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Baloch youth stage anti-India protest for fuelling anarchy in the province

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leave indian trolling aside this what happen yesterday

بھارتی مداخلت روکی جائے :بلوچستان کی دہائی
25 ستمبر 2011 01 : 23
کوئٹہ(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک) بلوچستان متحدہ محاذ نے حکومت سے صوبے میں بھارتی مداخلت روکنے کے لیے اقدامات کا مطالبہ کیا ہے۔ کوئٹہ میں بلوچستان متحدہ محاذ کی ریلی میں بھارتی پرچم اور وزیراعظم من موہن سنگھ کا پتلا جلایا گیا۔ کوئٹہ میٹرو پولیٹن کارپوریشن سے شروع ہونے والی ریلی سرکلر روڈ ،جناح روڈ سے ہوتے ہوئے منان چوک پہنچی۔ شرکاءسے خطاب کرتے ہوئے بلوچستان متحدہ محاذ کے وائس چیئرمین شمس مینگل، گل افغان اور دیگر رہنماوں نے کہا کہ امن وامان کی خراب صورتحال بھارتی مداخلت کی وجہ سے ہے۔ بلوچستان میں قتل غارت کا بازار گرم کرنے کا مقصد قدرتی وسائل کو عوام کی دسترس سے دور رکھنا ہے۔ مقررین کا کہنا تھا کہ گوادر پورٹ اور دیگر ترقیاتی منصوبوں کی مخالفت کرنے والے پسماندگی کاخاتمہ نہیں چاہتے۔ بھارتی مداخلت کے خلاف آواز اٹھانے پر بلوچستان متحدہ محاذ کے چیئرمین پر قاتلانہ حملہ کیاگیا لیکن پاکستان کی ترقی اور استحکام کیلئے کسی قربانی سے دریخ نہیں کیا جائے گا۔

Excellent, gathering a handful jamatis or JUDs or some such and burning Indian flag has always solved problems in Pakistan. Now I declare Balochistan a safe place for all (except mongoloid shias) and there is no more need to pretend to investigate the missing persons isssue.

Well done Pakistan, that one picture negated all those pictures of Balochis burning pakistan flags!

If that is what you said in the first line is true. Then actually we took a lesson from the largest democrazy of the world, the perfect secular state and future super power of how to drama just to show that integral and unbreakable part rant isn't just rant. The only thing is that we miss mass graves and 600000 security personnel in Baluchistan. Unfortunately we aren't that "secular" and "democratic" after all. ;)
hehehehe..lagta hai ISI ne jyada paisa de diya...
Obviously, It's ISI paid one. There are so many videos where large no. of Baloch people shouting anti-Pakistani and what not ? There is even a local newspaper for balochistan which uses "Illegal occupation" in all their news. People should do Few search and easy to know. :agree:
Obviously, It's ISI paid one. There are so many videos where large no. of Baloch people shouting anti-Pakistani and what not ? There is even a local newspaper for balochistan which uses "Illegal occupation in all news". People should do Few search and easy to know. :agree:

Yup it was ISI paid. They were paid better future. A better status as the citizens of this country. Something better than they could have achieved if they would have fought for a selfish Sardar.
If that is what you said in the first line is true. Then actually we took a lesson from the largest democrazy of the world, the perfect secular state and future super power of how to drama just to show that integral and unbreakable part rant isn't just rant. The only thing is that we miss mass graves and 600000 security personnel in Baluchistan. Unfortunately we aren't that "secular" and "democratic" after all. ;)

Yes, I've already accepted that burning the Indian flag has resolved the Baloch problem. Please accept my heartiest congratulations at the success of this brilliantly thought out and executed operation by the best of the best!

Targetting Punjabis was the last straw for these separatists, making of this video could no more be delayed, they had it coming. Let this video be a warning to those gun totting thugs in Karachi too, as long as they kill sindhis, mohajirs, balochs and pathans its ok, but if they target punjabis, one more video shall be made. Beware.
Yes, I've already accepted that burning the Indian flag has resolved the Baloch problem. Please accept my heartiest congratulations at the success of this brilliantly thought out and executed operation by the best of the best!

Thank you very much.

Targetting Punjabis was the last straw for these separatists, making of this video could no more be delayed, they had it coming. Let this video be a warning to those gun totting thugs in Karachi too, as long as they kill sindhis, mohajirs, balochs and pathans its ok, but if they target punjabis, one more video shall be made. Beware.

Humm the rant shows you have no idea about Karachi too like you have no idea about WOT or FATA or KP or Afghanistan for that matter. Great. You always live up to our expectations. :tup:
Excellent, gathering a handful jamatis or JUDs or some such and burning Indian flag has always solved problems in Pakistan. Now I declare Balochistan a safe place for all (except mongoloid shias) and there is no more need to pretend to investigate the missing persons isssue.

Well done Pakistan, that one picture negated all those pictures of Balochis burning pakistan flags!
Actually these Jamatis were first sponsored a quick trip to the Barbers to have their beards trimmed or even shaved.
Wonder if there are any mass graves of those missing ..... something common in our locality.
And here we see some more Jamatis with a different head gear performing same rituals.


Windjammer - Its always a pleasure to wake up and see 1 of your posts. Many thanks....
Windjammer - Its always a pleasure to wake up and see 1 of your posts. Many thanks....

My dear I open my office at 7.00 am....... and get a good laugh reading the Indian's obsession with Pakistan.
We could even learn a thing or two from them about our Country. :)
One question.. Since when has Indian flag being burnt somewhere in Pakistan become a news item.. I mean it would be a news item if a day goes by without that happening.. No??

btw, i loved the video on "Pakistan ka matlab kya" .. Very different from what comes out of Kashmir :)
My dear I open my office at 7.00 am....... and get a good laugh reading the Indian's obsession with Pakistan.
We could even learn a thing or two from them about our Country. :)

You should spend time on Google Trend to know who is obsessed.

If you are obsessed with Kashmir Valley, Then we can also have an eye on Balochistan. :agree:

I can post more article, news and videos about Balochistan than one you can post about Kashmir Valley.
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