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Britain, Iran severe diplomatic ties

Yeah, Iran hid secret nuclear facilities in mountains because they want "peaceful nuclear energy"

Let's get real.

No, they want the bomb, every body knows that, they probably have a few. That is good thing. It will stop you fascists from ever taking action. They kick your fat butt out and you can not do a damn thing. Days are gone when British empire used to slave hunting.
I think the mistake your making is thinking Iran is the one with the grudge, it is not. US and America still cannot let go that there puppets have been overthrown and Iranian regime is a living example that a nation can rise against Westen hegemony and the plundering of their resources. This is what drives American and British obsession with Iran, to show other countries the fate that will await those that dare seek independent foreign policy.

Iran declared "death to America" as soon as the Islamists took over in 1979.

It has nothing to do with "puppets".
cut the oil supply if you guys have real guts!
No, they want the bomb, every body knows that, they probably have a few. That is good thing. It will stop you fascists from ever taking action. They kick your fat butt out and you can not do a damn thing. Days are gone when British empire used to slave hunting.

More Islamic arrogance. Like the time you promised to destroy Israel and got whooped.

We will do what is necessary to stop a fanatical regime. You forget something my friend - we the British have stopped fanatical regimes before. As have the Americans.

We had the bloodiest wars in the history of this world and we survived them and will survive this.

No immature wide-eyed Islamists who use flags as door mats like childish idiots will hold this world to ransom. A much stronger, more intelligent nation tried that in 1939 and we gave them a right good thrashing.
Iran declared "death to America" as soon as the Islamists took over in 1979.

It has nothing to do with "puppets".

That is right. What else they should have said after US and UK stole Iranian oil, killed Iranians and overthrew their government. Actually they should have gone to invade UK and US just like US and UK do all the time. Alas they did not have nukes back then. But it is never too late you know. Do you like it when UK becomes a colony of Iran?

---------- Post added at 05:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 AM ----------

More Islamic arrogance. Like the time you promised to destroy Israel and got whooped.

We will do what is necessary to stop a fanatical regime. You forget something my friend - we the British have stopped fanatical regimes before. As have the Americans.

We had the bloodiest wars in the history of this world and we survived them and will survive this.

No immature wide-eyed Islamists who use flags as door mats like childish idiots will hold this world to ransom. A much stronger, more intelligent nation tried that in 1939 and we gave them a right good thrashing.

In the days of nukes, things have changed. It is not like you are in British India anymore setting one tribe fighting another. Nukes are great equalizers as you must know.
Iran should line up with Pakistan to confront the west and its allies. Pakistan should help Iran to defend itself against any attack. It seems an assault is imminent.

Infact Pakistan, Iran and Turkey should form a Federation or at the very least a Defence pact to come to each other's aid in case the West or its cronies attack either country. Eventually I would like to see Afghanistan and the six Former Soviet Muslim Republics join this block to form an alliance.
What kind of backward people call for the death of a country in their Parliament? all chanting like wide-eyed Islamic zombies "death to America", "death to Israel".

They should take a long hard look at themselves. Such primitive behaviour.

And you wonder why countries don't want to do business with Iran?.

You talk of freedom to speak? that's a laugh, since when has Iran given freedom to its people to speak? you can wish death to Israel, but you can't question the Ayatollah.

And I see you're flying the Chinese flag, another country where you can't speak freely.

Yeah, great freedom of speech.

I agree, what kind of backwards people have their Secretary of State threaten to "obliterate" another country?

Hillary: We?ll ?totally obliterate? Iran?By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)

Threatening to "obliterate" another country like a typical schoolyard bully. Americans should take a long hard look at themselves. Such primitive behavior.

What can't I say freely? F_U_C_K President Hu Jintao, like I just did? Chinese people protest all the time, the difference is, in China, the riot police are afraid of the people, while in the US, the people are afraid of the riot police. When the people fear the government, and not the government fear the people, that's dangerous. The US regime shows nothing but contempt for its people as its actions in occupy Wall Street have shown.

What if they genuinely don't like Israel or the US? Why can they only criticize the ayatollah, but not Israel or the US?
In the days of nukes, things have changed. It is not like you are in British India anymore setting one tribe fighting another. Nukes are great equalizers as you must know.

Nukes might be an equaliser. Arrow defence is the winner.

You're a daft one hairbrained. Come join the civilised world and stop talking nonsense.
I don't know why people think just because Iran doesn't directly supply oil to Britain, there will be no effect to Britain if Iran is sanctioned. This is bad economics. Lower supply will increase price. It's as simple as that, there's nothing else to say.
I don't know why people think just because Iran doesn't directly supply oil to Britain, there will be no effect to Britain if Iran is sanctioned. This is bad economics. Lower supply will increase price. It's as simple as that, there's nothing else to say.

Production will be increased by other countries so there will be little effect. The gulf states will be more than happy to help.
Muslims have a habit of holding grudges for centuries. You guys still go on and on about crusades etc.

Really? Against whom if I may ask? Where do you think all the weapons for Muslim-majority countries come from?

As far as Iran is concerned, it is in fact the other way around. It is the US that has a grudge against post-revolution Iran.

We fought two world wars with Germany and we have good relations.

That's because the Nazi ideology was defeated, and done so for good.

Time to grow up.

Look who's talking :lol:
More Islamic arrogance. Like the time you promised to destroy Israel and got whooped.

We will do what is necessary to stop a fanatical regime. You forget something my friend - we the British have stopped fanatical regimes before. As have the Americans.

We had the bloodiest wars in the history of this world and we survived them and will survive this.

No immature wide-eyed Islamists who use flags as door mats like childish idiots will hold this world to ransom. A much stronger, more intelligent nation tried that in 1939 and we gave them a right good thrashing.
first i would like to answer about your comment about crusades. just to say you... i don't know where you get it from. but it is very funny because it is not a subject of conversation in Iran. So it is quite funny you say we are obsessed about it.
You know that we are far from these lands where happened the crusades , right?

ok you should know there are two dimensions in the conversationabout blaming (i am not speaking of the propaganda we live under in Iran):
first dimension most important we are not hating americans or europeans , big majority of us. believe me we are not focused on this matter. we are quite normal people caring about having a decent life, give agood education to our children, ...
second dimension is historic but as well politic: england for us means first support of the terrorist group PMOI Mek: just check about this group. they are crazy: they entered Saddam army against their own people to get the leadership of Iran, they helped kill kurds , they put bmbs in Iran which created a terrible situation that led to another terrible serie of assassinations from the regime of the political prisonners
and these crazy guys... you support them ! don't you think there is something wrong in it?

i understand Europe suffered. hey i live in France. i visited an extermination camp (which was horrible to think how crazy a nation can organize such thing) and i saw in all the villages of France the names written on statues of people dead during the first world war. i respect this. and i am happy for you this is peace in Europe. You know in Iran your first world war we got it with the Iraq Iran war. We lost as many of our people during this terrible war.

Wars are finished but even historians speak about "neo colonial" attitude.
we have all our own disaster attitude that we should accept in history. see one guy in this forum from USA didn't want to accept the existence of support of CIA for the 1953 coup.

The word "Islamists" is used in West to say about being bad guys .
You can see in Turkey, in Morocco, in Tunisia : they said to be moderate: you put them in the same ideology than the extremist groups of Islamists?
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