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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

It will be not removed until
and unless Muslims are alive
The law is only since 80's. So earlier muslim were dead or what?.
The most moronic thing is the exact word of the accused cant be repeated so on what basis cases r filed and heard.
The law is only since 80's. So earlier muslim were dead or what?.
The most moronic thing is the exact word of the accused cant be repeated so on what basis cases r filed and heard.
Sir Islam has not been implemented yet in Pakistan and for your kind information many people were killed because their was no law so no body went to court they did justice on their own
What is the exact synonym of Blasphemy in the local language? I ask because the Blasphemy law is anyway British.
And of the Sharia and Hadith?

What do you mean insult of Islam is not allowed you can ask question why is this order or what HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW meant by this but you can't make fun of it questioning decently is different making is different I think you can understand the difference because it is just common sense
What was the business of that non-Muslim to call such name to Islamic prophet when Muslim place him after Allah. Non-Muslim should be aware of the conciseness and consider the sentiment of people. Blasphemy law or no law, that teacher will be punish by the people whenever they can get hold of him. He deserve it.

The world does not revolve around Muslims buddy. People make fun of Jesus, Buddha, Hindu deities, etc. all the friggen time.. The world would be absolutely a thousand times more chaotic than it already is if people started thinking like you.

Who cares? Just move on.
Any one who will insult or make fun of our PROPHET SAW will be considered blashmer

I think I have to repeat my question per below. Please let me know the exact synonym or term that is there in the local language for a blasphemer.

What is the exact synonym of Blasphemy in the local language? I ask because the Blasphemy law is anyway British
Let me ask you, if Islam teaches you kindness and compassion, what the hell are you hypocrites doing by responding with violence and archaic laws such as th "blasphemy law". You folks never walk the talk and this is why Islam gets its bad publicity.

If your prophet could endure insults, what makes you an exception? HYPOCRITES.

Excelent post.
Muse not every one was forgiven by PROPHET SAW many were killed for doing blashmey on the orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW for doing blashmey
Muse not every one was forgiven by PROPHET SAW many were killed for doing blashmey on the orders of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW for doing blashmey
Janubaba. I keep asking you to quote where it is written. Please do so.
And if the west inacted such laws? The practice or proffesion of anything other than christianity punishable by crucifixion? How would all the supporters of these laws feel in that case? Our right?
Janubaba. I keep asking you to quote where it is written. Please do so.

Hadees Books have all these incidents one of the most famous was KAAB a Jew even though Muslims had a contract with Jews but still he was killed for doing blashmey
And if the west inacted such laws? The practice or proffesion of anything other than christianity punishable by crucifixion? How would all the supporters of these laws feel in that case? Our right?

Sir in this case only LAW OF ISLAM will be followed
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