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Britain, Iran severe diplomatic ties

If you behave like a rogue belligerent state, you get treated like one. Do you honestly think you can go around funding terrorist groups to kill British soldiers and not pay a price? did you think all those IED's you sent to Shia militia in Iraq to kill us would be ignored by us?

Or your years of terrorism against many nationalities using your Hezbollah?

Do you think you can hijack Lebanon and not pay a price?

Do you think you can make such hostile statements against Israel and shout "death to America" and be taken seriously by the world?

You're an immature country. Your 'leaders' behave like kids. You have no idea how to behave diplomatically.

Even Arab development is starting to pass you by.

I guess you can't say Death to America but you can say "We will obliterate Iran!"

Because America is just so damn good. You can't even talk bad about it, otherwise you're evil. Freedom of speech and expression. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Orwellian doublespeak in the West already.

What hypocrites.
If you behave like a rogue belligerent state, you get treated like one. Do you honestly think you can go around funding terrorist groups to kill British soldiers and not pay a price? did you think all those IED's you sent to Shia militia in Iraq to kill us would be ignored by us?

Or your years of terrorism against many nationalities using your Hezbollah?

Do you think you can hijack Lebanon and not pay a price?

Do you think you can make such hostile statements against Israel and shout "death to America" and be taken seriously by the world?

You're an immature country. Your 'leaders' behave like kids. You have no idea how to behave diplomatically.

Even Arab development is starting to pass you by.

This is all I agree with. Iran's leaders are diplomatically and strategically inept, there is no denying this. Had they played their cards right and accepted EU + Germany's deal in 2003, today they would have had a few German made nuclear reactors, trade concessions from EU and they could have started enrichment as early as next year. Instead Iran is as isolated as ever, have lost over 60 billion in investment, and have barely got a watt of energy in return.
The almost complete irrelevance of UK in todays modern world is really amusing. They try to insert themselves into any problem and leapfrog any American initiative it's just so pathetic. They are nothing but a small island on the periphery of Western Europe that will be soon fade into oblivion. Iran is a country with vast resources and population that and with its economic potential UK is making a grave miscalculation in aggravating its relations with Iran.

Are you comparing Iran to the UK? :lol:

You mention Iran's resources. Without which they would be a famine-ridden country.

Iran didn't know it had Oil until we told them. Iran didn't know how to extract it until we did it for them. Iran didn't know how to refine Oil until we did it.
I guess you can't say Death to America but you can say "We will obliterate Iran!"

Because America is just so damn good. You can't even talk bad about it, otherwise you're evil. Freedom of speech and expression. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Orwellian doublespeak in the West already.

What hypocrites.

What kind of backward people call for the death of a country in their Parliament? all chanting like wide-eyed Islamic zombies "death to America", "death to Israel".

They should take a long hard look at themselves. Such primitive behaviour.

And you wonder why countries don't want to do business with Iran?.

You talk of freedom to speak? that's a laugh, since when has Iran given freedom to its people to speak? you can wish death to Israel, but you can't question the Ayatollah.

And I see you're flying the Chinese flag, another country where you can't speak freely.

Yeah, great freedom of speech.
Muslims have a habit of holding grudges for centuries. You guys still go on and on about crusades etc.

We fought two world wars with Germany and we have good relations.

Time to grow up.

And you don't want to get into a conversation about supporting terrorist groups, as Pakistan and Iran excel at this and are international leaders in funding and exporting terrorism.

The reason for that is very clear. Specifically in case of Iran, I must remind you that Britain caused the loss of so much of Iranian territory. Iranians have not forgotten that. Then British with the threat of war got Iran to surrender its hydrocarbon resources in 1901 to a British company which later became BP. This British company used to pay Iran only 16000 (Sixteen Thousand) sterling pounds yearly for all the oil they could remove from Iran, which was the only oil resource for British empire and UK used it run its colonies around the world as well as switching its economy from coal to oil. Not to mention the same oil was used by UK to fight two world wars and creating a world in which British dominance was ensured. All the while British living standard was improving because of this oil while Iranians were living in abject poverty.

