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Big Indian investors likely to visit Bangladesh next month-IBCCI president

next step should be to increase the fence height upto 15 meters and to electrify the whole fence.
and more companies of bsf should be deployed.

that will be great if it stops multi billion dollar smmugling of indian goods along with drugs in to Bangladesh along with smuggling diesel oil, gold, trafficking woman, soap, biscuit from bangladesh to india... But it will eventually bust a certain portion of indian region's economy along the bangladesh border.
that will be great if it stops multi billion dollar smmugling of indian goods along with drugs in to Bangladesh along with smuggling diesel oil, gold, trafficking woman, soap, biscuit from bangladesh to india... But it will eventually bust a certain portion of indian region's economy along the bangladesh border.

We are no Bangladeshi. Our Economy is 16 times bigger than Bangladesh. How much ? 1 Billion $ ? We are spending 200 Billion $ for defence modernization in next 15 years.

I don't know why Bangladeshi gives so much importance to herself ? She is not important in any way. Neither Economically, or Natural resource, or Strategic location. A Small country with huge population and is going to increase only once Illegal Bangladeshi will be deported back after certain time.
We are no Bangladeshi. Our Economy is 16 times bigger than Bangladesh.

I don't know why Bangladeshi gives so much importance to herself ? She is not important in any way. Neither Economically, or Natural resource, or Strategic location. A Small country with huge population and is going to increase only Illegal Bangladeshi will be deported back after certain time.

Yes no important to India thats why your country is begging for transit for the last 40 years... right... What is India... a country with 1/3 of the poor people of the world, full of jaat paat mentality, discrimination of based on caste and religion... N 16 times bigger economy??? my as.sss ... still 77% of the people live with only 20 rupee a day ... look at your own face before lecturing others.. If bangladesh would not have been important it would not be part of the next 11 country from where even pakistan has been axed recently.

N regarding illegal migrants kiss my as.sss ... go n ban your bsf at 1st then come here n talk... it is quite clear... why it is easy to make the bhartis a big time fool... 20 million illegal migrants right?? so what the hack your bsf was doing... was drunken or sleeping... n grow your maturity before posting crap.

N go stop all the multi billion dollar smuggling goods along with drugs in to Bangladesh... India does not play any role into bangladesh's strategic equation as export to india is only 500 million but india export 4.5 billion usd goods in legal way and another 3-4 billion usd through smuggling which is completely draining our resources...
Yes no important to India thats why your country is begging for transit for the last 40 years... right... What is India... a country with 1/3 of the poor people of the world, full of jaat paat mentality, discrimination of based on caste and religion... N 16 times bigger economy??? my as.sss ... still 77% of the people live with only 20 rupee a day ... look at your own face before lecturing others.. If bangladesh would not have been important it would not be part of the next 11 country from where even pakistan has been axed recently.

Who is begging for Transit ? Don't give, Doesn't make any difference. India is 100 times better than Bangladesh. Don't talk rubbish. Economy is 16 times, Size 16 times, Population only 7 times. Overall, India Double-Triple in per capita. It's funny a Bangladeshi comparing with India. I can only laugh. Next 11 countries ? What's that ? Goldman Sacs ? BRIC where India is ranked 2nd.

regarding illegal migrants kiss my as.sss ... go n ban your bsf at 1st then come here n talk... it is quite clear... why it is easy to make the bhartis a big time fool... 20 million illegal migrants right?? so what the hack your bsf was doing... was drunken or sleeping... n grow your maturity before posting crap.

Yes, We will try to stop and we will also deport back all 20 Million Illegal Bangladeshi in future. Everyday, you people cry Why BSF killing at Border ? Everyday start a new thread why India is building fence ? Double Standard. Don't worry now we all know the intention of Bangladeshi.

N go stop all the multi billion dollar smuggling goods along with drugs in to Bangladesh... India does not play any role into bangladesh's strategic equation as export to india is only 500 million but india export 4.5 billion usd goods in legal way and another 3-4 billion usd through smuggling which is completely draining our resources...

