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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

Pakistan should reassess its Afghan policy and befriend the Afghan nation by joining hands with the Karzai government in fighting the scourge of extremism.

Karzai is an Indian controlled puppet-dork who has established a well earned reputation as a two-faced jackass.

This is not just the Pakistani assessment. The Americans have also distanced themselves from Karzai, his brother is the biggest drug lord in Afghanistan, and his cabinet is full of individuals who are up for sale -- and India's on a shopping spree.

Here's what Ashraf Ghani, one of his Presidential election rivals, says about him in a recent interview on Fareed Zakaria GPS.

ZAKARIA: You said recently to George Packer of The New Yorker, that Shakespeare is in some ways the best guide to what happened in Afghanistan.

What did you mean by that?

GHANI: The palace is full of intrigues. It's all about tactical play, who gets closer to the king, because the style that Karzai has created in the palace is much more like a medieval kingship, where there is intrigue all around. Somebody gets close in order to out- maneuver somebody else.

All is a game of pretension, and King Lear does not understand that he is being fooled. So, it's there where we're really getting the sense of a Shakespearian tragedy, because it truly is tragic.
This statement is, if anything, the over-the-top trolling of which you are accusing me. It simply isn't true. It is a gross exaggeration. I only characterize posts as "irhabi" when they are. :yahoo: That is, if a true AK-47 toting irhabi deigned to join us here at the PDF, he would applaud the comments that I so characterize. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
You're not allowed to. NEVER comment on ANY member of this forum. You're allowed to talk on topic ONLY.

Also your assessment of people is quite lame.
Congratualtions to all Pakistanis, especially those who have lost family and friends to Baitullah and the Talib - but our work is not yet done - there is an entire network to unhinge and of course there is Mullah Omar and his shura - if they are to survive, they must live in Afghanistan.

Pakistan is no more safe for any armed Islamist movement.

read my post again - I'm not referring to Hamid Gul specifically. I'm talking about neocons "of the Hamid Gul variety" i.e. people who think like Hamid Gul - its a figure of speech in the english language. :)

While BM was no lightweight, he clearly had support from neocons in the pakistani military establishment.

Some people have pointed a finger at the Indians.

I'd say it was the neocons of the Hamid Gul variety associated with the military establishment who used Baitullah to reinvigorate the faltering jihadi enterprise, ensure continued hostilities with India, and remove Benazir. Its not a coincidence that Benazir at the time named retd. and serving military hardliners as possible culprits behind her first assasination attempt in October 2007.

Our home-grown neocon khakis(retd. or serving) have had a great joyride for the last two decades, and simply don't want the Jihad Inc. party to end.

Recent editorials in Dawn and News have alluded to "powerful establishment quarters" still supporting the TTP. Luckily, such pro-taliban blocs seem to be increasingly marginalized in the military under the watchful eye of General Kayani.

Dude, grow up.

Isn't it had been quite a while that such BS is no more being digested atleast inside Pakistan?

If we go by your intellect then one would grade you no more than an amateur because the bashing that the Pakistani military has faced (either directly or indirectly, or either due to lack of undertaking immediate action against terrorists or due to the policy decisions made by militatymen when they were in power) let alone is enough a besmirchment that no one with a sane mind would ever like to support terrorism in any form or manifestation because he wants the presence of military felt or he wants that the military's worth should remain puissant!

So let's leave this crap aside, as sticking to it would only make you lamer!
Luckily, such pro-taliban blocs seem to be increasingly marginalized in the military under the watchful eye of General Kayani

Yes, lucky.

While the Fauj has been bashed (FIRST AND FOREMOST BY PAKISTANI POLITICIANS - Lets always be clear about that) - not all the criticism for it not taking action and more effective action, was undeserved.

Had Mr. Gen. Musharraf been able to more effectively overcome elements within the security apparatus, he would still have been President and the lives of a great many Pakistani soliders and civilians would have been saved.
It seems your goal in life is to enrage and inflame. But I'll stay civil. This kill, if it is confirmed, will be a triumph of US-Pakistani cooperation. It will be a great endorsement for good American intentions regarding Pakistan. I just hope that people like you don't end up turning this into an "uncle Sam saves the day" story and ruin this victory for everyone.

As for the kill, credit should be given where it is due. Congratulations to the American forces, it gives me hope that they might achieve what they came for nine years ago.

Very well said bro!

So sir Yanks this mean that it is a mission accomplished for the Americans and now they would/must plan to leave Pakistan alone to fight out its 'own' mess, without offering us any further 'help'?

