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Brahmaputra dries up in Arunachal Pradesh town! Is China responsible?

This is pretty strange that this news has been circulated just days after supreme court of India gave green light to ahead of the river linking project which has main intention to divert water from Brahmaputra and Ganga from the entry point Bangladesh and divert it to southern Indian states.

Now it is quite apparent that Indian government is now try to justify the river linking project with news like this. After seeing the news I have done some search of the news and eventually found that it is mostly a publicity stunt of Indian politicians. This has been cleared from the remark of Indian government officials those who observe the rivers water flow.

Thanks to Times of India for publishing it.

Chinese role suspected as Siang goes dry - The Times of India

The Central Water Commission (CWC), which monitors the country's river basin systems, claims there is
no information of any "abnormal" decline in the water level of the Siang. "This is a lean period of the year and water levels of rivers usually come down at this time. We have not noticed any unusual dip in Siang," a CWC source said.

It is quite apparent that politicians of the arunachal pradesh intentionally or with the advise from Central government has staged this drama similar to that of Chief minister of west bengal Mamta didi. She claimed that due to leakage of two sluice gates Bangladesh is getting 88% more water from Ganges.

I think that before staging this drama politicians of arunachal pradesh forgot that Farakka officials junked Didi theory. :lol: :rofl:

Farakka officials junk Didi theory - Indian Express

It is also unusual that suddenly within days water of such a big river can be stopped and dried out. This is also funny about the accusation that China has built some dam or artificial blockage as if China would have really intend to do so they could not hide it.

But these sort of drama has exposed the lie and deception of Indian politicians. But thanks to Indian government officials for exposing such lie and deception.

However saying all these I believe China is a sensible country and will clarify this issue if there is anything to be clarified by them.

N Bangladeshis were not posting here because Bangladeshis do not come to Indian section. We have no interest on what is going on inside India. We are only concern about Bangladesh.

I just came here seeing the link posted by one Indian poster in Bangladeshi section.
^^ uff your love for China is bigger then your own country...:lol:

you tried really hard for this...:tup:
^^ uff your love for China is bigger then your own country...:lol:

you tried really hard for this...:tup:

See what has been said by Indian official. It said all. N see last part of my comment which states clearly we care for Bangladesh only and has no interest on drama played by Indian politicians but in the mean time asked China to clarify the issue.

Chinese role suspected as Siang goes dry - The Times of India

The Central Water Commission (CWC), which monitors the country's river basin systems, claims there is no information of any "abnormal" decline in the water level of the Siang. "This is a lean period of the year and water levels of rivers usually come down at this time. We have not noticed any unusual dip in Siang," a CWC source said.
Not a single bangladeshi comment on this thread, such a hypocrites.
Stopping flow of water will affect bangladeshis and it seems they are not worried.
That shows how many are real bangladeshis who love their own people who will die in millions if water is stopped.

Highly Confidential

delete... might lead me to ban or infraction... I doubt the identity of BD. I am not sure if they are really BDi or masqueraders.
and what are you doing in kashmir
its part of the game you control our rivers
your rivers are now under the control of china
In kashmir we are sitting Idle right now, maybe in future some Golf I hope...... Oh U want something about water right? Right now we have no plans but since U guys keep repeating this we may consider ur request...
Game of controlling rivers was never part of our plan... if it had been then U would not survived this long....
Our river under the control of China? All the best then, ask ur all weather friend China to provide water instead oh moaning with India......
and what are you doing in kashmir
its part of the game you control our rivers
your rivers are now under the control of china

What do you think ? That the water under Chinese control will fly over the dams which we built and reach your country :rofl:
It is just that till now u had to drag only India to ICJ to get water and now u have to drag both India and China.
Where all the Indians gone when truth has been exposed by the government officials. These Indian politicians are master of lie and deception.
Where all the Indians gone when truth has been exposed by the government officials. These Indian politicians are master of lie and deception.
Where is that? U mean to take the source u said?
Just wait till The president Mr. Asif Ali Zardari gives me control of the Pakistan Armed forces and the heads-up for the operation which i designed and code named Operation "India Wilco Sierra" in this operation 2 aircrafts armed with 2 GBUs per dam are required and after that The indian rule over our rivers will be Thwarted
:yahoo: :sniper: :victory: :chilli: :pakistan:
Dont worry , When Indian River linking project is complete , we are going to make our neighbours suffer


To some Indians, the purpose of existence of India is solely to make Indian neighbors suffer.