When finally Iranian rose up and elected a government to get back their oil after 52 years of exploitations, British colluded with Americans to take over Iranian oil again. After operation Ajax, again Iranian oil was divided among powers with US taking 50%, British 30%, France 10% and Iran only 10%. The stealing of oil never stopped but Iran's share dramatically improved from 16000 sterling pounds a year to 10% of oil revenues, still peanuts though. This continued till 1979. The strange thing is UK only started to exploit its own oil resources once Iranian revolution happened with UK drilling Brent in 1980. Then to take revenge on Iranians they started supporting MEK, Saddam, and God knows who. What a shame and thief nation, this is. It is entirely made up of stolen goods from all over the world. Ofcourse Iranians are angry and will remain until they can get all that oil back with interest, which I am sure is going to be thousands of trillions of dollars.

This is just one part of the story. Part of the story of Iran. And I am not going to start what you stole from Indian subcontinent. I am not talking only about Kohi-Noor diamond. It is more that. You see your nation engineered many famines in subcontinent, which killed tens of millions of people. For example the famous Bengal famines of 1943, when British troops destroyed crops and set alight grains and food to kill as many as local population as possible just like famine of 1771. People have not forgotten such things, just like Iranians have not forgotten that British troops in second world war used Bistoun mountain writings in Iran, a unique historical site for shooting practices, destroying the ancient writings on them. No, dear people have not forgotten, and if a another nation had done all these to you, neither would you.
Are you comparing Iran to the UK? :lol:

You mention Iran's resources. Without which they would be a famine-ridden country.

Iran didn't know it had Oil until we told them. Iran didn't know how to extract it until we did it for them. Iran didn't know how to refine Oil until we did it.

Wow you really aren't that smart.

Iran the country with a history of 12,000 years of agriculture and where many of todays animals and plants/fruits where first domesticated would have been a "famine ridding country"? :laugh:

Let me tell you this, if Iran didn't have oil they would have been MUCH better off. History tells us all natural resources do is perpetuate the status quo. Just look at Turkey, they have no resources and their economy can't stop growing. No oil = no more british coups, no more American fanaticism and obsession, so please cut the crap.
This is all I agree with. Iran's leaders are diplomatically and strategically inept, there is no denying this. Had they played their cards right and accepted EU + Germany's deal in 2003, today they would have had a few German made nuclear reactors, trade concessions from EU and they could have started enrichment as early as next year. Instead Iran is as isolated as ever, have lost over 60 billion in investment, and have barely got a watt of energy in return.

There's a reason why they have refused all offers (including enriching in Russia) - because they want a bomb.

Everyone knows it. Iran knows we know. We know Iran knows that we know.

We just have to go through a diplomatic charade until we force Iran to comply.
What kind of backward people call for the death of a country in their Parliament? all chanting like wide-eyed Islamic zombies "death to America", "death to Israel".

The same kind of people who say in their parliament: "Lets go to Iraq and kill a million children". If I am not mistaken that was UK's parliament. You are a colonial fascist, so stop trying to lecture us.
There's a reason why they have refused all offers (including enriching in Russia) - because they want a bomb.

Yes, there is a reason. They know they will never get the fuel, they never got their money back. Iran since mid 1970's has been an owner of Eurodif enrichment plant in France which supplies the enriched Uranium for all EU reactors. Iran had paid 10 billion dollars for the ownership rights of the plant and to this day is a legal owner of the plant. Iran has never seen its money nor one gram of enriched Uranium since 1970's. I guess that is a good reason for Iran to enrich its own Uranium. By the way, I favor Iran to have its own nuclear bomb as an insurance against imperialistic colonial fascist like you who from time time get crazy and go on mass murder of children around the world. With nukes Iranians will never have to worry about the lives of their children anymore.
The reason for that is very clear. Specifically in case of Iran, I must remind you that Britain caused the loss of so much of Iranian territory. Iranians have not forgotten that. Then British with the threat of war got Iran to surrender its hydrocarbon resources in 1901 to a British company which later became BP. This British company used to pay Iran only 16000 (Sixteen Thousand) sterling pounds yearly for all the oil they could remove from Iran, which was the only oil resource for British empire and UK used it run its colonies around the world as well as switching its economy from coal to oil. Not to mention the same oil was used by UK to fight two world wars and creating a world in which British dominance was ensured. All the while British living standard was improving because of this oil while Iranians were living in abject poverty.

