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Blast in Quetta kills 84 Shias, injures 200

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Same as why Dalits and Muslims migrate to a place where they are treated better; not India

Dalits and muslims are staying in india, Not migrating at least not any more than any other community.

Btw don't divert the topic, stick to it.
Any Pakistani takers?? Why not? What's there to be afraid of? It's an open forum and your views can help all our readers understand

Please do note that this is not an open forum. It is a moderated forum that has some very definite declared and undeclared limits.
Geo news claims 800 - 1000 kgs of explosive material used in bombing - Gov Maagsi claims (in ENglish) that intelligence agancies failed and that they are afraid to take on the criminals.

Now is the Balocuh Governor also an over educated liberal (extremist)?

You do realize that this Governor & his CM were incompetent & corrupt to the point of nausea; I'm sure the Honorable Governor, were he to be in possession of any evidence, would raise the issue before the Supreme Court of Pakistan !
Geo news claims 800 - 1000 kgs of explosive material used in bombing - Gov Maagsi claims (in ENglish) that intelligence agancies failed and that they are afraid to take on the criminals.

Now is the Balocuh Governor also an over educated liberal (extremist)?

1000KG = 1 freaking ton of explosives... It's insane and unbelievable that such a thing can happen without involvement of sympathizers, who are in power

Why look outside... Look within!!! PDF will have a strong contingent of Pakistanis living in Pakistan (I am sure it will be more than 10000)... Mates, begin the charity at home... Go out fellas and protest and demand that your government do something to secure lives of innocent countrymen! A small drop of water can start a flood...! As a human, I am just aghast how this can be tolerated... We have equally incompetent government, but still after serial blasts few years ago, the people forced the govt to take down shivraj patil (the then home minister) and Chidambaram took over and the violence spiral stopped then! Force a change for the sake of stopping this gross human loss folks!
May the departed soul rest in peace.

The killing of Hazaras is a joint venture between Afghan-Taliban, AQ, TTP and Punjabi-Taliban (Lashkar-e-Jangvi). Unfortunately, the killings of these innocent harmless people will continue, because the forces who are supposed to protect them are looking the other way.

Why so ? the reason ?
Geo news claims 800 - 1000 kgs of explosive material used in bombing - Gov Maagsi claims (in ENglish) that intelligence agancies failed and that they are afraid to take on the criminals.

Now is the Balocuh Governor also an over educated liberal (extremist)?

Just read lil bit about competency of governor & show me what steps he has taken to stop this?
Please do note that this is not an open forum. It is a moderated forum that has some very definite declared and undeclared limits.

You misunderstand in what sense this is an "open" forum - please be assured that the rules of this forum do not include restricting you from responding to the question, given that, "There are scores of Shia's and Sunni's in other countries - India has a large Shia population and much much larger Sunni population - why isn't Saudi petro dollars working in other places except Pakistan? - the whole system is flawed"

Please do respond to this interesting question - I don't think anyone is expecting anything other than your sense as to why this happens in Pakistan, but not in India, or Indonesia or Turkiye
Management is more interested in traffic that's why the monkeys (irrespective of nationality) keep jumping from one thread to other and post one liners, provoke people - there are dozens of people whom i have added to ignore list and haven't seen a single sane post coming from them but still they are here

Monkeys will get caught mate and weeded out... but I'd still state, stopping a discussion just because there are few bozos around, might actually be counter productive. Traffic or not, I do believe that PDF is one of the MOST tolerant forums where both Pakistanis and Indians participate.
You misunderstand in what sense this is an "open" forum - please be assured that the rules of this forum do not include restricting you from responding to the question, given that, "There are scores of Shia's and Sunni's in other countries - India has a large Shia population and much much larger Sunni population - why isn't Saudi petro dollars working in other places except Pakistan? - the whole system is flawed"

Please do respond to this interesting question - I don't think anyone is expecting anything other than your sense as to why this happens in Pakistan, but not in India, or Indonesia or Turkiye

