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Blast in Hyderabad

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Mate, if there was no opposition from Mamata Banerjee, Jayalalithaa, Narendra Modi and co then even an idiot like Shinde could pass the NCTC. Whilst these guys remain opposed no one can do anything.

Of course dude and show me where I have denied it?

I rest my case!
Clear and massive intelligence failure.

A core objective of this attack is to radicalize Hindu Muslim relationships in Hyderabad, and extend that to all of India.

I pray we do not give the perpetrators of this ghastly act that satisfaction.

2014 election is going to be the most communal elections till date in India.
I will mourn the death of any innocent. Only an animal will laugh at the death of innocents. Acts of individuals cannot be classified as acts of a nation. We lost more people in the hands of these khanzeer terrorists than any one else. As for hazara they are my brothers and sisters we stand by them.

Mate, my post was not meant to offend anyone, but to draw the distinction, i was truly shocked to see this post in another thread:


Also, request you to check out the first page of the thread.

The thread of 80+ shia death was started by an Indian.

+ 14/15 posts on the first page are of Indians mourning the Dead.

Thats why i had written that I am proud of Indian Unity at this hour.
Do You have any proof that Pakistan is responsible for that its your pathetic low class mentality CZ U people cant solve Your problems and blame goes to pakistan if their is not Water Its pakistans if their is No Egg its Pakistans fault get a life Oh u cant bcz all the money U paid for gone for weapons You guys deserve this We Dont Need Your aman ka tamasha

So you want to jump right in between with blazing guns, for what? quoting a troll?
Do You have any proof that Pakistan is responsible for that its your pathetic low class mentality CZ U people cant solve Your problems and blame goes to pakistan if their is not Water Its pakistans if their is No Egg its Pakistans fault get a life Oh u cant bcz all the money U paid for gone for weapons You guys deserve this We Dont Need Your aman ka tamasha

My dear friend.... Please go thru 27 pages of this thread.... and make an opinion..... otherwise i cant see any difference between him and u.....
Ha, when has politicians ever cared about the common people ?

Well in that case one can say the same for repealing of POTA too.

As I said a middle ground has to be reached for effective sharing of information without overly encroaching on state powers. You have to understand the deteriorating center-state relations in India mainly because nowadays not even the Governor post is being spared from these political games.

Opposing POTA, NCTC, WHATEVER. It is all just politicians playing political games. No side is clean in this respect, all parties and all sides have not acted with Indian national security as their main agenda.

Even on such a critical issue there isn't bi-partisan agreement??! FFS what kind of low-lives exist in Indian politics?

nothing will EVER be perfect Mr @KS but whilst someone is opposing somthing,another is pushing it and another is calling for a "middle ground" indians are being blown to peices on the streets of India.

All I am saying is do SOMETHING!!! Refinement can happen overtime but atleast have somthing that ensures these poor sould don't die for nothing or in vain.
Yes India is a federal state but so is the US and they had no hesistations in implementing their National Counterterrorism Center (which India's NCTC) is based on. .

You just cannot compare how things work in US and in India.There is absolutely no comparison. Please dont do that mistake.
See Intelligence agencies have only one duty, that is to provide information. Stopping the attack is the duty of rest of the security forces. An intelligence agent will not go and stop the bomb blast he will only tell you that the terror strike can take place this day or the other.

And this is where the NCTC excels- intel agents and those who will act and arrest the culprits all under one roof.
RIP - what is the world coming to - everywhere you look humanity is tearing itself apart - human stupidity - nationalism, religion, region, tribe, even a whim, humans need the least of excuses to kill their fellow human being. <sigh>
You just cannot compare how things work in US and in India.There is absolutely no comparison. Please dont do that mistake.

More over US doesnt have Communal vote bank politics.... Oh yeah.... They dont have INC as well...
I agree with you here..... The state parties are acting too funny when it come to national security.... all these guys do is blame centre......

Why they will not, when the center has not even spared the office of the Governer from political one-up manship.

The truth is non-congress states have little or no faith in the center which is increasingly acting dictatorial. The opposition state chief ministers were not even consulted in drawing up the structure of the NCTC which ideally should have been done and they taken into confidence.

If center comes unilaterally comes up with an agency with sweeping powers then obviously the states are not going to accept it.

The political tit-for-tat continues and the aam-admi on the streets continues loosing his lives.
now one expert blaming pakistani terrorist group (Indian news channel)
You just cannot compare how things work in US and in India.There is absolutely no comparison. Please dont do that mistake.

Wrt framework and a generic picture it is fair to look to other case studies where there has been a success. Not everything can be made to be 100% perfect for india. Sometimes accepting a general idea fro elsewhere and applying it (with adjustments) to India can work. Do indians not drive American,European and Japanese cars? Eat their food? Use their tech? Watch their TV? Use their weapons? etc India is not unique in every respect, what is the harm in learning from others??
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