Your neighbors are fully aware of that for long time. That is why you are surrounded by enemies: China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal…
Plz post this in Bangladesh forum...they need to see this. Those idiots always blame us..

Yeah, here's an 'idiot' replying here.

Your officials were saying that China is 'maybe' blocking the water.

Piece of advise: There's no such thing as a 'maybe' in such matters. It's either a yes or no answer.

And guess what genius? YOUR officials just said that such allegations were false.

India now says diversion by China not true

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pallab Bhattacharya, New Delhi

India yesterday said the apprehensions expressed by the Arunachal Pradesh government about a possible diversion of the Brahmaputra River by China "is not correct and devoid of facts".

The concern on drastic fall in water level of the river, locally known as Siang, "may be based on the visual impression gathered from general public perception of the river flows around Pasighat town", a central government statement said.

The Central Water Commission found no “abnormal changes” in the water level of the river Siang. This is lean season when water levels of rivers naturally drop.

Tako Dabi, a spokesman of Arunachal government, told the media on Wednesday night about “the fall” in water level of the Siang due to either diversion of water in its upper reaches in Tibet, China or any blockade there.

He claimed such a fall in Siang water level has not been seen in the last 50 years.

India also said China assured it of not doing anything that could hurt the interests of lower riparian countries.

“On the question of diversion of water, let me say that India and China have had many exchanges on this subject, even at the highest levels, between the prime ministers of the two countries.

“Our own look into this whole question has also led us to believe that what the Chinese are telling us is correct”, said Joint Secretary (East Asia) Gautam Bambawale.

The Brahmaputra has its source in China's southwestern Tibet region where it is known as the Yarlung Tsangpo, and it enters India in the mountainous, remote northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh.

The 2,900-kilometre river then descends into the plains of adjoining Assam state and ends in Bangladesh in the Bay of Bengal, along the way supplying water to hundreds of millions of farmers and residents.

Yesterday, China denied that a dam it was building on a major river in Tibet was impacting the lower reaches of the waterway in India, reports AFP.

"Our projects have not affected the lower stream regions, including those in India," China's foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters when asked of his nation's water usage on the river.

"Overall, the utilisation of the river by the Chinese side is very low."

China pays attention to the impact on the lower stream regions when developing its water resources, Hong said, adding that Chinese officials have briefed India on its development of the Yarlung Tsangpo.

"To satisfy the needs of the Tibet Autonomous Region, China has begun to build the hydroelectric power station of Zangmu in the middle part of Yarlung Tsangpo river," Hong said.

"It does not have a big capacity and does not retain an excessive amount of water. It will not affect the downstream water regulation and environment."

^^ uff your love for China is bigger then your own country...:lol:

you tried really hard for this...:tup:


Tell us which Indian logic would drive you to accuse the person who exposed an Indian lie as: love China more than love your country?

Is helping India lie meaning the other way around: love India more than love your country?

No wonder Indian democracy is so cr@py, because many of the constituents of the democracy don’t possess basic literacy of logic. How could anyone expect them to be reasonably rational?

Yeah, here's an 'idiot' replying here.

YOUR officials were saying that China is 'maybe' blocking the water.

Piece of advise: There's no such thing as a 'maybe' in such matters. It's either a yes or no answer.

And guess what genius? Your officials just said that such allegations were false.


It seems that India has too many, and too exacerbated ugly part of democracy, too less good part of democracy.
It seems that India has too many, and too exacerbated ugly part of democracy, too less good part of democracy.

From beginning it seemed to me whole show is part of drama to give justification of the river linking project to divert more water from Brahmaputra before entering Bangladesh. Lie and deception of India always become exposed.
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