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Bangladesh must not allow Indian Commandos in Dhaka

While Awami govt deny to have any discussion with indians, indians have taken over streets around indian high comission beyond high commission parameters. Not only that, imported indian security details already harassing and restricting Bangladeshi citizens movement even streets away from indian high commission. In news report one resident in the area who lived there for 14 years compalined that even their guest come for visit face indian security harassments.

Here is picture of couple indians in civil cloths outside indian high commission, in apparent bid to intimidate.
The Americans would not allow it. Gen. McChrystal has already pointed out that India is causing a destabilizinng role in Afghanistan so why would the US invite more trouble by having Indian troops there?

Indian troops have already been in Afghanistan for security duties.
during construction activities. Once construction was finished the troops have returned.

Gen. McChrystal does not speak for US government. He is not the one who makes the decsion. And from his point of view i completely understand his concern. He probably has Pak barking in his ear about India. Preventing him from doing his job, which is to provide safty for Afghanistan. To do so He needs PAk. And PAk keeps complaining about India. He is in a though spot.




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Indian commandos to guard in our territory doesnt really make any sense,rather they should be sent here for training..:cheers:
As far my knowledge goes, the govt. is providing special security to the Indian and US embassy in Dhaka. Letting Indians to guard in our territory would be undermining our military and other security forces.

Dude , every country doesn't want to be dependent on other countries' forces. Maybe the indian government feels that the commandos being sent are more capable that what security BD government is providing at present.
Be practical dude. How can a force of 50 commandos undermine your force of millions of soldiers and police forces. Apart from this , the powers of these commandos are restricted to the area around the embassy only, which means that they are just normal foreign citizens outside the embassy , answerable to bangladeshi laws.
Dude , every country doesn't want to be dependent on other countries' forces. Maybe the indian government feels that the commandos being sent are more capable that what security BD government is providing at present.
Be practical dude. How can a force of 50 commandos undermine your force of millions of soldiers and police forces. Apart from this , the powers of these commandos are restricted to the area around the embassy only, which means that they are just normal foreign citizens outside the embassy , answerable to bangladeshi laws.

You have no clue what so ever what you are talking about, so not woth of a response.
Malulana matiur rehman nazami is the prominent alim-e-deen and he is one of the ten member’s team that represents religious activity around the alam e islamia sponsored by Saudi government. He is one of the influential Islamic scholar know by alam-e-islamia. Only a Hindu minded low life munafiq fag like you would call him such. Wllahi, I would have given you bloody nose if you were in front of me. Better yet provide me with your add in Canada so you shall be given a beat you scum of the earth or

How many of your sisters and mothers were raped during 71? You shameless zahil.

Good job there, I'm sure he's scared shitless. Who are you to go around giving people bloody noses when you're confused about your own identity?

yet, could it be that you are a descendant of Persians and Afghans?

Yes I am.

I'm glad that there are people in Bangladesh that stand up to bigots like you. You spend all your time pretending you're Arab/Persian, you even pretend like you can speak arabic, I bet you can't even spell wallahi in Arabic.

Your tiny little brain is clouded with hate, you can't see simple logic you can only stick your head in the sand when your mullah commands you to.

come and see me if you have gut.:angry:

Don't you live in Jersey tough guy? I do too :D. Why go all the way to Canada? I know many people who will be happy to debate about religion with you in person.

You're Persian right? I'll recognize you don't worry :lol:
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Good job there, I'm sure he's scared shitless. Who are you to go around giving people bloody noses when you're confused about your own identity?

I'm glad that there are people in Bangladesh that stand up to bigots like you. You spend all your time pretending you're Arab/Persian, you even pretend like you can speak arabic,

Your tiny little brain is clouded with hate, you can't see simple logic you can only stick your head in the sand when your mullah commands you to.

Don't you live in Jersey tough guy? I do too :D. Why go all the way to Canada? I know many people who will be happy to debate about religion with you in person.

You're Persian right? I'll recognize you don't worry :lol:

Oh look what we have here! A vegetarian brain hindu warrior Stepping up for his hindu blooded brother.

I bet you can't even spell wallahi in Arabic.

I hope you got alot of dough to waste. :victory:

It's amazing how much time you spend digging my posts. :D
All I was saying there is Bangladeshis must not bow down to Pakistani pressure and Bangladesh should maintain its friendship with India and must not take sides, specially not pro-Pakistani side. That is harmful, as it is learnt from experience.

You've learned ignorance.:flame:
পাঠকের মন্তব্য on  ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনের নিজস্ব বাহিনী প্রত্যাহারের দাবি বিএনপির

Look these bloody comments, it seems to me that maximum Prothom-Alo readers are Indian stooges.

Click: ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনের নিজস্ব বাহিনী প্রত্যাহারের দাবি বিএনপির
Oh look what we have here! A vegetarian brain hindu warrior Stepping up for his hindu blooded brother.

:lol: At least I'm not an insecure wannabe Arab/Persian bigot who is confused about his ancestry.

Open your little mind while you still can. The world is running out of room for religious fanatics such as yourself.

I hope you got alot of dough to waste. :victory:

I got plenty, I didn't get my education from a Saudi madrassa. :lol:

It's amazing how much time you spend digging my posts. :D

Hardly any actually, its not difficult to remember the hilarious things you've said, like that nonsense you spewed about 'barricading India' with your imaginary 'Islamic army' or like the time you claimed you're Persian(??!). If I ever do meet you I bet my Iranian friends would have a good laugh. :lol:

PS: I hope your 'Islamic army' is composed of more than just illiterate, cave dwelling, starving tribals. :lol:
পাঠকের মন্তব্য on  ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনের নিজস্ব বাহিনী প্রত্যাহারের দাবি বিএনপির

Look these bloody comments, it seems to me that maximum Prothom-Alo readers are Indian stooges.

Click: ভারতীয় হাইকমিশনের নিজস্ব বাহিনী প্রত্যাহারের দাবি বিএনপির

News print like protom-alo, daily star, borer kagoj, jono konto are some of the raw and mushrik sponsored anti Bangladesh, anti Islamic news print comes out from dhaka. So it's expected that their reader would be dalal minded.

It seem these low lives are more concern about what's BNP said than security of our country. I do not understand the mindset of Awami. These low life care more about bharat interest than their own country. If Bangladesh ever fall (Allah na koruk) than it would because of awami munafiqs. What's these looser do not understand is that if there is no Bangladesh than they will not be around to criticized BNP or Jamat. Can't stand them dalals :angry:
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