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Babri Masjid Attacker Converts to Islam

i feel sad for indians. They are burning from inside and can't do anything. Its like a prostitute getting raped by ugly men and she can't do anything.

These definition suits Pakistani people very well cause terrorists killing people almost every day but because of your politician and radical mindset of people you cant do any thing at all.

Best of luck
i feel sad for indians. They are burning from inside and can't do anything. Its like a prostitute getting raped by ugly men and she can't do anything.

indians are very nationalist and worship their motherland..yet Muslims conquered india and broke indian lands to four pieces! indians, till now, couldn't even get a single inch back...moreover, Pakistan become a nuclear power so india can literally die now but it won't get anything back.

then, indians hate Islam/Muslims. just mention anything about them and you'll see indians coming in pack to bash muslims/islam and spread their hate against Islam etc.....BUT, indians can't do much here as well. Islam is spreading in india mashallah and number of Muslims is INCREASING..not only that, Muslim wealth is also increasing..

PS, Muslims dominate indian film industy..

now india might want to kill all of its muslims but then again, it has a nuclear power sitting right on its ***...if india tries to do any 'final solution' for Muslims, Pakistan will puncture india's *** and bleed it out.

So basically, hindus are FRUSTRATED because they can't do shit!

So they just spew venom online :lol:
Can you please be any more offensive? :disagree:

;) thank you.
According to Dharmic philosophy there is only one God -

There is a difference between devas, avatars etc and Param Brahman (dont confuse with Lord Brahma or Brahmin)
Now what,if he is indeed involved in the demolision will his conversion make him not guilty ?????
According to Dharmic philosophy there is only one God -

There is a difference between devas, avatars etc and Param Brahman (dont confuse with Lord Brahma or Brahmin)

"Dharmic" is a very wide term. The link you have given has the word "vedanta" in it, and according to many schools of vedanta, "there is only one god." is a misleading statement. I'm not saying it is true or false, I'm saying it is misleading - because people brought up in Abrahamic religions will interpret it very differently from what most vedantis will. @Spring Onion and other muslims will probably think of it as "la ilaha..."

But according to several schools of vedanta, especially advaita vedanta, god and humans and all of reality are one and the same. "Aham Brahmasmi", "Tat tvam asi", etc. Philosophically, it is very different from what a muslim or christian means when s/he says there is only one god.

Dwaita Vedanta and other such schools of thought might agree though.
i feel sad for indians. They are burning from inside and can't do anything. Its like a prostitute getting raped by ugly men and she can't do anything.

indians are very nationalist and worship their motherland..yet Muslims conquered india and broke indian lands to four pieces! indians, till now, couldn't even get a single inch back...moreover, Pakistan become a nuclear power so india can literally die now but it won't get anything back.

then, indians hate Islam/Muslims. just mention anything about them and you'll see indians coming in pack to bash muslims/islam and spread their hate against Islam etc.....BUT, indians can't do much here as well. Islam is spreading in india mashallah and number of Muslims is INCREASING..not only that, Muslim wealth is also increasing..

PS, Muslims dominate indian film industy..

now india might want to kill all of its muslims but then again, it has a nuclear power sitting right on its ***...if india tries to do any 'final solution' for Muslims, Pakistan will puncture india's *** and bleed it out.

So basically, hindus are FRUSTRATED because they can't do shit!

So they just spew venom online :lol:
Listen you little ajlaf convert. Do you know what the Muslim invaders you looked up to called you people? Ajlafs, it means you where designated as lowly native converts. Your conversion was mostly likely through rape. I can even smell the rape of you Pakistanis as it carries on for generations.

I love how the insecure Pakistani convert is claiming Muslim history instead of his own history, let's go over this. Pakistani history consists of being raped, tirtured and subjugated by foreign invaders. Huns, Arabs, Persian, British, Greeks, Turks, Afghan and Indians. Yes, Indians did rule you Ajlaf converts, Maurayan and Guptas. India was only ever conquered by Mughals, Afghans and British. That's the difference, we fought back against invaders while you ajlaf converts where raped. The fact you low class converts claim Muslim Empires when they called you Ajlafs is hilarious. They also called you guys musalis instead of the full Mussalman. LOL.
You come from possibly the only country in the world to never have an empire hahaha. Ajlaf convert is crying.:lol:
most such places do not have long standing democratic institution for 65 years like we do. Are we comparing ourselves with south sudan and bosnia now?

I also compared ourselves to UK, Ireland, France and Israel ..... clearly self righteous pricks have limited sight and understanding.

But how wonderful it must feel to declare yourself superior to sudan and bosnia.

The world has been killing each other in the name of religion long before now and it is unlikely to stop. People just need an excuse to kill, religion is just on of them. There are plenty other reason.

France has a much stronger institution and there has been religious riots there too. Name any nation that has a substantial population that practices a differnt religion and I will show you a riot.

India is an exception, An oasis in an ocean of religious madness.
That happened 20 years ago, how many were killed in South Asia in religious violence in this time frame alone?

Gujarat riot happened 12 years ago yet you have now moral qualms about quoting it :lol: How many were killed in the rest of the world in religious voilence in this time frame alone ? What a hypocrite you are.

And the Bosnian war was fought because Serbs and Croats living in Bosnia wanted to annex Bosnian territory for Serbia and Croatia respectively. Religion was a factor, but it was a minor side cause.

LOL...and in India, religion is not one of the factor ? Poverty, stress, lack of opportunity, living conditions, health, education etc. has nothing to do with it ? You are Pathetic.
:lol: you are in clash with your ownself . First you said he never took part in babri attack and now you call him an extremist who took part in the attach.

BTW thanks for accepting the truth that those who attacked Babri Mosque were extremists

:what: when animal gods can exist why cant flying angels ? and its a serious question NO pun intended

You are incredibly thick.

His claim is not backed by evidence, so I have every right to question it. Having said that, he's claiming to be an extremist, NOT ME. Duh!

Who told you animal gods exist??? Are you really that superstitious??? Get help lady. Animal gods do not exist, and flying angels do not exist. Period.

:blink: when did you attend a tabligh?! :unsure:

The same day you attended a maha aarti. Are we done with stupid questions?
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Gujarat riot happened 12 years ago yet you have now moral qualms about quoting it :lol: How many were killed in the rest of the world in religious voilence in this time frame alone ? What a hypocrite you are.

LOL...and in India, religion is not one of the factor ? Poverty, stress, lack of opportunity, living conditions, health, education etc. has nothing to do with it ? You are Pathetic.

1.) Wait, so because it happened 12 years ago in our country it does not matter anymore? And what about last years riots?
Were you living under a rock to miss them? Or the countless other religious motivated incidents?

And again, I care about my own country more than about some Middle eastern conflict zones or what happens in Africa.... if you cant get that, I am sorry for you. But you already show your low levels by your misplaced and ill chosen smileys.

2.) In all those cases mentioned by me, which took place in India, religion was the major role! That does not mean that it was the only cause, in case you dont know the meaning of "major".

But I agree, other factors like poverty and education play a role.... you wont see mobs murdering children and women in Western Europe for whoever has the best God.
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