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Breaking: Iran detains U.S navy soldiers entering Iranian territorial waters

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Anyway, what's with this superiority complex that some Americans, from civilians to politicians and commanders have? Are Americans supposed to be treated different from any other country? What would you do if we came all the thousands of miles and entered U.S territorial waters?
Graffiti your boat and send you back. :devil:
This "strategic town" is actually a village with less than 3 K inhabitants. Iran is indeed gaining ground, but its thanks to US air support and US prevention of weapons to rebels.

I knew u are not very bright. Here number of countries operating TOWs:

Cameroon: Military of Cameroon
Canada: Canadian Armed Forces
Saudi Arabia
Somalia Somalia
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States of America

Any of these could supply TOWs.

Its natural gas refinery. What was the point of destroying it I really dont know.

There is virtually no SAA in South Aleppo. All the offensive there is done by Iraqi and Iranian mercenaries.


US used Saddam, now US is using Ayatulas. That does not mean US wont get rid of of them one day.

These tankers were inactive standing static. When Russia tried to prove ISIS oil trade with Turkey it actually showed Kurdish truck footage.
The kurds are also part of the illegal oil trade with turkey, they sell the oil to turkey.
The refineries are targets because they make crude usable (you can't just put crude oil in a tank and drive)
Yes the u.s used Saddam in the 1980s. But not after 1991 (Saddam originally thought the u.s gave him approval)
Alsohttp://Syrian Army and Hezbollah Strike Southern Aleppo With a Vengeance: 4 More Villages Captured you are incorrect
SAA and Hezbollah. No mercs period
The kurds are also part of the illegal oil trade with turkey, they sell the oil to turkey.
The refineries are targets because they make crude usable (you can't just put crude oil in a tank and drive)
Yes the u.s used Saddam in the 1980s. But not after 1991 (Saddam originally thought the u.s gave him approval)
Alsohttp://Syrian Army and Hezbollah Strike Southern Aleppo With a Vengeance: 4 More Villages Captured you are incorrect
SAA and Hezbollah. No mercs period

Kurds have their own oil which they sell to Turkey
The kurds are also part of the illegal oil trade with turkey, they sell the oil to turkey.
The refineries are targets because they make crude usable (you can't just put crude oil in a tank and drive)
Yes the u.s used Saddam in the 1980s. But not after 1991 (Saddam originally thought the u.s gave him approval)
Alsohttp://Syrian Army and Hezbollah Strike Southern Aleppo With a Vengeance: 4 More Villages Captured you are incorrect
SAA and Hezbollah. No mercs period

The Iraqi Kurdistan has its own oil which they sell seperate from the Iraqi central goverment. You are pretty retarded.
Navigation systems seem to malfunction a lot in that area lately! I wonder if another Bermuda Triangle is taking shape in Persian Gulf!:lol:

Wasn't navigation system, engine broke down on one of the boats and it drifted/ the currents swept it to the location it was found at. They were probably attempting to fix it and didn't leave it because they didn't want to explain to their superiors that they simply left an expensive piece of equipment.
It is no doubt very strange, according to few news outlet, navigation system stop working and boats drift into Persian waters.....how could be possible ?
It is no doubt very strange, according to few news outlet, navigation system stop working and boats drift into Persian waters.....how could be possible ?
It's highly impossible, since electronics never malfunction and Persian waters look distinctly different from Big waters.
Graffiti your boat and send you back. :devil:

Iran Revolutionary Guards: Unit Engraved Emblem on U.S. Ship
Iran did that one before you. :chilli:

It is no doubt very strange, according to few news outlet, navigation system stop working and boats drift into Persian waters.....how could be possible ?

Well US navy seems to have been in dark and did not know what exactly happened since today they changed their story, saying that there was no mechanical failure as both boats left Iran under their own power and that US navy is going to investigate the matter, suggesting that the crew was young, tired, seasick and inexperienced: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/14/world/middleeast/iran-navy-crew-release.html?_r=0

With these kind of incidents, you can never be sure. Alot of things are happening in the region, with literally the map of the region changing. The status quo is being replaced by a new order. Alot of games are being played simultaneously. Just look at the events of the past 6 months, so much has changed in the region.

The right question to ask is who benefited from this incident, the most? An incident happens right at the nick of time just hours before US president is going to deliver his last address to union, in the year of a US election, with another election about to happen in Iran in weeks, and Saudis going mad with desperation, etc etc.

Specially the way, matter got resolved in just a day, which is light speed in terms of how things work in Iran, and with US secretary of state making several phone calls to his Iranian counter part, something that was not even imaginable couple of years ago. All these make the incident suspicious to say the least, meaning someone might have known something was about to happen and the events were carefully choreographed to gain political advantage in multiple dimensions.

By the way, here is something completely unrelated to this incident, that I just remembered, not that it has any connection to this incident or that even remotely I am suggestible to a "conspiracy theory", it is just for your personal knowledge: US spy drone hijacked with GPS spoof hack, report says • The Register

It's just realpolitik between world powers. A game for male adults to satisfy their gigantic egos and even bigger patriotic feelings. You either play it or will be played. There is really no other choice.
You enter one's territorial waters, you get arrested, there is no humiliation in that. That will happen to any other country in the world by any proper country, U.S is no exception.
Actually...You are wrong.

Of course, there are international laws, but BEFORE you exercise the laws, it is expected that you exercise courtesies, especially professional courtesies and even more so since this is on the seas where navigation and travel are much more difficult than on land.

If it is clear that the trespassers have no ill intentions and that they proved that the violation was accidental, professional courtesies between seamen, especially military seamen, asks that you render assistance, as best you can, and allow or even that you escort the trespassers out of your territorial waters.

Yes...Iran have the right to investigate their vessel but what Iran did was outright humiliation for the US in general and to the sailors in particular.
Yes...Iran have the right to investigate their vessel but what Iran did was outright humiliation for the US in general and to the sailors in particular.

Are you aware that in those parts of the world (not only in Iran), humiliating US is considered to be one of the most honorable acts that can ever be committed by humanity? This is just a fact I am reporting, I am not saying it is good or bad, but that is how things are for US in many parts of the world.

By the way, how would have US acted if a Cuban or Russian ship was just getting close to US coast, not even in US territorial waters just close, you know what I mean. Surely US would not have threatened to nuke the whole planet and humiliate the humanity along with 200 million other species. Would it? Oh wait a minute, I remember now: Cuban Missile Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A junkie drunkard of a president who used to shoot crystal meth and get his concubines killed by driving drunk was about to blow up the planet over this incident. Thank God, Russians stayed sane.

And the last time US float-ables floated in Iranian waters, Iran paid the price dearly: Iran Air Flight 655 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That was when US navy had been rented to Mr Saddam Hossein, the honorary citizen of Detroit, the industrial capital city of United States. Since then US killed Saddam and Detroit both. But the history is still there. And Iranians have a very long memory.
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