Here you go, all you lying peices of trash who labelled me racist for calling a spade a spade. Australian government statistics on migration.
StatePercentage of people born overseasTop 3 countries of birth
Western Australia33United Kingdom (256,100), New Zealand (81,000) and South Africa (39,800)
Victoria29United Kingdom (228,400), India (126,800) and China (112,800)
New South Wales28United Kingdom (300, 200), China (190,000) and New Zealand (128,800)
Australian Capital Territory26United Kingdom (16,900), China (8,000) and India (6,500)
South Australia24United Kingdom (128,900), Italy (22,100) and India (21,000)
Queensland23United Kingdom (232,600), New Zealand (215,600) and South Africa (39,400)
Northern Territory19United Kingdom (7,600), New Zealand (4,800) and the Philippines (4,400)
Tasmania13United Kingdom (25,000), New Zealand (5,500) and the Netherlands (2,800)
Now shut your pie holes and stop calling me racist. This is a fact. White Australia will ensure it stays white. There is no hiding it. The only reason you see Indians and Chinese in the above list is because they agree to pay for college before getting in. Again, go check stats based on visa entry types. Dont spread stupid propaganda.