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Bangladesh must not allow Indian Commandos in Dhaka


Bangladesh is also facing water shortage.....new irrigation and water-saving techniques + sharing of experiences would benefit both countries

and unfortunately, Bangladesh is prone to natural disasters

The nature of water shortage in Pakistan and Bangladesh is different. Pakistan's problem is lack of water ways, in simple words. Bangladesh does not have lack of fresh water source. However, dams and tidal barrages constructed in rivers in India hampers the natural flow of water in the tributaries that come into our country. It's more political problem than natural. The solution is thus political. Recently PM Sheikh Hasina visited India and we are negotiating on water sharing for Teesta river. But yes, there is no harm in sharing technology and research on these problems, from which we can all benefit.

i dont think they will clash....we didnt clash over supply of jointly produced trainer aircrafts to Egypt. China and Pakistan both get cut regardless. In the case of tanks, Ukraine would also gain. Pakistan indigenously modified the smooth bore turret barrels and made other cosmetic, mechanical and armament improvements; we can offer those to Bangladesh as well

i dont see how it is a logistical nightmare. Sri Lanka was getting Pakistani equipment on time and on war-footing basis during their decisive fight against the tamil tiger terrorists....Bangladesh case would be no different, and Bangladesh is much closer geographically, though I think we would be sending the goods through China and probably not by ship.

(not sure)

Bangladesh has been buying small military techs from Pakistan. However, Pakistan is not a safe source of military equipment in times of need. Pakistan itself is in a bad position due to the terrorism related situation. It can not even guarantee itself military hardware that it imports from outside; how can Pakistan act as a neutral and safe supplier?! The same hardware can be bought from China, with no greater price tag! I don't think Pakistan would have better 120 mm smooth-bore technology than China or Ukraine. For 155 mm rounds, Bangladesh has bought PLZ-45, one of the leading self propelled howitzers in the world today; why not acquire the tech to produce ammunition from them too? Pakistan does not have any self-propelled howitzer of PLZ-45's calibre right?! Bangladesh is reportedly buying Type 96 tank from China and I also heard about buying Yatagan T-84 from Ukraine. Al Khalid doesn't beat them. Al Khalid is just slightly modified version of Chinese Type 90 II. The modifications are also done for desert condition, a completely different scenario from Bangladesh's marshy, riverine, muddy geography. Type 96 on the other hand is also based on Type 90 II but the upgrade done on it is more advanced. Yatagan is also good choice. The political history and the diplomatic relation between Pakistan and Bangladesh is not the best and neither of the countries is in position of coming to the help of the other in times of need, unfortunate it may sound but truth it is. Sri Lanka got supplies not just from Pakistan but also from China. In fact bulk of its military hardware came from China. As the strongest regional power, China is not a bad choice at all.
However, Pakistan is not a safe source of military equipment in times of need.
Befeore Rawamy-Commie's took over and MUA Haram Khor's back stab to PAK-MIL, when was the last time PAK-MIL or GOP didn't come to rescue BD-Mil in time of need?
Befeore Rawamy-Commie's took over and MUA Haram Khor's back stab to PAK-MIL, when was the last time PAK-MIL or GOP didn't come to rescue BD-Mil in time of need?

Hey buddy , you know what they say - that the moment you loose control of the situation you start foul mouthing.
@M_Saint With your bad mouth you bring shame to us as Bangladeshi. You made a suggestion of changing the flag in other thred, have you given a thought to that?
Yep! i think India must do it now... My very best wishes to 50 commandos going out there to conquer and subjugate bangladesh!
Yes they can do it.. :sniper:

Idune... i think you are not safe out there... Commandos are coming :rofl:
atleast Al zakir is intelligent.....escaped to America...
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