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BJP opposes Muslim reservation in jobs: Joshi

EjazR is pretty correct. All ST, SC reservation is filled by Hindus. We should try to remove that. Although I support EjazR views, but I think we should try to abolish rather creating another class of reservation.
in terms economic backwardness your or rather our system works..but i still think for social backwardness financial support is not enough..
there must be some more supportive measures..such as representation in parliament(i guess it's already therethere)..educational quota etc.

ok answer me once

who are the lower class people who are discreminated against??
obviously its those without power or financial status.
evn if u say no i would disagree coz i see it here in kerala where the minorities are the most well placed so india is not short of examples.

so its our duty to empower those people who are actually discriminated against and along with that create a sense of social responsibility in doing so.
creating a caste or religious angle to it itself creates a divide in minds of people. hope u understand
EjazR is pretty correct. All ST, SC reservation is filled by Hindus. We should try to remove that. Although I support EjazR views, but I think we should try to abolish rather creating another class of reservation.

Because Caste-ism is a bane of Hinduism.

When did Islam or Christianity have caste system ?? Atleast that is what I hear from members here while bashing India and Hinduism.

Today Muslims will ask, tomorrow Christians then Sikhs, Buddhists and the Jains.


p.s.: Please read these two posts before comparing SC/ST reservation and the proposed reservation for Muslims.


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neither did hitler take opinion from jews while killing them.

this is the whole point of argument
y should their be an undue favour for the present generation which is gross unjustice to other sects in same economic condition.

again my question y is it that just SC ST nd OBC's are allowed reservations when people of same economic status in other communities are not given the same treatment,

i'm asking this question for the 4th time

"is it a repayment to the present generation for what has happened earlier???"

that cast discriminatio still exists in india..in kerala we don't have it in a big way but it is there and in other parts of india it is more intense..it takes time for changes and till that happens gradually we need to support the backward classes..just like reservation for women..they were oppressed socially so they need support till the social system changes.
And those parents are right in exercising their beliefs.schools are place for spreading knowledge not a place fore spreading ur religion.There must be ban on such activities like singing praise to particular religion god in morning assemblies.

Isnt is ironic that u cry foul when christian missionaries use food education as means to convert hindu tribals and here u are ssupporting schools who sing praise to one particular god oblivious to the fact it against the other religion.too much hypocrisy from karthic.oh only an indian can be so much hypocrite.

When did Hindu run schools convert people ?? Singing Saraswathi Vandana or Vande Mataram every morning doesnt mean you become a Hindu.

By that yardstick everyday I used to sing Christian verses in school...Did I become a Christian??

You sadly dont have an iota of comprehension powers for me to argue with you. Have a good day.
Caste ism is still very much prevalent in states like UP bihar Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

this is the whole point of argument
y should their be an undue favour for the present generation which is gross unjustice to other sects in same economic condition.

again my question y is it that just SC ST nd OBC's are allowed reservations when people of same economic status in other communities are not given the same treatment,

"is it a repayment to the present generation for what has happened earlier???"

I've no problem if they provide reservation to economical backward Muslims on the condition that poor people of other religion irrespective of caste get the same benefits too.
Because Caste-ism is a bane of Hinduism.

When did Islam or Christianity have caste system ?? Atleast that is what I hear from members here while bashing India and Hinduism.

Today Muslims will ask, tomorrow Christians then Sikhs, Buddhists and the Jains.

Dalit Sikhs and Buddhists also get reservation as SC .
that cast discriminatio still exists in india..in kerala we don't have it in a big way but it is there and in other parts of india it is more intense..it takes time for changes and till that happens gradually we need to support the backward classes..just like reservation for women..they were oppressed socially so they need support till the social system changes.

ohhhh.....you are far from truth
do you know low caste women wer not even allowed to cover their upper body. can it be more intense than that.
i dont think u would understand.
it was due to the right measures taken by the goverment and the change in mentality of people mainly due to the education which brought about the change.
well i'm leaving this discussion now since i've put forward all my possibe suggestions.

sorry but i stopped replying to karthic sri in the middle of the discussion coz i didnt find a sense in his arguments in this thread.

just one thing :
our society needs to change its mentality be it the victim mentality or sense of superiority over the other.

we dont need a continuously degenerating society but a constructive one.

Because Caste-ism is a bane of Hinduism.

Bulk of the Muslims in India are converts from lower caste, and need to be uplifted just as lower spectrum of Hindus.

Although I have personal reservation against reservation.
It's shameful act.. What is the reaction of Non Muslims in WB? I think Bengalis should start revolution and bury these Commies into bay of bengal
It's shameful act.. What is the reaction of Non Muslims in WB? I think Bengalis should start revolution and bury these Commies into bay of bengal

I'm not sure how reservation helps but Muslims in West Bengal need to be uplifted. But reservation is just a political move, it won't change anything in reality. WB should take Kerala as a model.
Rather than playing with reservation, Govt. should free education till Post-Graduate.
Communists should have done a lot of things for Muslims instead of ghettoized them en masse. Problem with votebank politics is, they always suck up to mad mullahs who have access to mass and progressive society among Muslims always remain aloof of issues related to their community.

Pakistan don't face this problem.
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