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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

What do you mean by this statement Sir abusing is very much clear sir and if any one will abuse our PROPHET SAW he will be taken out yes according to their believe if they don't accept our PROPHET SAW as the PROPHET OF GOD we don't have any problem with that but if they will abuse him than we will make sure that we do what a Muslim should do

And what should a muslim do? kill some one and do the ultimate sin that God defined. Good, we demonstrate if a hindu godess is abused in Astralia, we do not ask that the abusers head be placed in a plate. you have to have liberal values included to make sure that changes in time are accomodated in your judicial system.
Let me ask you, if Islam teaches you kindness and compassion, what the hell are you hypocrites doing by responding with violence and archaic laws such as th "blasphemy law". You folks never walk the talk and this is why Islam gets its bad publicity.

If your prophet could endure insults, what makes you an exception? HYPOCRITES.

Beautiful post of the thread. This is what all need to understand.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the law. Those who oppose should also know that there are free counts out there to resolve cases/issues. One should hire a lawyer and go to courts to fight his/her case if drawn into a blasphemy case to prove one self innocent. Isn't that reasonable enough?

Process of investigation and collection of evidence should be free and fair. So the argument is flawed regarding the law we are not under taliban or wahhabism law/rules to beheaded on friday, we do have courts/laws in place.

non-muslims residing in Pakistan have to be aware and understand laws imposed by State. Is it not the responsibility of every citizen to be aware and to know the laws of states to be followed.

So you support forcing knowledge of Islam on Pakistani minorities??
Recently in Bangladesh, a Hindu teacher called our prophet a goat(nauzubillah) with respect to beard. Although his students right away protested, beat the hell out of him from the class room and then burn his house. Now the angry Muslim community want his head and perhaps he will get his due soon unless he fled to neighboring country. We do not have blasphemy law. However if we did then non-Muslim like him would have thought thousand time before such heinous remark.

The incident was wrongly reported. It was personal grudge which was intentionally turned by students towards the Prophet (S.A.W.). He called the 'student' goat, as his beard was resembled with that of goat. Which made that student angry and the debate ended on Prophet (S.A.W.).
Well i'm a muslim and i do get hyper when people insult Prophet(PBUH), but i wont go that extend of taking someones life... this law have been heavily used against minorities by so called religious leaders... our PROPHET (PBUH) even forgave those who threw stones and dirt at him.. this law needs amendment
And what should a muslim do? kill some one and do the ultimate sin that God defined. Good, we demonstrate if a hindu godess is abused in Astralia, we do not ask that the abusers head be placed in a plate. you have to have liberal values included to make sure that changes in time are accomodated in your judicial system.

Well, ashoka, if we believe in 'freedom of expression' then the protests are uncalled for.

Bunch of extremists are there in every community and has nothing to do with religion. Like MF hussain was attacked so many times by hindu right wing. what was the purpose of attacks? 'Protest' or 'killing' which forced him to runaway from India?. Decide yourself.

So these kind of people are here in Pakistan as well. What do you think by going through this thread? what are our views about the law.

We strongly agree that amendments should be made in law so that it can not be used as a tool of harassment against any one.
great , the minorities should get out on the streets to protest this med-evil law , this law should be completely abolished
And what should a muslim do? kill some one and do the ultimate sin that God defined. Good, we demonstrate if a hindu godess is abused in Astralia, we do not ask that the abusers head be placed in a plate. you have to have liberal values included to make sure that changes in time are accomodated in your judicial system.
SIR in Islam killing is allowed in some cases not murdering innocent is a crime not a blashmer
I fully support abolishing the blasphemy laws and none of that amendment crap. Remove it completely.
Bunch of extremists are there in every community and has nothing to do with religion. Like MF hussain was attacked so many times by hindu right wing. what was the purpose of attacks? 'Protest' or 'killing' which forced him to runaway from India?. Decide yourself.

LOL where do you get your news from ?

The old hag ran away from India a fugitive from our law unwilling to face the legal consequences for the cases that were filed against him in accordance with the Constitution of India. He could have just apologized for his mistakes and returned home but he did not repent, he did not apologize for hutrting the sentiments of Hindus and got his just desserts.

If someone tomorrow paints mohammed nude, I will protest them also. I am not a fanatic in that case. I want others to respect every one's religions.
Well i'm a muslim and i do get hyper when people insult Prophet(PBUH), but i wont go that extend of taking someones life... this law have been heavily used against minorities by so called religious leaders... our PROPHET (PBUH) even forgave those who threw stones and dirt at him.. this law needs amendment

Sir for your kind information those who were forgiven were forgiven in MAKKAH and their was no order of JIHAD and hitting back farz on Muslims in MAKKAH but after migration who ever did blashmey was killed
Sir for your kind information those who were forgiven were forgiven in MAKKAH and their was no order of JIHAD and hitting back farz on Muslims in MAKKAH but after migration who ever did blashmey was killed

ignore by ignorance, but what have JIHAD to do with blasphemy law?

Edit: does The Quran and the hadith speak about blasphemy ? ... if so please provide me some material on this
Sir for your kind information those who were forgiven were forgiven in MAKKAH and their was no order of JIHAD and hitting back farz on Muslims in MAKKAH but after migration who ever did blashmey was killed

It will be not removed until and unless Muslims are alive

We are not in the middle ages anymore and such laws are appealing only to people from the lower economic strata or backward areas. Such kind of thinking holds back a community.
Killing a person is barbaric, even if that person is an idiot with a big mouth. There is nothing more inhuman than taking another human's life, no matter which religion you belong to. Supporting such things brings a bad reputation to not just one's self and family but also to one's religion. It does not reflect too well on the society.
I refuse to believe that a country like Pakistan with all it's educated class cannot come up with a suitable alternative.
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