We don't want to play any role in Bangladesh. We don' need. We play role in bigger countries. In Next election, replace Indian sponsored AL government with any Anti-Indian group. I heard 99% Bangladeshi are Anti-Indian. Then it won't be issue. After Changing the government, Break all relation and then you can do whatever you want. Good Luck !!
Yes no important to India thats why your country is begging for transit for the last 40 years... right... What is India... a country with 1/3 of the poor people of the world, full of jaat paat mentality, discrimination of based on caste and religion... N 16 times bigger economy??? my as.sss ... still 77% of the people live with only 20 rupee a day ... look at your own face before lecturing others.. If bangladesh would not have been important it would not be part of the next 11 country from where even pakistan has been axed recently.

Really? It's quite funny that a Bangladeshi has audacity to say this. 1/3 of population of poors? Lool But India has 1/5 of world population and is in South Asia [One of the most poor part of the world after sub-saharian Africa thanks to Bangladesh which has 80 million poors.] Still using Wikipedia's figures from 1991? When economy was bankrupt and country was in the worst condition economically? N11?? Loool! What about BRIC?? And as Goldman Sachs says with IC [India, China] it's just 'brrrrrrr'

Now I can see how annoying it bust be for Chinese [10-11%] when Indians talk about Indian economy [8-9%] doing better? Plus India is set to become big but Bangladesh is nothing. Surrounded by India from 3 sides and is consisted of 'delta area' of Brahmaputra which apparently predicted be under water by next century. Not my words. Zabanya only told me. And is highly densed land of poor and starving people. I can't imagine how you fit 170 million people in that much area? Even after having so many poors India's gdp per capita is $1260 and Bangladesh's is $600. Shameful. Isn't it? It just goes to show the 'STANDARD OF POOR' in each country. Plus probably in Bangladesh anyone one who can hide his sexual parts and can infiltrate to India isn't classed as a poor. :azn: And what about low living standards of Bangladesh?

Poverty wise Bangladesh in the league of Zimbabwe and Niger. Heck! Even Afghanistan has higher GDP per capita than Bangladesh! Utterly shameful! Whereas India is in the league of Uzbekistan, Phillipines, Vietnam in terms of GDP per capita.
we are talking about per capita gdp not whole gdp. go back n check the previous posts. India had much lower per capita gdp then east pakistan/bangladesh up to 1970 and was almost same up to 1992.

After that most of the time your beloved BNP ruled in BD. So much love
Who is begging for Transit ? Don't give, Doesn't make any difference. India is 100 times better than Bangladesh. Don't talk rubbish. Economy is 16 times, Size 16 times, Population only 7 times. Overall, India Double-Triple in per capita. It's funny a Bangladeshi comparing with India. I can only laugh. Next 11 countries ? What's that ? Goldman Sacs ? BRIC where India is ranked 2nd.

Yes, We will try to stop and we will also deport back all 20 Million Illegal Bangladeshi in future. Everyday, you people cry Why BSF killing at Border ? Everyday start a new thread why India is building fence ? Double Standard. Don't worry now we all know the intention of Bangladeshi.

We don't want to play any role in Bangladesh. We don' need. We play role in bigger countries. In Next election, replace Indian sponsored AL government with any Anti-Indian group. I heard 99% Bangladeshi are Anti-Indian. Then it won't be issue. After Changing the government, Break all relation and then you can do whatever you want. Good Luck !!

you moron go through the population size ...india is 8 times bigger... its only western side have done little development but the eastern part people are dirt poor.... triple per capita gdp??? the country which has more poor people then the entire sub saharan country and 1/3 of the poor people of the world and more % of poor people then Bangladesh ... and where 77% of the people live with less then 20 rupee a day should not show audacity to speak about other's country... do not forget your country was so poor that indians even had to stole tiles and furniture from bangladesh... n regarding BSF my as..sss... most of the people those who were killed are cattle traders or local poor farmers in the border area... not illegal migrants... n even many indian hr groups said it is massive violation of human rights... it is not bravery to kill unarmed person... just go n face bdr if your bsf has balls... do you know when your bsf tried to face bdr what happen lost 16 of its instantly ... this is official figure unofficial figure is as high as 450. Now go n remain in wet dream of your bsf and 20 million migrants and dreaming of sent them back at some day in the future... grow up... else others will seeing your post will say you will require mental treatment.
Really? It's quite funny that a Bangladeshi has audacity to say this. 1/3 of population of poors? Lool But India has 1/5 of world population and is in South Asia [One of the most poor part of the world after sub-saharian Africa thanks to Bangladesh which has 80 million poors.] Still using Wikipedia's figures from 1991? When economy was bankrupt and country was in the worst condition economically? N11?? Loool! What about BRIC?? And as Goldman Sachs says with IC [India, China] it's just 'brrrrrrr'

