save the people of Pakistan and Pakistan is not here to stay for ever and neither any other country in the world.
The state of Muslims today around the world is mere prophecy and nationalistically their is nothing we can do about it. All what we can do is distinguish what is right and wrong and save our self from wrath of allah. Btw I believe the recent flood is a prophecy as well.
Fog or smoke will cover the skies for forty days. The non-believers will fall unconscious, while Muslims will be ill (develop colds). The skies will then clear up.
Russian forest fire lasted about 40 days and Muslims "Pakistanis" received cold in form of Flood. Scientists believe the floods in Pakistan is a result of Russian forest fire.

I got this from wikipedia (lazy research)

Sings for his arrival.

* People will stop offering the prayers
* Dishonesty will be the way of life
* Falsehood will become a virtue
* People will mortgage their faith for worldly gains
* Usury and bribery will become legitimate
* Imbeciles would rule over the wise
* Blood of innocents would be shed
* Books about the quote "As a man thinketh"
* Pride will be taken on acts of oppression
* The rulers will be corrupt
* The scholars will be hypocrites
* Adultery will be rampant
* The liars and treacherous will be respected
* There will be acute famine at the time
* There will be no shame amongst people
* Children would challenge their mothers
* Youngsters would perform marital relationship with their parents
* Many people would worship Satan
* There would be no respect for elder people

I believe everything mentioned above is occurring in Pakistan and around the world as well.
eeeerrrrrrr..........@ above guy is weird !!
You know many Arabs don't count Turkey as a Muslim nation? They say they are too western and don't follow the rules of the Quran?

You know what i have to Say?

Turkey is more Islmaic then the Arab world will ever be!!!! And cba explaining why but it is true.

Saudi Arabia? what a disgrace, their stupid corrupt kingdom why should it be in charge of the Holy Lands?
You know many Arabs don't count Turkey as a Muslim nation? They say they are too western and don't follow the rules of the Quran?

You know what i have to Say?

Turkey is more Islmaic then the Arab world will ever be!!!! And cba explaining why but it is true.

Saudi Arabia? what a disgrace, their stupid corrupt kingdom why should it be in charge of the Holy Lands?

its childish to generalize things like this and even reproduce ! (even if it is ever said by anyone or made up by the above person)
You know many Arabs don't count Turkey as a Muslim nation? They say they are too western and don't follow the rules of the Quran?

You know what i have to Say?

Turkey is more Islmaic then the Arab world will ever be!!!! And cba explaining why but it is true.

Saudi Arabia? what a disgrace, their stupid corrupt kingdom why should it be in charge of the Holy Lands?

Turkey is a Secular state meaning Islam is not the authority and you call it more Islamic state? You have killuminati in your sig but you dont even know freemasonry is openly operating in Turkey. Please think twice before you pass such statements like Turkey is more islamic state then arabs and in fact neither KSA is a true Islamic state.
Well, guys, you were supposed to help me, too. Remember!;) So, please stop this non-linear discussion for some time.


Pakistan and Turkey though separated by thousands of miles share a very warm relationship since the creation of Pakistan. I have read that this is because of Khlafat Movement (KM). As far as I know KM's objective to revive and safeguard the institution of Ottoman khilafat. But the resistance movement led by Attaturk abolished the khilafat and declared Turkey a republic. Later Attaturk also successfully tried to modernize Turkey. Doesn't it mean the objective of KM wasn't really that much important to the Turkish people at that time. If it were something that if the Allied forces partitioned the Ottoman Empire then the Indian Muslims are going kick the British as hard as they can, then it would have been considered really a brotherly gesture by the Turkish people. Please guide me on this. Thanks a lot.

The following excerpt is from Wikipedia article on Khilafat Movement:
The Khilafat movement (1919–1924) was a pan-Islamic, political campaign launched by Muslims in British India to influence the British government and to protect the Ottoman Empire during the aftermath of World War I. The position of Caliph after the Armistice of Mudros of October 1918 with the military occupation of Istanbul and Treaty of Versailles (1919) fell into a disambiguation along with the Ottoman Empire's existence. The movement gained force after the Treaty of Sèvres (August 1920) which solidified the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire.

In India, although mainly a Muslim religious movement, the movement became a part of the wider Indian independence movement. The movement was a topic in Conference of London (February 1920).


Kalilafa movement was never a practical solution. It was merely bunch of guys making a lot of noise which did not even matter to the Britis cuz they knew only their system would be established in Muslim Lands.
Turkey is a Secular state meaning Islam is not the authority and you call it more Islamic state? You have killuminati in your sig but you dont even know freemasonry is openly operating in Turkey. Please think twice before you pass such statements like Turkey is more islamic state then arabs and in fact neither KSA is a true Islamic state.

I knew it this world is a conspiracy !! damn I thought only I knew about this.....mmmmuahahahha....:lol::lol::lol:
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