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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

russia only had one attack after 2003 sir yes in 2003 in russia also got attackes but after that terrorist never came back why do you have answer i have terrorist never died but russia made full proof security and more than this the put their secret agents on 24 7 job and been sincere with country and you see result

I am sure you are also aware of atrocities committed by Russian security forces in Chechnya and elsewhere, and the methods used to quell the rebellions and terrorism.

Do you really want Pakistan to replicate that?
How is it not feasible for 'power' to be cut by downing transmission lines?

Doesn't need an attack on a nuclear plant to do that.

There are back-up generators in place, and for terrorists to be able to take out main and backup power sources would require a prolonged and largely uninterrupted presence inside a nuclear power plant or facility, which is not possible, as can be see with the GHQ and PN Base attacks.

You answer your logic with the red part....backup is in place.

I am not defending the indefensible, you lot are coming up with rubbish to justify your nonsensical arguments about the lack of safety of Pakistan's nuclear assets.

What makes you think terrorists cannot take out a backup generator and lines with rocket launchers?

Do you not see the rubbish and non-sensical arguments you are trying to make here?
The P-3 Orion land-based maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft is operational in the airforces of ten countries. More than 700 P-3 aircraft have been built by Lockheed Martin.

The 227 aircraft in the US Navy fleet have been reduced to 170 and will be further reduced to 130 by 2010. The P-3 will then be phased out following the introduction of the P-6 Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA) from 2013.

"The P-3 Orion is a land-based maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft."
The aircraft is also in service with Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Iran, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, South Korea, Spain and Thailand.

It carries the United States Navy designation P-3, the Canadian Forces designations CP-140 Aurora and CP-140A Arcturus, and the Spanish Air Force designation P.3.

The P-3A was first operational in the United States Navy in 1962. The P-3C first entered service in 1969 and has been continuously upgraded and updated with new avionics systems and mission equipment.


In 1975 an improved navigation system, expanded computer memory, and tactical displays were provided under the Update I programme. In 1976 the Update II programme provided an infrared detection system and sonobuoy reference system and the aircraft were fitted with the Harpoon missile. The P-3C aircraft to the Upgrade III standard, delivered in 1984, were equipped with advanced anti-submarine warfare avionics including the IBM Proteus AN/UYS-1 acoustic processor.

Update IV programme improvements, mainly directed towards the provision of advanced signal processing capabilities, were implemented during the 1990s to meet the threat of new-generation fast, quiet and deep diving submarines. The aircraft are equipped with Raytheon AN/APS-137(V) multi-mission surveillance radar.

International upgrade programmes include 18 aircraft of the Royal Australian Air Force upgraded to AP-3C standard. The upgrade includes the installation of an Elta Electronics EL/M-2022(V)3 maritime surveillance radar and a FLIR Systems Star SAFIRE II thermal imager. Deliveries concluded in March 2005.

Eight aircraft upgraded for the Royal Netherlands Navy have been sold to the German Navy. The upgrade included new Electronic Support Measures (ESM), radar and acoustic sensors, new data management system and new communications suite. EADS CASA is upgrading nine aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force. This upgrade includes Thales integrated cockpit avionics and the EADS CASA FITS mission system.

New Zealand has selected L-3 Communications to upgrade six P-3K aircraft with new mission systems. The upgrade will also include new communications and navigation equipment.

"The P-3A was first operational in the United States Navy in 1962."
Pakistan has purchased seven upgraded ex-US Navy P-3C aircraft and ordered the upgrade of two Pakistan Navy aircraft. The upgrade includes Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR/SAR), Electronic Support Measures (ESM) and communication systems. The first was delivered in January 2007.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd, based in Kobe, Japan, manufactures the P-3C aircraft in Japan under licensed agreement. Kawasaki is the prime contractor to the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force (JMSDF) for the supply of up to 110 P-3C aircraft. Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (IHI), based in Tokyo, manufactures the engines.


The aircraft is flown by a crew of ten on missions up to 14 hours long. The flight deck accommodates the pilot, the co-pilot and the flight engineer.

