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Blasphemy Laws: Minorities to launch campaign

1st question:
I dont know why this law protects the chances of false prophets. This is pakistani law and it is extended within Pakistani boundaries. What if false prophet appears in a country other than Pakistan?
Even Muhammed (S.A.W) was alleged to be false prophet by Kuffar e Arab (Naoz o billah), was there any law to protect Muhammed (S.A.W)?

2nd question:
I dont know how Love for Rasool e Akram (S.A.W) is justified by killing a person doing blasphemy. People even do bhangras and aerial firing in juloos on 12 Rabi awwal, just to show their love towards Holy Prophet. Do we justify that?
Sir anyone who will do blashmey will be killed because HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW himself ordered killing of many blashmers
The question is about the barbaricness of the law that is imposed on the people, if a death sentence is issued for killing people and raping women then the law is justifialble stating that sending him to prison won't change is appitie for violance, why commenting on a dead man becomes so sentimental value is the lake of healthy reasoning ability about the general public of Islamic faith.
for us abusing our prophet is more severe crime than above mentioned crimes.

and you are making yogurt of my brain from previous few posts.dude what criteria you have that death sentence for murderer and rapists is justifiable.may be should also lock them up in room of 5 star hotel and do their brain washing,may be they will not murder or rape someone in future your opinion.
my dear every one has his own reference point from where he measures things and judge what is the degree of offense.

Law to enfore communal hormoney is required to increase the moral of all religion in your country and not to impose harsh and idiotic law.
and your country is part of paradise on earth?
dude dont worry about us,worry about your country.who give you right to criticize the law of my country?
and i am saying it again when we dont use abusive language for gods and prophets of others in return we expect and deserve same.is it too much for you people to understand?
As you agreed that after Mohamed, no one has the right to judge anyone, so how can you advocate the killing. Even the killers do not have the right to Judge then. Is the killing actually then is not a blasphemy?


in islam quran is the primary source for religion then prophet (sunnat and hadith) then companion of prophet then tabayeen then taba tabeyeen.
now although prophet forgive many people who use abusive language for him but he did not forgive every one.
after the prophet companions of prophet are the source of guidance.and they killed the people who used abusive language towards prophet.
So you say it is our job to punish the blasphemer by ALWAYS killing and not forgiving ?

if it is proven that he used abusive language then yes.

True but like SMR quoted above ........ from what sources are you standing by your argument ?

there are many hadiths.
for example
a blind man killed jewish women and case was raised in the gathering of Holy Prophet saw.Prophet saw asked who killed her?and old man replied i did?prophet asked for reason and old man said that ya rasoolallah she use bad language towards you.prophet said her blood gone in vain.

for more detail there is a book
"Saremal maslool fi shatamar rasool" by allama ibne tamiya

this book is used as a reference in cases of blasphemy.
1st question:
I dont know why this law protects the chances of false prophets.
why not you give a look to cases of people who are prosecuted under this law.if you use bad language for someones sister and mother your nose and teeth will be broken.now tell me when its come for honor prophet why then its ok?does his honor become more cheap then the honor of your mother and sister?
also when you calls yanks gringo its offense,when call blacks neigro its offense,when deny holocaust its offense but when it come to honor to prophet then its freedom of speech?
This is pakistani law and it is extended within Pakistani boundaries. What if false prophet appears in a country other than Pakistan?
then its the duty of every muslim to kill him.

Even Muhammed (S.A.W) was alleged to be false prophet by Kuffar e Arab (Naoz o billah), was there any law to protect Muhammed (S.A.W)?
for that read quran.Allah said they are worst than cattles.

2nd question:
I dont know how Love for Rasool e Akram (S.A.W) is justified by killing a person doing blasphemy. People even do bhangras and aerial firing in juloos on 12 Rabi awwal, just to show their love towards Holy Prophet. Do we justify that?
batter way is observe fast and send salat and salam on him.
in my country india there are no minorities....its either indians or animals....no minorities exist here...we killed all of them in kashmir,Gujjrat,Sikh killings in 1984,,,christian persecution in southern states and much more

You sir..are a certified idiot.....
IF they use abusive language what will you do? Kill them? When I call these people ignorant it is not because they do not know algebra or geography. They are ignorant on the one thing they think they are qualified to speak about. In this case it is their religion. There can be no unjustified bloodshed or harm done to any other living thing, only animals use their DNA based instincts to prey on weak. Read and follow your religion which does not promote violence towards any other community for any reason. If a lot of people start chanting about false prophets that means that your religion is being conveyed wrongly and that it is not appeasing to the masses anymore. It will be dead inside a persons mind which is how things are destroyed in their true sense.