When finally Iranian rose up and elected a government to get back their oil after 52 years of exploitations, British colluded with Americans to take over Iranian oil again. After operation Ajax, again Iranian oil was divided among powers with US taking 50%, British 30%, France 10% and Iran only 10%. The stealing of oil never stopped but Iran's share dramatically improved from 16000 sterling pounds a year to 10% of oil revenues, still peanuts though. This continued till 1979. The strange thing is UK only started to exploit its own oil resources once Iranian revolution happened with UK drilling Brent in 1980. Then to take revenge on Iranians they started supporting MEK, Saddam, and God knows who. What a shame and thief nation, this is. It is entirely made up of stolen goods from all over the world. Ofcourse Iranians are angry and will remain until they can get all that oil back with interest, which I am sure is going to be thousands of trillions of dollars.

This is just one part of the story. Part of the story of Iran. And I am not going to start what you stole from Indian subcontinent. I am not talking only about Kohi-Noor diamond. It is more that. You see your nation engineered many famines in subcontinent, which killed tens of millions of people. For example the famous Bengal famines of 1943, when British troops destroyed crops and set alight grains and food to kill as many as local population as possible just like famine of 1771. People have not forgotten such things, just like Iranians have not forgotten that British troops in second world war used Bistoun mountain writings in Iran, a unique historical site for shooting practices, destroying the ancient writings on them. No, dear people have not forgotten, and if a another nation had done all these to you, neither would you.

Look, you're proving my point.

**** happens and has happened to every country on earth. If you want to go into history, then we can talk about the Persian empire pillaging other nations and people.

India had a problem with Britain. What now? like grown up people who want to progress in life, they have given up their hatred and have joined the civilised world. They are now the world's most populous democracy and their economy is flourishing.

Israel could hold a grudge against Germany, but slowly they opened dialogue and have full relations.

Yet you lot still harp on about territories from hundreds of years ago when the world was a different place with empires who split up land and divided countries.

Pakistan and Iran should use India as an example of how to develop past history and become a respected country.
There's a reason why they have refused all offers (including enriching in Russia) - because they want a bomb.

Everyone knows it. Iran knows we know. We know Iran knows that we know.

We just have to go through a diplomatic charade until we force Iran to comply.

You must be an idiot to believe they want an actual physical bomb. If they were really driven by this they would not have had the level of cooperation with the IAEA like they have today and they would've just went Kim Jong-il. They just want to develop their nuclear infrastructure and have the capacity to build one. There's nothing illegal about this.
Look, you're proving my point.

**** happens and has happened to every country on earth. If you want to go into history, then we can talk about the Persian empire pillaging other nations and people.

That is exactly what I am saying. Lets make a **** happen to you too. It is never too late, you know. After this **** happens to you we can all forget about it, but not before that. You see, you have not learnt your lesson, you are still arrogant. You want to impose yourself and when you are reminded of your atrocities, you say **** happens. Ofcourse until it does not happen to you fascists you will never back off. It is a good thing, Iran gets nukes. It will balance out you fascists.
Look, you're proving my point.

**** happens and has happened to every country on earth. If you want to go into history, then we can talk about the Persian empire pillaging other nations and people.

India had a problem with Britain. What now? like grown up people who want to progress in life, they have given up their hatred and have joined the civilised world. They are now the world's most populous democracy and their economy is flourishing.

Israel could hold a grudge against Germany, but slowly they opened dialogue and have full relations.

Yet you lot still harp on about territories from hundreds of years ago when the world was a different place with empires who split up land and divided countries.

Pakistan and Iran should use India as an example of how to develop past history and become a respected country.

I think the mistake your making is thinking Iran is the one with the grudge, it is not. US and America still cannot let go that there puppets have been overthrown and Iranian regime is a living example that a nation can rise against Westen hegemony and the plundering of their resources. This is what drives American and British obsession with Iran, to show other countries the fate that will await those that dare seek independent foreign policy.
You must be an idiot to believe they want an actual physical bomb. If they were really driven by this they would not have had the level of cooperation with the IAEA like they have today and they would've just went Kim Jong-il. They just want to develop their nuclear infrastructure and have the capacity to build one. There's nothing illegal about this.

Yeah, Iran hid secret nuclear facilities in mountains because they want "peaceful nuclear energy"

Let's get real.
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