Sure, but they are not suppose to be assisting criminal organizations in smuggling them through our borders. Indonesian police and military openly assist these criminals in exchange for payments and refuse to stop them.
We happily accept refugees that go through the propper channels. We reject illegal fake refugees who come by boat from Indonesia with the assistance of criminals. If we were to get out of the convention, we would be labled "racist"
Here we go with the racism once again. Race doesn't have anything to do with this topic, nor is Australia a "white" country. You clearly have no idea about Australia.
We take in 13,000 refugees a year. We however don't accept illegal bogus refugees that breach our borders by boat. You are once again WRONG.
We are bigots because we don't allow people to breach our borders? Yeh right. Indonesia are bigots, you don't even take in any asylum seekers but instead use them as a money making tool.
Bogus asylum seekers who are smuggled into Australian waters illegally by Indonesian criminal people smugglers will never be accepted. Our border sovereignty has been restored, Indonesia can yell and scream all it wants. End of story.
Another idiot who posts nothing of substance but just screams "RACIST RACIST" There is nothing "racist" about stopping criminals.
Countries like Indonesia think they can get their way by screaming "Racist" to try to shame western countries into going there way, but it simply doesnt work.