Go home yanks and take some rest, or atleast stay on 'your' side of the Afghan border, you have done your job well!! :azn:
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We would cease these operations and transfer the technology if we thought it might help. Sadly, we've no faith that you would use such technology to attack any of our enemies harbored on your lands like Omar, OBL, Zawahiri, Nazir, Bahadur, Haqqani Sr. & Jr., Hekmatyar, etc.

Nope. Further, we've little faith that such technologies ancillary to our UAVs which weaponize them wouldn't find their way to the PRC like our F-16s.

We must protect the afghan people and ourselves from Pakistan's nefarious objectives.

What Aghan people? the same who don't want to see ISAF or the US in their country.

If you are in touch with soldiers returning from Afghanistan then ask them about Afghan response to the US presence.

It can be always what you want for your people, this has to be a two way street.

No one should expect Pakistan to give up its strategic goals for the gain of the CIA or RAW.

How do you expect the presence of Brahamdagh Bugti and other terror suspects in your protected Afghanistan?

Pakistan will not surrender its gains from Afghan war and Pakistan will not trust the CIA specially after what happend inn the 90s.

The only option for the US and its Allies is to work with Pakistan and not against it.

I am sure the Russians and Chinese are more than willing to play the same role which was played by the US in not so distant past.
Congratualtions to all Pakistanis, especially those who have lost family and friends to Baitullah and the Talib - but our work is not yet done - there is an entire network to unhinge and of course there is Mullah Omar and his shura - if they are to survive, they must live in Afghanistan.

Pakistan is no more safe for any armed Islamist movement.


Agreed - there is a strong nexus between the TTP and the Afghan Taliban. Based on latest reports, the Afghan Taliban are actively involved in the selection process of the new TTP leader.

The pakistani establishment can no longer afford to play nice with the Mullah Omar faction.

The message to the Afghan Taliban should be: Stop consorting with the TTP or else get ready to face the music.
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This problem is a little more complex than just Pakistan expelling all the Taliban from here. Some steps need to be taken in Afghanistan too to cool down this trans-state insurgency.

I think everyone here is of the opinion that this insurgency cannot be entirely defeated. I think with BM's elimination, it may give Pakistan an upper hand in weaning the militia linked to BM away from further adventures. The only way to do this is to have some talks with a big dunda behind the talks just so these folks know that talks is the only practical way forward, otherwise military pressure will continue.

On the Afghan side, the problem is even more complex than on the Pakistan side because those who are carrying on the insurgency are of the view that for as long as foreign occupation in Afghanistan remains, fighting with arms is within their right. It would be overly simplistic if these reasons are brushed under rug by calling them AQ-influenced or just the Taliban phenomena.

The way forward in Afghanistan is for the Afghans to put pressure on the ISAF/US to come up with a timetable to withdraw. This open ended stay is counter-productive because neither side is losing the campaign and not winning in Afghanistan is a win for the ones engaged in the insurgency. So time is on their side if diplomacy is not inserted in the current campaign, although I do think that in order to conduct diplomacy one side has to be seen as bringing more stability and having somewhat of an upper hand. I guess after this upcoming surge, it will be clearer what the ground situation in Afghanistan works out to be.
Nope. Further, we've little faith that such technologies ancillary to our UAVs which weaponize them wouldn't find their way to the PRC like our F-16s.

For these reasons, until you eject the "good" taliban and their associates from your lands, PREDATOR shall continue to do it's good work on behalf of the afghan people, our ISAF allies and ourselves.

We must protect the afghan people and ourselves from Pakistan's nefarious objectives.

Can you prove this?
Further, we've little faith that such technologies ancillary to our UAVs which weaponize them wouldn't find their way to the PRC like our F-16s.

When was the last time your F-16s were in PRC? This is typical, regurgitated BS spouted in the media so often that even Senators in the US are asking the same. There is not one shred of evidence to prove this. I challenge you to provide me with something credible to prove me wrong! Knocking on the wrong doors here. May want to contact IAI on this count.
Dude, grow up.

Isn't it had been quite a while that such BS is no more being digested atleast inside Pakistan?

If we go by your intellect then one would grade you no more than an amateur because the bashing that the Pakistani military has faced (either directly or indirectly, or either due to lack of undertaking immediate action against terrorists or due to the policy decisions made by militatymen when they were in power) let alone is enough a besmirchment that no one with a sane mind would ever like to support terrorism in any form or manifestation because he wants the presence of military felt or he wants that the military's worth should remain puissant!

So let's leave this crap aside, as sticking to it would only make you lamer!