The main cabin is configured as a mission operations room for the tactical coordinator, the navigator and communications operator, two operators for the acoustic sensor suite, the electromagnetic sensors systems operator (responsible for the operation of the radar, electronic support measures, infrared detection system and magnetic anomaly detectors), the ordnance crew member and the flight technician. Circular protruding windows in the main cabin give the crew a 180° view.


The P-3C's anti-submarine warfare systems include the AN/ARR-78(V) sonobuoy receiving system supplied by Hazeltine Corporation of New York, the AN/ARR-72 sonobuoy receiver supplied by Fighting Electronics Inc of New York for the operation and management of buoys, two AQA-7 directional acoustic frequency analysis and recording sonobuoy indicators, and a AQH-4 (V) sonar tape recorder.

The sensor suite also includes an ASQ-81 magnetic anomaly detector and an ASA-65 magnetic compensator. Sonobuoys are launched from within the main cabin and from the external hardpoints.

The airborne electronic surveillance receiver, ALQ-78(V) is carried on a pylon under the wing fairing. The system is supplied by Lockheed Martin based in New York and has also been manufactured under licence by Mitsubishi in Japan.

The ALQ-78(V) automatically operates in search mode, its target primarily being submarine radars. When a submarine radar signal is detected the system is switched to direction finding mode and the received signals are characterised.

"The P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft can carry weapons in the bomb bay and on ten underwing pylons."

The aircraft can carry weapons in the bomb bay and on ten underwing pylons. The bomb bay is in the underside of the fuselage forward of the wing. It is capable of carrying a 2,000lb mine such as the mk25, mk39, mk55 or mk56. Alternative ordnance includes 1,000lb mines, depth bombs, torpedoes, or nuclear depth bombs. The underwing pylons can carry 2,000lb mines, torpedoes, rockets, rocket pods and 500lb mines.

The US Navy P-3C aircraft are equipped to carry the Harpoon AGM-84 anti-ship and stand-off land attack missile. During the late 1990s the US Navy P-3C Orions armed with the Harpoon were deployed in Yugoslavia. US Navy P-3Cs are also being upgraded with the WESCAM 20 multi-sensor system, which includes thermal imager and CCD sensors.

In February 2004, the Boeing SLAM-ER standoff land attack missile completed integration on the US Navy P-3C Orion. 59 aircraft are to be modified to carry the missile by the end of 2004.


The aircraft is equipped with four Allison T56-A-14 turboprop engines rated at 3,661kW. Each engine drives a four-blade constant-speed propeller, type 54H60-77 supplied by Hamilton Standard. There are five fuel tanks, one in the fuselage and four integral wing tanks with a total fuel capacity of 34,800l.

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The P-3C Orion is the US Navy's maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare aircraft.

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US Navy P-3Cs are armed with the Harpoon anti-ship and stand-off land attack missile.

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The latest aircraft are equipped with Raytheon AN/APS-137(V) multi-mission surveillance radar.

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The P-3C is capable of maritime patrol missions up to 14 hours long.

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The ASW equipment includes AN/AAR-78(V) sonobuoys, AN/ASQ-81 magnetic anomaly detectors and AN/ASA-65 magnetic compensator.
I am sure you are also aware of atrocities committed by Russian security forces in Chechnya and elsewhere, and the methods used to quell the rebellions and terrorism.

Do you really want Pakistan to replicate that?

With all the happening right now, YES. I would love to see pakistan replicate that.
Not long ago china cleaned up the country by shooting all drugies on sight. Something similar needs to happen here.
There are back-up generators in place, and for terrorists to be able to take out main and backup power sources would require a prolonged and largely uninterrupted presence inside a nuclear power plant or facility, which is not possible, as can be see with the GHQ and PN Base attacks.

You answer your logic with the red part....backup is in place.
How does my post answer my own question?

Are the backup power sources located at the same point as the main power source? How far apart? What security measures? How many perimeters have to be crossed before all power sources can be cut off? If one source is attacked, that tips off everyone that an attack is underway which means the other sources will be almost impossible to get to.

