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Britain, Iran severe diplomatic ties

first i would like to answer about your comment about crusades. just to say you... i don't know where you get it from. but it is very funny because it is not a subject of conversation in Iran. So it is quite funny you say we are obsessed about it.
You know that we are far from these lands where happened the crusades , right?

ok you should know there are two dimensions in the conversationabout blaming (i am not speaking of the propaganda we live under in Iran):
first dimension most important we are not hating americans or europeans , big majority of us. believe me we are not focused on this matter. we are quite normal people caring about having a decent life, give agood education to our children, ...
second dimension is historic. england for us means first support of the terrorist group PMOI Mek: just check about this group. they are crazy: they entered Saddam army against their own people to get the leadership of Iran, they helped kill kurds , they put bmbs in Iran which created a terrible situation that led to another terrible serie of assassinations from the regime of the political prisonners
and these crazy guys... you support them ! don't you think there is something wrong in it?

i understand Europe suffered. hey i live in France. i visited an extermination camp (which was horrible to think how crazy a nation can organize such thing) and i saw in all the villages of France the names written on statues of people dead during the first world war. i respect this. and i am happy for you this is peace in Europe. You know in Iran your first world war we got it with the Iraq Iran war. We lost as many of our people during this terrible war.

Wars are finished but even historians speak about "neo colonial" attitude.
we have all our own disaster attitude that we should accept in history. see one guy in this forum from USA didn't want to accept the existence of support of CIA for the 1953 coup.

The word "Islamists" is used in West to say about being bad guys .
You can see in Turkey, in Morocco, in Tunisia : they said to be moderate: you put them in the same ideology than the extremist groups of Islamists?

World is rapidly polarized between Islamic countries and Christian countries it seems. In south Asia. in middle east and in Europe. Horrible.
It should be an eye for an eye. If they froze your assets, you should have frozen their assets.
Tit for tat.
idiot, you keep talking about international law
I have told you 5 times. It's against international law to freeze the assets of another country without UN approval. They are stealing our people's money. That's breaking international law so stfu
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