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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

I am a huge advocate of the peaceful pursuit of one's religion... or no religion at all. If an atheist says .....................

Chogy I would advise you to change your post ...... Many muslims here respect Jesus AS too and would find that very very Offensive.
I dont agree with Janubaba interpretation of blasphemy but I am offended by what you have written.....

I guess you have made your point.
Chogy I would advise you to change your post ...... Many muslims here respect Jesus AS too and would find that very very Offensive.
I dont agree with Janubaba interpretation of blasphemy but I am offended by what you have written.....

I guess you have made your point.

i dont think what he said is offensive. People have a right to believe in whatever they want to. Whether you're Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Hindu Jain Jewish whatever....Live and let live man.

there is no compulsion in religion; though I think that whoever has faith they are more likely to have a more positive and healthy, productive & clean life....''Purety'' itself (in different forms) is half the faith.

that's why I agree with Chogy --- ''peaceful pursuit of religion''
i dont think what he said is offensive. People have a right to believe in whatever they want to. Whether you're Muslim or Christian or Sikh or Hindu Jain Jewish whatever....Live and let live man.

I agree .... he (Chogy) can have whatever view he can have ABOUT any person...... I understand the point he is making....
But at least he should not have used such Harsh language about a Personality many members of this forum respect (even when giving an example)
I agree .... he can have whatever view he can have ABOUT any person...... I understand the point he is making....
But at least he should not have used such Harsh language about a Personality many members of this forum respect (even when giving an example)

But Chogy makes an exacting point by using such harsh language.

If he can say that about Jesus in the US, then anyone should be free to express similar thoughts against any religious figure anywhere in the world, which goes to prove just how wrong these blasphemy laws are in practice and by intent.
But Chogy makes an exacting point by using such harsh language.

If he can say that about Jesus in the US, then anyone should be free to express similar thoughts against any religious figure anywhere in the world, which goes to prove just how wrong these blasphemy laws are in practice and by intent.

Like I said.... I dont agree with the Blasphemy laws.......
But if he is free to use such language then I too have the right to point out that the statement he made is childish, insensitive and provoking to many people INCLUDING ME.
Janubaba, what do you mean here? Juice asked a valid question.

"Today, the U.S. passed HR 4765 which penalizes anyone who mocks or disrespects Jesus, with death."

Such a law would make people's heads explode. Yet it's OK to have a similar law in Pakistan?

I am a huge advocate of the peaceful pursuit of one's religion... or no religion at all. If an atheist says "Jesus was the bastard child of a Roman Centurion" then that is his opinion, and I don't get to kill him.


Chogy, any muslim who believes in isalm and Prophet Mohammad is the last prophet would love this law. May be u dont know if i don't accept moses jacob, jesus or any other prophets as prophet will not be a muslims ( believe in the prophethood of the earlier prophets is must for a muslim).

well look. It is offensive and sacreligious to portray Rasool Allah (SAWS); that was why the cartoon riots took place....I dont think its a clash of faith, sometimes it's been simply a ''clash of values''.......Freedom of Speech is a good thing, but i do feel that anything used to incite or possibly hurt sentiments should be allowed...

people themselves should have the decency not to say inappropriate things about somebody else's faith
Like I said.... I dont agree with the Blasphemy laws.......
But if he is free to use such language then I too have the right to point out that the statement he made is childish, insensitive and provoking to many people INCLUDING ME.

Of course you have the right to your opinion, which is just as valid as his opinion.

The point is that saying that does not mean that anyone has the right to kill him for thinking so, or for voicing his opinion.

people themselves should have the decency not to say inappropriate things about somebody else's faith

Yes, but if someone does so, then the response should not be worse than the original offence!
The point is that saying that does not mean that anyone has the right to kill him for thinking so, or for voicing his opinion.

He could have made his point by using very different words
He could have made his point by using very different words

Yes, that is your opinion. Chogy voiced his opinion using words that he thought suited his expression of ideas better. Is that too hard to understand?
But Chogy makes an exacting point by using such harsh language.

If he can say that about Jesus in the US, then anyone should be free to express similar thoughts against any religious figure anywhere in the world, which goes to prove just how wrong these blasphemy laws are in practice and by intent.

Take out Muslims from that 'anyone', ay practicing Muslim will never tolerate anything abusive towards Prophets of Islam, whosoever has a problem with that can move to the land where he can do this openly. At least Muslim lands are not going to do that ever!
Take out Muslims from that 'anyone', ay practicing Muslim will never tolerate anything abusive towards Prophets of Islam, whosoever has a problem with that can move to the land where he can do this openly. At least Muslim lands are not going to do that ever!

....... and thank you for expressing YOUR opinion too! :D
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