The answer is very simple: All other countries having an influx of Wahabi petrodollars have functioning governments. Pakistan does not.
You do realize that this Governor & his CM were incompetent & corrupt to the point of nausea; I'm sure the Honorable Governor, were he to be in possession of any evidence, would raise the issue before the Supreme Court of Pakistan !
Along with them, security forces are also responsible. I mean why everyone blaming Govt alone but not those whose work is to provide safety to its citizen ? Entire system is at fault here. Even general population.
Along with them, security forces are also responsible. I mean why everyone blaming Govt alone but not those whose work is to provide safety to its citizen ? Entire system is at fault here. Even general population.

Of course they are but to suggest that there is some sort of a glorified conspiracy being pulled over by the Security Establishment over here that not only involves butchering the same civilians they're supposed to protect or tarnish the country's image beyond repair but that it involves using their own soldiers as cannon fodder for some ulterior objective is extremely unpalatable to my mind not to mention wholly unsubstantiated.

There is a dynamic in which all of this is happening & our failure to understand that is chronic !
The answer is very simple: All other countries having an influx of Wahabi petrodollars have functioning governments. Pakistan does not.

There are no two opinions about the disaster the PPP has been with regard to governance - however, the particular problem of wahabi petrodollars precedes the PPP government. When the same point is put to our Wahabi members, they advise us to look wthin ourselves for our shortcomings and not place any kind of responsibility for the aions of Wahabis on Wahabism - indeed, when the "religion of peace and forgiveness" crowd is approached, they too say it's has nothing to do with them.

Pointing out that ISI and Armed forces are responsible for the security of Pakistan, leads to deflection to the police, to the railways, to the govt, to the credentials of the Balouchistan Governor.

See, it's really rather simple, regardless of the govt, agencies and institutions have a job to do - can you really imagine that RAW, MOSSAD, Shin Bet, IB, Muhabarat could ever argue that they do not do their job because they think the government of the time is not to their liking???
Because they are in minority here. There is a bigger gorilla called Hindu in the room who has to be faced.

Anyway if you think Shia-sunni relations are rosy in India, think again.

Not one Moharram procession goes without stone pelting, clashes between rival sects in shia heartland of lucknow.

Stone pelters aren't financed by KSA, that must be the internal animosity that exists between the two sects and it only happens during processions when even the Shias give back what they get at least its kept under control by the state's security apparatus and its not an everyday affair unlike the unbridled ongoing violence in Pakistan that surprisingly is not being taken seriously by the authorities.
Of course they are but to suggest that there is some sort of a glorified conspiracy being pulled over by the Security Establishment over here that not only involves butchering the same civilians they're supposed to protect or tarnish the country's image beyond repair but that it involves using their own soldiers as cannon fodder for some ulterior objective is extremely unpalatable to my mind not to mention wholly unsubstantiated.
There is a dynamic in which all of this is happening & our failure to understand that is chronic !
1. What I meant was Not that entire Security Establishment is involved. Its just handful of extremist ideology people within the system who want their own purpose to be fulfilled. May be few are helping just to make people demand for Military rule as they want to take control again. I mean just handful of people. I am not blaming entire establishment.

2. There is large number of soft targets along with porous border and rough terrain that is a security nightmare. Even US can't stop infiltration from Mexico with all its might These terrorists just look like common people.

3. Govt. and other parties are busy in preparing for elections but forgetting that if they focus just on working with PA and kill many terrorists, with working in together, the Govt. may easily come into power again.

4. Last point is, people across Pakistan has to rise and protest for days until a firm decision is not taken. They shouldn't move even if they are lathi charged, tear gas thrown or water cannon used. Like what happened in Delhi and rest of the India. Pakistan need massive civilian uprising that forces the govt. to take immediate and harsh efforts. People should tell the govt. that take harsh steps and we are with you and PA. This gives them Political will.
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