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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

I am sure the law was very deliberately made so vague as to allow Zia and party do all in the name of God.

The law in itself is not a problem, the problem is the language which leaves open for anyone to be prosecuted - In fact, I see not a single Pakistani who can escape this law. When something so ambiguous is created, then it is meant to be used by the powerful on the powerless.

All that is required is proper editing of the law so as to make it clear and easy for people to recognize whom to prosecute and whom not to.
- Made in Oct. 1986

By that definition Christians can not openly profess their beliefs at all (as per their beliefs muslims prophet is fake) without inviting death penalty!

Recently in Bangladesh, a Hindu teacher called our prophet a goat(nauzubillah) with respect to beard. Although his student right away protested, beat the hell out of him from the class room and then burn his house. Now the angry Muslim community want his head and perhaps he will get his due soon unless he fled to neighboring country. We do not have blasphemy law. However if we did then non-Muslim like him would have thought thousand time before such heinous remark.

I agree, you need a blasphemy law in Bangladesh too to make the angry muslim community benign.
Let me ask you, if Islam teaches you kindness and compassion, what the hell are you hypocrites doing by responding with violence and archaic laws such as th "blasphemy law". You folks never walk the talk and this is why Islam gets its bad publicity.

If your prophet could endure insults, what makes you an exception? HYPOCRITES.
I agree, you need a blasphemy law in Bangladesh too to make the angry muslim community benign.

What was the business of that non-Muslim to call such name to Islamic prophet when Muslim place him after Allah. Non-Muslim should be aware of the conciseness and consider the sentiment of people. Blasphemy law or no law, that teacher will be punish by the people whenever they can get hold of him. He deserve it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the law. Those who oppose should also know that there are free counts out there to resolve cases/issues. One should hire a lawyer and go to courts to fight his/her case if drawn into a blasphemy case to prove one self innocent. Isn't that reasonable enough?

Process of investigation and collection of evidence should be free and fair. So the argument is flawed regarding the law we are not under taliban or wahhabism law/rules to beheaded on friday, we do have courts/laws in place.

non-muslims residing in Pakistan have to be aware and understand laws imposed by State. Is it not the responsibility of every citizen to be aware and to know the laws of states to be followed.
excellent news i fully support them in their fight against the blasphemy law it's unislamic and a black mark on pakistan muslims should also come out against it the prophet(pbuh) NEVER did such things in his lifetime very much the contrary infact he forgave people who tried to KILL him,tortured him,threw garbage on him and waged war against him so it's pathetic to think he'd think it good to kill someone for merely saying words against him .
Anyway Islam is not that weak it does not need idiot pakistan acting as it's guardian "defending" his honour by legalising murder and false imprisonment of vulnerable and poor people most of them muslims themselves .
I dunno why so many people love this stupid law that has been so useless and detrimental to pakistan sometimes our enemies are right we really so have a large amount of extremist people.
What was the business of that non-Muslim to call such name to Islamic prophet when Muslim place him after Allah. Non-Muslim should be aware of the conciseness and consider the sentiment of people. Blasphemy law or no law, that teacher will be punish by the people whenever they can get hold of him. He deserve it.

I hope world does not get to a stage when the Non-Muslims also start using the same line against Muslims...We all know what could happen..
Recently in Bangladesh, a Hindu teacher called our prophet a goat(nauzubillah) with respect to beard. Although his students right away protested, beat the hell out of him from the class room and then burn his house. Now the angry Muslim community want his head and perhaps he will get his due soon unless he fled to neighboring country. We do not have blasphemy law. However if we did then non-Muslim like him would have thought thousand time before such heinous remark.

Laws should be made to ensure justice and not to cater feelings of some violent morons.If hurting religious sentiments is bad then make some law which is applicable to all who is insulting any religion.
And btw does criticising certain actions of prophet muhammed(not verbally insulting him) comes under blasphemy?
Laws should be made to ensure justice and not to cater feelings of some violent morons.If hurting religious sentiments is bad then make some law which is applicable to all who is insulting any religion.
And btw does criticising certain actions of prophet muhammed(not verbally insulting him) comes under blasphemy?
Criticizing him is different and abusing him is different if minorities will start campaign than they should also be aware that Muslims will also start campaign and it will cause more trouble than doing anything good
good for them and best of luck to them; blasphemy law is a man-made law....it should be totally crushed, repealed and forgotten in Pakistan Nation

in my opinion

something that can so easily be abused and which is so difficult to prove or disprove (blasphemy) should not have a law behind it.....it's stupid, and a waste of time. Even if someone is dumb and ignorant enough to abuse a religion, the religion doesnt change at all nor do the beliefs of the followers

Sorry Sir but someone abusing HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW or Islam can't be tolerated at any cost
Drawing a parallel to the law in India there is an ammendment to the fundamental right of speech and expression which can be used in India if there are derogatory remarks made against any particular religion. This coupled with freedom of following any religion legally allows for cases to be filed in case some one offends a particular community with his/her remarks. Not saying the same could be implemented in an Islamic republic, but something similar within your constitution could be drawn up to protect and enforce the minorities.

Article 19(1)(a) in its original form read as follows: “All citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression. This fundamental right was, however limited by Art. 19(2) which said that “Nothing in sub-clause (a) of clause 1 shall affect the operation of any existing law insofar as it relates to or prevents the state from making any law relating to libel, slander, defamation, contempt of court or any matter which offend against decency, morality or morality or which undermines the security of the state or tends to overthrow the state”. The first amendment to the constitution was to the proviso to Art. 19(1)(a), namely Art. 19(2), and after the amendment the provision read as follows: Art. 19(2) “Nothing in sub-clause (a) of clause 1 shall affect the operation of any existing law insofar as such law imposes reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred by the sub clause in the interests of the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency, or morality or in relation to contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to an offence”
Sorry Sir but someone abusing HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW or Islam can't be tolerated at any cost

Don't tolerate it. But draft better laws and make it fair for all sides. Include people who may be blasphemous from the point of view of minority religions.
Don't tolerate it. But draft better laws and make it fair for all sides. Include people who may be blasphemous from the point of view of minority religions.
What do you mean by this statement Sir abusing is very much clear sir and if any one will abuse our PROPHET SAW he will be taken out yes according to their believe if they don't accept our PROPHET SAW as the PROPHET OF GOD we don't have any problem with that but if they will abuse him than we will make sure that we do what a Muslim should do
Sorry Sir but someone abusing HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW or Islam can't be tolerated at any cost

Like i said earlier,if you guys think hurting religious sentiments is bad then laws should be made against it and it should be applicable to people abusing any religion-not just islam.Do you agree?
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