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Baitullah Mehsud bites the dust, confirmed! :)

Good riddance i would say. Now lets take care of the mullah who runs an illegal FM channel. Finally some peace will be restored after that.
Excellent work.....terrorists like him should be killed....hope thins improve in Pakistan now onwards.
I am hoping that it will be much easier to break down TTP into smaller factions.

I am sure this will bring some solace to the victims' families.
I am hoping that it will be much easier to break down TTP into smaller factions.

I am sure this will bring some solace to the victims' families.

No matter what out put we get to see after his supposed death, until an alternate "things to do" can be provided for all the misled fighters of all fractions, present on our hearland, its a little hard to forecast full fledge peace. They will keep getting used by the enemies of Pakistan until they can be provided with an opportunity to work and earn money and stuff.
"And one thing is for sure, IMO, no strike can be carried out on the territory of Pakistan by any country without Pak's whatever kind of approval..."

Uh huh.

Sho' nuff', if you say so.:lol:
No matter what out put we get to see after his supposed death, until an alternate "things to do" can be provided for all the misled fighters of all fractions, present on our hearland, its a little hard to forecast full fledge peace. They will keep getting used by the enemies of Pakistan until they can be provided with an opportunity to work and earn money and stuff.

I agree 100% ... I hope that the opportuntity in Swat is not wasted and employment is created. To me Swat will serve as a bench mark for GoP. If Swat is restored and people have jobs etc then it can serve as an example for others.
no PA was close to capture Baatullah alive if he would've caught alive by PA they will get valuable information that how they were supported by US and Indias money and weapon you guys have a short memory don't you remember that everyone that Pakistan have a peace deal with the next day drones will come and kill him than it will ignite a fire Baituallah was just another player.US will get another leader for TTP its just going to keep going until Pakistan falls this needs to stop here and US needs to leave Afganistan.

PS we are missing the big picture here.

That's a very valid point.
BM gained prominence only after the Americans came to Afghanistan.
It is quite likely he was about to spill the beans and was silenced.
That's a very valid point.
BM gained prominence only after the Americans came to Afghanistan.
It is quite likely he was about to spill the beans and was silenced.

That is an excellent point because last year in April/May time frame, GoP provided all details on BM's travel plan but no drone was sent to attack.

I am talking about a time span of 3 to 4 hrs where BM travelled outside of his location to address a press conference.

Gen. Musharraf was furious and it is said that he had enough but the same week Zaradri (after his trip to the US) asked Musharraf to resign.
^why didn't they send an f-16 there to get the job done?
Sir Jee,

LTTE defeated after 14 years of struggle and with support of China ,India and Pakistan.

TTP is supported by India/Israel/US and Afghan Government we need to first break their supply line , which will be real challenge for PA and GOP.

It is very complex satuation, US created insugency in FATA to develop pressure for GOP to stop support of Afghan Talaban , which is their very old blame.

Why would the USA support the TTP? Yo do realize that the US is fighting the same enemies as us in Afghanistan, right? Try not to listen to conspiracy theories so much next time.

Congrats...Baitullah Mehsud is death.:cheers:

But as long as his idea/philosophy of TTP is still relevant around NWFP more Baitullahs would take his place soon to see the battle goes on.

And one more thing, this incident should shut the mouths off those conspiracy theorists who thought CIA/RAW supported Baitullah Mehsud. If i'm not wrong drones attacks are xolely controled by CIA.
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One either believes that all taliban are the same in belief and their intent upon the respective afghan and Pakistani populations or believe that there is a "good" and "bad" taliban.

The "good" taliban, operating in Afghanistan, are encouraged by their Pakistani supporters to inflict upon the afghan people that which isn't acceptable to be tossed upon the Pakistani people.

Two-faced and evil but...

...there it is.

Many here subscribe to this notion in an effort to achieve their narrow ambitions of dominating the afghan political scene with a player who will assure, FOREVER, that the pashtu rule over proceedings in Afghanistan to the benefit of Pakistan's geo-strategic ambitions.

Some here fervantly wish to believe that Pakistan even killed B.M. with their own drone. They know this can't be and that it was America. Their hatred of America, though, precludes the obvious despite the repeated statements by the GoP to cease these American strikes and transfer the technology to Pakistan.

How blind is that?

We would cease these operations and transfer the technology if we thought it might help. Sadly, we've no faith that you would use such technology to attack any of our enemies harbored on your lands like Omar, OBL, Zawahiri, Nazir, Bahadur, Haqqani Sr. & Jr., Hekmatyar, etc.

Nope. Further, we've little faith that such technologies ancillary to our UAVs which weaponize them wouldn't find their way to the PRC like our F-16s.

For these reasons, until you eject the "good" taliban and their associates from your lands, PREDATOR shall continue to do it's good work on behalf of the afghan people, our ISAF allies and ourselves.

We must protect the afghan people and ourselves from Pakistan's nefarious objectives.
Two-faced and evil but...there it is.

Some here fervantly wish to believe that Pakistan even killed B.M. with their own drone. They know this can't be and that it was America. Their hatred of America, though, precludes the obvious despite the repeated statements by the GoP to cease these American strikes and transfer the technology to Pakistan.

We must protect the afghan people and ourselves from Pakistan's nefarious objectives.

Many excellent points, S-2. One only needs to read several of the above posts in this thread to see either the delusional or the evil minds of many irhabi sympathizers who lurk here at the PDF. Would that Allah would transport them to FATA to live with their heroes.
Well, thank God we silenced him in time.

That's a relief.

Buddy your freakin' CIA cannot even piss right in that area if it is not for our Intel. So while your spooks may have the tech it is only by our humint on the ground that such a credible strike could take place. Minus our help, your jet jocks in Sunnyville would have knocked out another bunch of innocents and would have labled them as collateral damage.
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