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Bangladesh Air Force buys J-10C fighters, K-8W trainers from China

Another bdmilitary.com hoax without any credible confirmation.

@The Eagle @WebMaster are you going to take action against these bdmilitary.com propaganda paddlers?
@idune, being an Indian, you do not want BD to arm itself. All your posts suggest that you want BD to take an eternal submissive role to India. Please come with the flag of talented @Nilgiri and then talk irrationally like your other compatriot Indians. In this forum, you yourself have become a hoax.
the source is febu 7 star general Sayed Amar Khan :hitwall:

Enough is enough I really want to see 4++ gen fighters on our sky. no more fake news from bdmilitary.com
K8 sales profit is distributed between China and Pakistan. It is a joint project.

Technically contribution I don't't see but could be financial (if) profits will distribute. Means Pakistan gave some amount for development
Technically contribution I don't't see but could be financial (if) profits will distribute. Means Pakistan given some amount for development


Hence any profit out of its sale would be distributed.
This is really exciting news if comes true. Every defense enthusiasts are patiently waiting to see some potent aircrafts in BAF fleet. But then I see this bdmilitary link and still remain sceptic. Guys this is a big news for China itself. These will make big news in Chinese domains, Russians and some biggest defense outlets. But I dont see anything from them.
the source is febu 7 star general Sayed Amar Khan :hitwall:

Enough is enough I really want to see 4++ gen fighters on our sky. no more fake news from bdmilitary.com

@WebMaster @The Eagle are going against their own rule. They are allowing PDF to be bdmilitary.com propaganda site and allowing trolling.
. . .
Another bdmilitary.com hoax without any credible confirmation.

@The Eagle @WebMaster are you going to take action against these bdmilitary.com propaganda paddlers?

Not propaganda at all. It's bdmilitary who broke the news of K8 purchase and indigenous frigate development .
Now take a sleeping pill and have a nice sleep.
Not propaganda at all. It's bdmilitary who broke the news of K8 purchase and indigenous frigate development .
Now take a sleeping pill and have a nice sleep.

Show official statement of J-10 purchase. bdmilitary.com propaganda and you as propaganda paddler have no basis or proof.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
1 hr ·
বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনীর সিঙ্গেল ইঞ্জিন single engine MRCA এর জন্য বলতে গেলে uncontested leader is অপ্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী প্রার্থী হলো চীনের Chinese J-10 যুদ্ধবিমান।

এই বছরের শেষ দিকে চীনের সাথে by the end of this year under the US$ 1 BILLION loan ১ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার চুক্তির আওতায় ১৬ টি BAF will probably procure 16 X J-10 Chinese MRCA কেনার কথা আছে

প্রথমে বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনী firstly, BAF intented to purchase the J-10B version, an upgraded version of ভার্সন কিনতে চেয়েছিলো যা ছিলো J-10A এর আপগ্রেডেড এবং মর্ডান ভার্সন।

The good news is most likely BAF will purchase the latest J-10C version তবে খুশির খবর হলো "বাংলাদেশ বিমানবাহিনী খুব সম্ভবত সবচেয়ে লেটেস্ট the latest J-10C কিনবে"।

J-10C has entered service this year এই বছরেই সার্ভিসে প্রবেশ করেছে।সব রকম পরীক্ষায় উত্তীর্ণ হবার পর তা চাইনিজ এয়ারফোর্সের সার্ভিসে এসেছে।এটি much better than J-10B থেকে অনেক উন্নত।uses composite materials, as such RCS is much lessএতে কম্পোজিট ম্যাটেরিয়াল ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে ফলে এর রাডার ক্রস সেকশন (RCS) J-10B এর চেয়ে অনেক কম।

এতে আছে অত্যাধুনিক KLJ-10A AESA range may be around 220 km রাডার যার রেঞ্জ অপ্রকাশিত। তবে অনেকের মতে ২২০ কিমি।এছাড়া এতে রাশিয়ান রাডারও ইন্সটল করা যাবে।এটি একটি হাই-ম্যানুভারেবল ফাইটার।

আর এই ভার্সনে চাইনিজ this version uses Chinese WS-10A engines ইঞ্জিন ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে যা পুর্বের AL-31 ইঞ্জিনের সমস্যা সমাধান করবে বলে আশা করা হচ্ছে এবং এর থ্রাস্টও তুলনামূলক বেশি।এছাড়া এই বিমানে দুরপাল্লার মিশন পরিচালনার জন্য এক্সটারনাল ফুয়েল ট্যাংক এবং রিফুয়েলিং প্রোব আছে যা দিয়ে মাঝ আকাশে রিফুয়েলিং করতে পারবে।

Cockpit has ককপিটে আছে ৩ টি মাল্টিফাংশনাল ডিসপ্লে (3D-MFD) + এবং হেড আপ ডিসপ্লে (HUD).
আছে হেলমেট মাউন্টেন সাইট (HMS) যার মাধ্যমে পাইলট যেদিকে তাকাবে অটোমেটিকভাবে সেদিকে টার্গেট লক হবে।

আর এর অস্ত্রসজ্জায়ও নতুনত্ব এসেছে।এই বিমান অত্যাধুনিক latest PL-12 missiles মিসাইল আছে যার রেঞ্জ range 100 km১০০ কিমি।আর খুব রিসেন্ট ছবিতে একে চাইনিজ recent version uses PL-15 missiles, range 300 km মিসাইল বহন করতে দেখা গেছে যার রেঞ্জ ৩০০ কিমি এবং speed Mach-4 স্পিড ম্যাক-৪!!!!

