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Blast in Quetta kills 84 Shias, injures 200

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There are scores of Shia's and Sunni's in other countries - India has a large Shia population and much much larger Sunni population - why isn't Saudi petro dollars working in other places except Pakistan? - the whole system is flawed

What a fantastic question --- I hope our angry Pakistani forum members and nationalistic mods may take the opportunity to offer us some answers
Pakistan and ISI should do better at protecting their citizens from terrorists.

When ISI try something, our liberals go to courts and file petition against ISI. Baluchistan's "civil" government is not interested to involve army, they even don't allow army cantonments. No one blames IB who is responsible for domestic/internal intelligence, nobody blame FIA who is responsible for Investigation, Nobody blames Police who is 100% under civilian control, nobody blames FC who is under provincial control and is present there, No body blames courts who let the terrorists go away (less than 4% conviction rate) but are more interested in prices of Sugar & Gas. There is reason why Hazars was demanding army to takeover of city in last protest because they know the ground realities. However, some of our too much educated liberal friends think that ISI has crystal ball in which they can see all terrorist plans and army personals can fly like superman and go and kill them.
There are scores of Shia's and Sunni's in other countries - India has a large Shia population and much much larger Sunni population - why isn't Saudi petro dollars working in other places except Pakistan? - the whole system is flawed

Any Pakistani takers?? Why not? What's there to be afraid of? It's an open forum and your views can help all our readers understand
Tribune saying 64 killed. The number has increased.

I never knew that muslims are further divided into shia or sunni or ahmediya until i dint join this forum.I hope same for other indian guys little more or less.
This shows that muslims in india are better united with country than pakistan
Its inappropriate post on wrong time, wrong thread. Lets not bring Indian Muslims. We can discuss it in some other thread.
May the departed soul rest in peace.

The killing of Hazaras is a joint venture between Afghan-Taliban, AQ, TTP and Punjabi-Taliban (Lashkar-e-Jangvi). Unfortunately, the killings of these innocent harmless people will continue, because the forces who are supposed to protect them are looking the other way.
Read from 2nd Page if you wan to know how Kashmir came into equation. There are plenty of Indians who never think about human lives but are more interested in scoring brownies. And this rule will not be exception, just like there is criteria to qualify to post in Kashmir Section, same should apply on Pakistan's internal affairs.

Then what is the point of a forum? you'd just say that we can discuss everything else but this, that and that has to be left out... Actually you will be creating exceptions then... The point is that the debate should be healthy and those who try to derail it should be warned and eventually banned and I believe that webby and mods have been doing that pretty consistently so far... but, that's just my humble opinion... Don't color everyone with the same paint, please.
There are scores of Shia's and Sunni's in other countries - India has a large Shia population and much much larger Sunni population - why isn't Saudi petro dollars working in other places except Pakistan? - the whole system is flawed

Because they are in minority here. There is a bigger gorilla called Hindu in the room who has to be faced.

Anyway if you think Shia-sunni relations are rosy in India, think again.

Not one Moharram procession goes without stone pelting, clashes between rival sects in shia heartland of lucknow.
Geo news claims 800 - 1000 kgs of explosive material used in bombing - Gov Maagsi claims (in ENglish) that intelligence agancies failed and that they are afraid to take on the criminals.

Now is the Balocuh Governor also an over educated liberal (extremist)?
The "Real" Muslims and their ideology, that the purpose, to present Pakistan on plate to these Real Muslims -- I realize it's very hard to digest this but Do yourself a favor, look into how many times ISI has had to be cleansed in the last 12 years, WHY was that necessary? How is it possible that the TTP armies of thousands and the logistics involved in transporting them, feeding them, quartering them, arming them, looking out for their families - just imagine the size of the effort and you want to continue to believe all of this happened with out some pretty powerful people allowing it to happen?

Yes, I realize that to those who have the love of Pakistan and the Fauj in their blood, this is even disgusting to contemplate, but it's real -- Remember Osama? Was it complicity or incompetence? Will the ISI also claim that they missed all of this for the last 12 years, actually since 1998? complicity or incompetence -- and if incompetence, how much longer should we accept this? And if complicity, should we not end it?

Look, let me just ask you a question -- in all of this time, has there been any answers from ISI or Pakistan Army as to what this is about? Why do you think it remains unaddressed?

Do tell us how many times the ISI has to be cleansed ?

Conversely if one were to look across the border into Afghanistan the Afghan Taliban & other factions fighting against the US (Hekmatyar's Group for one) dwarf the TTP by a long shot; surely the Americans would have been able to neutralize the thousands involved, their logistics & their kin & kith watching out for them - Are you suggesting that if this is to be the barometer to judge complicity by then are the US & ISAF forces complicit in every bomb that goes off in Afghanistan or every encounter they have with the Taliban ?

Does the TTP have strong backers ? Indeed they do ! Do they enjoy some sort of Public Support - Indeed they do ! But do give me an example of any other insurgency that was devoid of either of these things ? So to assume that somehow the ISI & the PA is having their own butchered in a one faction against the other tussle with one faction of the ISI & the PA taking hits & doing nothing whilst the other is acting with near impunity is fantastic at best !
Then what is the point of a forum? you'd just say that we can discuss everything else but this, that and that has to be left out... Actually you will be creating exceptions then... The point is that the debate should be healthy and those who try to derail it should be warned and eventually banned and I believe that webby and mods have been doing that pretty consistently so far... but, that's just my humble opinion... Don't color everyone with the same paint, please.

Management is more interested in traffic that's why the monkeys (irrespective of nationality) keep jumping from one thread to other and post one liners, provoke people - there are dozens of people whom i have added to ignore list and haven't seen a single sane post coming from them but still they are here
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