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Brahmaputra dries up in Arunachal Pradesh town! Is China responsible?

Just because someone has a certain nationality does not prove that their government was involved in their crimes.

There are plenty of overseas Chinese who commit crimes, does that mean the Chinese state is responsible for them?

The largest school massacre in American history (Virginia Tech) was carried out by a South Korean national. Does that mean the South Korean government was responsible?

No, the only reason India blames the Pakistani government, is because you are Indians. You have zero physical proof, just like you have no proof in the Brahmaputra case.

Well then why the PAK keep on asking form the world to give proof rather then finding itself from their country.........then why didn't the pan govt caught who the group and always ask india for proof..... the same way they keep on saying OBL is not in PAK....... everyone in world got proof , they said Nuclear smulleging, even China denied selling nuclear magnetic ring to PAK but when US showed with PIC then china admit it ..... its shame that you people do and hide your faces and when proof drives then keep on saying it become old now...we don't discuss...it....
China should dry up completely Brahmaputra and block all tributary rivers that flown into India before India divert this river away from Bangladesh..what a hypocritical nation...check this video to see Indians true color.

Remeber this my Banglash friends...if Indians take away your water, we will take away it from them.

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we dont need brahmputra:laugh:
it will affect bangladesh:laugh:

Sure dude..you gorvernment cast an worry eyes..and your people are panicking...only you that live far far away of that area..so it's not much concern you...LMAO
I stand by what i have said and i believe it to be true
:partay: :sniper:
For now we'll just have to wait and see
Typical Indians, blaming their neighbours for their own problems, with absolutely no proof at all. :rolleyes:

Sort of like how they blamed the Pakistani government for the Mumbai attacks, yet till this day these Indians still have no proof.

Out little Chini friend here fails to see the question mark in the opening post . It signifies a suspicion , a question that needs to be investigated .

About the second statement , he is a well known troll .
Typical Indians, blaming their neighbours for their own problems, with absolutely no proof at all. :rolleyes:



Chinese dams on the Brahmaputra threaten lives of Indians and Bangladeshis
China wants to launch an anti-drought project to save region of Xinjiang. Despite Beijing’s guarantees, India and Bangladesh fear the diversion of the river will have a negative impact on the ecosystem.

New Delhi (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The new Chinese anti-drought project, which envisages the diversion of the Brahmaputra to the arid Xinjiang region, is raising serious concern in India and Bangladesh. Although Beijing has assured that there will be no negative impact on the ecosystem in the central basin or downstream of the river, the two countries instead fear for the people who live along its course.

In November last year, China had already announced a first project concerning the construction of a dam on the Tsangpo (the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra), with a view to creating the world's largest hydroelectric plant with a capacity of 510MW. But this new plan is causing concern in India and Bangladesh: Some Indian satellites in fact, have photographed the construction of several dams along the tributaries of the river. According to some experts, the very minor deviation of these courses will slow the flow of the Brahmaputra, causing damage to local populations as in the case of dams on the Mekong.

The Brahmaputra, one Asia’s major rivers, has its source in south-western Tibet. Nearly 3 thousand kilometers long, it winds its way through the Himalayas, and then through India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam) to Bangladesh where it flows into the Bay of Bengal.

INDIA - BANGLADESH - CHINA Chinese dams on the Brahmaputra threaten lives of Indians and Bangladeshis - Asia News
Not a single bangladeshi comment on this thread, such a hypocrites.

Stopping flow of water will affect bangladeshis and it seems they are not worried.

That shows how many are real bangladeshis who love their own people who will die in millions if water is stopped.
Ssu ssu..... Some is already pissed and u dont point it out again...

How come there is no Boycott China now?
Not a single bangladeshi comment on this thread, such a hypocrites.

Stopping flow of water will affect bangladeshis and it seems they are not worried.

That shows how many are real bangladeshis who love their own people who will die in millions if water is stopped.

Do you think any of them even care about Bangladesh

They are just here spread anti awami campaign nothing else
Touch our Indus River Indians and we will show you what we are made out of. :whistle:

You are asking this question half a century late .... there are too many dams already and enough water is being taken from those rivers :rofl:
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