if a person does not believe on Allah then he did not commit blasphemy.
similarly when a person say Muhammad saw is false prophet (naouz billah) he did not commit blasphemy.

not agreeing with some one is one thing while insulting is another.
if a christian or jew or hindu say prophet Muhammad saw was not true prophet.then this is not blasphemy because this is part of their belief.
here we are talking about insult.
Recently in Bangladesh, a Hindu teacher called our prophet a goat(nauzubillah) with respect to beard. Although his students right away protested, beat the hell out of him from the class room and then burn his house. Now the angry Muslim community want his head and perhaps he will get his due soon unless he fled to neighboring country. We do not have blasphemy law. However if we did then non-Muslim like him would have thought thousand time before such heinous remark.

you cant use threats of physical harm to enforce something like that.....it isnt civilized

otherwise it becomes mob-like violence....people get emotional over these things; one rumour can set off chain reaction

laws are laws; until they are repealed, then the law is in effect. However, law must never be abused/mis-used. It's bad for the country.

and nobody --whether majority or minority --should have right to incite hatred or insult the feelings of other religious groups.....religion is a private matter.
you cant use threats of physical harm to enforce something like that.....it isnt civilized

otherwise it becomes mob-like violence....people get emotional over these things; one rumour can set off chain reaction

laws are laws; until they are repealed, then the law is in effect. However, law must never be abused/mis-used. It's bad for the country.

and nobody --whether majority or minority --should have right to incite hatred or insult the feelings of other religious groups.....religion is a private matter.

people go to guantanamo bay for saying things....that is civilized?
Do you think, I have nothing else other than to make fun of you and Islam. I am advocating and endorsing friendship via secularism.
friendship b/w China and Pak is in front of you.so for friendship it is not mandatory that both parties should be secular.when you seen a chinese last time in poking nose in others matter?or for that matter when you see a muslim abusing others gods and prophets?give me one example.
so does not it is our right to demand the same thing?

and as my friend has already asked, why are you to judge others just for a verbal comment. if you don't even have the tolarance for a verbal comment or jock passed just for laugh then how come you are ready to play the role of a responsible nation in the international arena for a better planet. Dude introduce friendship and you don;t need such a law.
in order to check someones level of tolerance why use abusive language for prophets,God,parents and family.
very cheap standard to measure someones patience.
people go to guantanamo bay for saying things....that is civilized?

No. It isn't.

in fact, many people who were/are detained @ Gitmo are found to be innocent. Some simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

American law states that you are innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately this ''right'' was not extended to these SUSPECTS. And in fact, a lot of people agree that the very existance of Bagram, Gitmo Bay prison and the existance of 'Rendition sites' will have huge stigma on international image of ''American justice'' system

many Americans themselves are appalled by Gitmo Bay and are calling for it to be shut down. Though we are now delving into another issue altogether.

Point is --- you dont have a case until you have evidence. Without evidence, it is difficult to justify detaining somebody unless perhaps they have reason to believe that the suspect poses an immediate danger.

as for blasphemy law -- it isnt necessary. it's a man-made law. I personally hope it is repealed. Useless law; there are more pressing issues like crimes against women and dacoitry.
Sorry Sir in Islam bloodshed is allowed in many cases and that is justice because it is the order of ALLAH otherwise their will be complete chaos in the world

God advocates and endorses killing of a life to make sure order prevails, we see that the bad element like Osama has to eliminated and the one(The Navy seal) who shot him is a god at the time of the incident. but wiping out entire race to uphold Gods principles is not God stands for. if you say that God accepts your bloodshed and killing of innocents like Daniel Pearl is correct then F**K you and your principles.
for us abusing our prophet is more severe crime than above mentioned crimes.

and you are making yogurt of my brain from previous few posts.dude what criteria you have that death sentence for murderer and rapists is justifiable.may be should also lock them up in room of 5 star hotel and do their brain washing,may be they will not murder or rape someone in future your opinion.
my dear every one has his own reference point from where he measures things and judge what is the degree of offense.

and your country is part of paradise on earth?
dude dont worry about us,worry about your country.who give you right to criticize the law of my country?
and i am saying it again when we dont use abusive language for gods and prophets of others in return we expect and deserve same.is it too much for you people to understand?

who has to give me the right? I am from a country where free speech is endorsed, if I see that the ethics of a country is going against Human values, I sure will comment and no one can stop me
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