You have offered nothing in terms of how terrorists would address the logistical and security challenges in almost simultaneously destroying all power sources in a plant and causing a meltdown.

Assuming terrorists breach the outermost perimeter of a NPP, then what?

What makes you think terrorists cannot take out a backup generator and lines with rocket launchers?

Do you not see the rubbish and non-sensical arguments you are trying to make here?[/QUOTE]
With all the happening right now, YES. I would love to see pakistan replicate that.
Not long ago china cleaned up the country by shooting all drugies on sight. Something similar needs to happen here.

And who is going to take care of the 'drama' that is then put on, such as the one related to the five Chechen terrorists gunned down by the FC in Quetta?

Or the 'Asma Jahangir's and our 'moral politicians' ranting and raving about the 'missing persons' and 'soldiers committing extra judicial killings'?
I am sure you are also aware of atrocities committed by Russian security forces in Chechnya and elsewhere, and the methods used to quell the rebellions and terrorism.

Do you really want Pakistan to replicate that?

Agno - I believe the real trouble is

- Pakistan kept saying that she is not indulged in nuclear proliferation...Guess what AQ Khan was right there...
- Pakistan kept saying that her soil will not be allowed to use against any country for terrorism. Guess what - Non state actors are right there....
- Pakistan kept saying OBL is not in Pakistan..Guess what he was right under the nose of garrison town
- Pakistan always says - nukes are safe - and now we are witnessing an attack on Naval Base....

If someone is getting concerned then you cannot rebuff them by saying what are you smoking...The concerns are genuine...On the periphery it simply looks that the current attack has inside support..what actually happened probably we will never know because it is very hard to believe what Pak establishment says(both military and civilian)....It can very well be a nuclear installation...Anyways - Pakistan needs to get a grip on the situation and that too fast...
Surprise, surprise! The military is running this country, directly or indirectly, since its inception and there is no evidence that suggests that it was Jinnah's dream that this country would be run by its miltary.

If the military really had that much influence over the current government, Hussain Haqqani would not be ambassador to the US, Ahmed Mukhtar would not be Defence Minister, Zardari would not be President, and thousands of visas would not have been issued to American personnel without proper vetting.
And who is going to take care of the 'drama' that is then put on, such as the one related to the five Chechen terrorists gunned down by the FC in Quetta?

Or the 'Asma Jahangir's and our 'moral politicians' ranting and raving about the 'missing persons' and 'soldiers committing extra judicial killings'?

Same way the all the current drama is being taken care of, infact world will praise it. To them all bearded people are terrorist. and i dont blame them, thats the image that have become associated with the word terrorist.
Same way the all the current drama is being taken care of, infact world will praise it. To them all bearded people are terrorist. and i dont blame them, thats the image that have become associated with the word terrorist.

Collateral damage is very dangerous...As long as u can ensure that don't happen i don't think anyone would care...
- Pakistan always says - nukes are safe - and now we are witnessing an attack on Naval Base....

Point being that even this attack on a naval base resulted in minimal damage - the terrorists did no 'fly off' with a P3 or chopper.

Hypothetically, if such an attack did take place at a nuclear facility, the result would be the same - a few security personnel might be martyred, minor damage here and there, potential hostage situation, and eventually all terrorists killed.

There is simply nothing to suggest that an attack on a nuclear installation would result in a meltdown or any strategic assets being compromised. The amount of manpower and explosive material required to do that is something that is simply impossible for any terrorist organization to put together.
This event remind me the bombing at Russia's Domodedovo airport in Jan 2011, where security is failed. This prove Russia will collapse? Answer is no.

A bomb attack at Moscow's Domodedovo airport has killed at least 35 people and injured more than 100 - many of them critically

Similar to this event, the real question problem of this is known securities officers tip off to known terrorists to complete missions. Russia/KGB questioning who is behind this plan same as Pakistan Navy questioning.

it's nothing like domodedovo. That's a civilian airport this is a military one.

military ones are guarded much more tightly than civilian ones.
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