এই মিসাইল মুলত এয়ারবোর্ন আর্লি ওয়ার্নিং বিমান,ফুয়েল ট্যাংকার এবং স্ট্র‍্যাটিজিক ট্রান্সপোর্ট বিমান ধ্বংস করতে সক্ষম।

এছাড়া Also C-802A, C-701 AShM এন্টিশিপ মিসাইল,রাশিয়ান and Kh-31P or বা চাইনিজ YJ-91 anti radiation missiles can be fitted এন্টি রেডিয়েশন মিসাইল বহন করতে সক্ষম।

Hopefully by end of this year the agreement with China will be concluded আশা করা যায় এই বছরের শেষ দিকেই (নভেম্বর-ডিসেম্বর) চীনের সাথে চুক্তি হবে।

Show official statement of J-10 purchase. bdmilitary.com propaganda and you as propaganda paddler have no basis or proof.

Why are you so DESPERATE for AL government to not purchase advanced weapons like they did with Mig-29s and Ulsan class frigate?

A squadron of J-10C(if confirmed) would wipe out MAF's Mig-29s and Jf-17s with ease.
if i tell you guys the entire plan of BD armed forces, you will get immediate heart attack
Whatever they will do ,all for the safety of our home.
Salam and hats off too them if they really can give pain on a.s s of hostile neighboring entities.
Only in this way bangladesh can achieve it's real freedom .
because they wanted extra commissions but China refused it.
Let me explain something off topic yet important. Please read it thoroughly, because it's a cry of a victim of BNP regime humiliation.
Yes tareq chora and his mother came to power in order to swallow I believe. They thought if bangladesh is their father's property and we common folks are their slave .
The thugs looted money from every sector , specially electricity .
but allahr Mar duniyar bar, the greedy bastards thought that they came to power for eternity, so even offended armed forces .
And they have paid their price . And also I believe after 1/11 when armed forces were deployed ,they saw the pathetic situation of peoples specially because of electricity. I myself suffered 14-16 hours load sheding on a regular basis(Sometimes even worse).
Some neighboring area suffered even more . Also same case for relatives area .
Oh man I swear I still shiver when I remember the situation,even sweating in cold winter ,when I remember those electricity less curel summer .( This was the real condition of most of smaller districts. Villages were even worse)

My curse is always with them at least as I am too much vulnerable to hot dump weather and that time was hell for me( literally hell!) .
Even IPS provided almost no back up because it was not charged well.
2 hours loadsheding and 1 hour electricity
. The life was hell .:(:(
I never want those bastards in power again .
May Allah save us from those real demons.
I hate BNP and the real reason is such loadsheding .
When awami league came to power and slowly electricity problem was solving . I even couldn't believe that loadsheding is decreasing . And finally in these days there is almost no loadsheding even in summer .
Now tell me what is the reason that commoners like me will not prefer awami legue over BNP any day?
Indeed I will choose awami league over BNP any time.

Why should I not choose so called fascist over such democratic ho. System ?
I hope military is controlling from behind, and that's the reason why common folks love military so much.

Policitians are always at each other, it will not change but why should they interfere with the Armed Forces and risk our national security? Did you people elect them to jeoperdise our soverignty?
Some did. Some in bangladesh aren't Bangladeshi , rather they are cult members of BNP cult and awami cult ,and any day they prefer BNP and BAL over bangladesh .
Awami league is much better than BNP though , except chetona version .
However BNP has psedo Islamic version that are almost equal to chetona version of BAL.
Country's defense and sovereignty ,mean little to them , they just need money ,and some fixed supporters will keep eating political sh!t always .

But majority of BD folks will prefer defense and security as basic needs like food , shelter , clothing treatment , education .
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It depends.
The concept is quite similar to JF17. Both were developed by China at first for PAF, so there was coordination at first, including finance. But later exports may or may not involve Pakistan.
For example, K8 for Egypt took Pakistan out of the equation.

So it's up to Bangladesh and China if they want to involve Pakistan or not.

No its not

Its a joint project!!!
Whatever your indian hangups and problems, Pakistan was part and parcel of developing these projects and planes

Pakistan gets profit cut regardless of whether we sell it or China sells it, anywhere in the world

Just like JF 17s

If Pakistan makes a sale to eg Nigeria then we will share profits with China, if China makes a sale with Myanmar they will still share profits with us

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