Now I can see how annoying it bust be for Chinese [10-11%] when Indians talk about Indian economy [8-9%] doing better? Plus India is set to become big but Bangladesh is nothing. Surrounded by India from 3 sides and is consisted of 'delta area' of Brahmaputra which apparently predicted be under water by next century. Not my words. Zabanya only told me. And is highly densed land of poor and starving people. I can't imagine how you fit 170 million people in that much area? Even after having so many poors India's gdp per capita is $1260 and Bangladesh's is $600. Shameful. Isn't it? It just goes to show the 'STANDARD OF POOR' in each country. Plus probably in Bangladesh anyone one who can hide his sexual parts and can infiltrate to India isn't classed as a poor. :azn: And what about low living standards of Bangladesh?

Poverty wise Bangladesh in the league of Zimbabwe and Niger. Heck! Even Afghanistan has higher GDP per capita than Bangladesh! Utterly shameful! Whereas India is in the league of Uzbekistan, Phillipines, Vietnam in terms of GDP per capita.

Read before posting... do not post foolish staff .... i said india has 1/3 of the poor people of the world... not related to total population n the number is higher then the entire sub saharan people ... n this 1/3 of the poor people of the world is not from wiki or 1991 data... recent revelation...

One-third of world's poor in India: Survey - Times Of India

n regarding poor people bangladesh has people below poverty line 31% where as India has 37% ... this 37% is official figure but many other report has pointed out it is as high as 77% .. as 77% of the people live with less then only 20 rupee a day... You should be more ashamed seeing the huge gap between rich and poor.. In Bangladesh difference between rich and poor is not that high... It is the middle class which is pushing the countries growth..

It's official: 37 pc live below poverty line - India News - IBNLive

Two other reports had pegged poverty at higher levels. The Arjun Sengupta report had said 77 per cent of Indians live on less than Rs 20 a day while the N C Saxena Committee report had said 50 per cent of people live below poverty. However, the Tendulkar report with a figure of at 37 per cent, is perhaps more acceptable to the government.

Watch the recent long news report of al jazeera ... which was reporting the poverty of India... n said the number is 77%.


Redefining poverty - Inside Story - Al Jazeera English

N bangladesh's per capita gdp is 818 usd based on 1995 base year.. Next year it will be upgraded to 2005 base year... which will give substantial boost of the per capita gdp.

New base year from FY12 for GDP counting : business : daily sun

N regarding afghanistan have higher per capita gdp??? Have you even checked what is afghanistan's per capita gdp... n bangladesh is as per with zimbabwe and niger... do you know what is the per capita gdp and poverty rate os those 2 country!!!Niger has per capita gdp of 381 usd and zimbabwe 475 usd... If you want to compare poverty you should compare it with india which has as high as 77% of the people live below poverty time... still farmers kill themselves for not paying the debts... you will not see no such thing in bangladesh... Now you should wonder who should be more ashamed... n yes it is you and other bhartis.
our population is more than entire african nations, don't you know. you r in frustration. bangladesh is famous for sending illegal immigrants to other nation, i have seen many slums in Kolkata of BS illegal immigrants, and they don't want to go back to their country. many of them are lazy..............


Yes you are right.Illegal Bangladeshis are there is large numbers across the country.They are there in large numbers in Paschim Banga and the NE states.Most of them come in the category of "economic refugees".I have myself seen illegal Bangladeshis in Italy.They were selling counterfeit Armani bags just outside the leaning tower of Pisa complex in Pisa. Illegal Bangladeshis pose a major threat to the security of the country.They can be easily picked up by radical Islamic groups so on and so forth.fencing the border is of utmost importance because we no longer can take in these people.we have loads of problems already and these guys are not making things any better.Unfortunately the politicians in the country look at this scourge as a method of increasing their Mulsim vote base.This is another reason why i want Modi to become the PM in the 2014 elections.I hope he can take a tough stance.
Or we could all join India and have STABILITY instead. :lol:
Boss if 150 million Muslims join any country it's bye bye stability .
They think they are rich or at least richer than India. Maybe it's tru that there percapita is greater. With an economy of 110 billion and a per capita in ppp of 1667 they may be richer than Indians, but please we don't want them to Join us. In fact they we trying to illegally cross over but we need to push back
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