Dude, I think you are missing the point, and being overly sensitive. Knowledgable local media reports have recently hinted at the presence of TTP sympathisers inside the military establishment. Frankly, it would'nt be a huge surprise considering the same institutions have churned out die-hard jihadi supporters like Hamid Gul and Khalid Khawaja.

I think it'd be reasonable to assume that the two mentioned above are not the only pro-taliban cheerleaders associated with the military establishment. Reverse indoctrination should surprise no one given the extensive involvement of the military in setting up the jihadi network and foolishly allowing it to be infused with Salafi ideology over the last 25 years - as articulated by former ISI Head Gen. Durrani in a recent piece.

More recently, as reported by the local media, the TNSM has been known to have several ex-military officers serving on its 'executive shura' that was actively involved in promoting Fazlullah's rule in Swat. It is highly unlikely that such ex-military elements became pro-taliban only after they had retired. :) Logically, that implies that serving military elements have been pro-extremist in the past.

The contention of some prominent pakistani media circles is simply that rogue elements(possibly raised on a steady diet of the 'glory of jihad inc.') within the present military setup might still be 'cheerleading' for the TTP thugs - a contention worth investigating. And if there are a few rotten apples in the barrel, they need to be dealt with.
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Agreed - there is a strong nexus between the TTP and the Afghan Taliban. Based on latest reports, the Afghan Taliban are actively involved in the selection process of the new TTP leader.

The pakistani establishment can no longer afford to play nice with the Mullah Omar faction.

The message to the Afghan Taliban should be: get out and stay out.

Presently there is no direct link between BM followers and Omar. BM violated strategy of MO and started war with PA and started attacks inside Pakistan, he get punishment for his wrong steps if killed by Drone.

Karzai had a great desire to make deal with MO , he declared them his brothers.

Hoped there will be peace deal between new elected Afghan government and talaban.
i dont know whether our american friends are naive or they dont want to acknowledge it or may be they deliberately wants to turn a deaf ear to the facts.

One thing should be very clear and lucid to Predator owners that it is their mess that we are now cleaning in our country today. They kick (though the kick equals a slap in strength) the bad guys there in Afghanistan and they run with their swollen azzez towards us (though only a very few of them) and thereon they 'pollute' our youth by false motivations. Moreover, this also gives an excuse to taliban hunters to spread their legs more than they own as they also claim that 'all' those who fled their assaults go to the 'safe heavens' inside Pakistan while they forget that the entire length of Afghanistan is available to the ones who flee the coalition attacks. Surprisingly we still finds the yanks mounting our heads and dictating us the terms. Atleast we our not occupying others territory while we liberate!
Sadly, we've no faith that you would use such technology to attack any of our enemies harbored on your lands like Omar, OBL, Zawahiri, Nazir, Bahadur, Haqqani Sr. & Jr., Hekmatyar, etc.

We must protect the afghan people and ourselves from Pakistan's nefarious objectives.

You failed to mention, just how many Al-Qaeda leaders we have caught and handed over to you, the list is pretty long.

Saudi-born Palestinian Abu Zubaydah was arrested after a shootout in the central Pakistani city of Faisalabad in March 2002. Zubaydah was operations director for al Qaeda and the first high-ranking member to be arrested.

Ramzi Binalshibh, a Yemeni national and one-time roommate of Mohamed Atta, suspected ringleader of the Sept. 11 hijackers, was captured in Karachi in September 2002.

Security forces arrested Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al Qaeda's number three and alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, in a raid in Rawalpindi, near Islamabad, in March 2003.

Musaad Aruchi, a nephew of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed with a $1 million bounty on his head, was arrested in Karachi in June 2004.

Tanzanian Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was arrested in the city of Gujrat in July 2004.

Pakistani intelligence agencies and security forces arrested Abu Faraj Farj al-Liby, mastermind of two failed attempts on President Pervez Musharraf's life, in May 2005.

Abu Hamza Rabia, an al Qaeda commander ranked the third most senior leader in the network, was killed in a tribal region of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan in December 2005.

Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah (also known as Abdul Rehman), an Egyptian al Qaeda member wanted for involvement in the 1998 bombing of the U.S. embassy in Kenya, was killed by Pakistani forces close to the Afghan border in April 2006.

Pakistan’s nefarious designs? So our military and government is actively plotting against your forces in Afghanistan? We must revise our strategy then, of being the main supply hub, for your forces in Afghanistan as it doesn’t seem to be working….I won’t mention the intelligence sharing, presence of CIA/Military personal on our soil, strikes directed from our bases etc, as that would certainly expose the folly of our grand “nefarious” designs. :what:
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