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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

after killing two pakistani raymond davis was talking in urdu with local he was also expert of pashto language with locally dressed no one can say raymond is a american or sum foreigner they are playing great game against pakistan and our leaders are also part of it.

A lot of people will disagree with me.

But the solution to Pakistan's problem currently is to model itself on the old Soviet Union with a Big Brother type security service asking for papers of everyone.

It's not a solution I'd apply to many other countries but Pakistan is in an important geostrategic region and a playground for the superpowers (as is Afghanistan).
Seems like an attempt mostly by CIA to show Pakistan's nukes as unsafe. Other statements have came out recently. Pakistan needs to be on red alert. They will be attempting to steal Pakistan's nukes very soon.
Just that because a lot of media speculation on what Obama said and on here too.

Some people are very sensative on this thread.

i can see how much u indians are worried about our nukes one of indian was saying OMG is there nukes in naval base :what: now ur fuked up media will surely bash pakistan upon this attacked backed by ur agencies that pakistan cant handle nukes so american should attack pakistan
Well, the ease and the willingness with which the entire Pakistani leadership distanced itself from the OBL raid made a distinct impression that Pakistanis were afraid of the blowback effect. I mean, okay, it may have been an all American operation but why not try to make some noises/claims about that? Why just sit still--and most of them just sat until they realize that 'Pakistan' itself was now being targeted too much--when you can score some brownie/PR points? I think the fear of reprisals was great. Pakistanis know that disturbing just one hornets' nest like Lal Masjid caused so much death and destruction. And here it was OBL--the Hitler-equivalent of the 21st century.
I still don't know who attacked the PAF base today. However somehow it is still connected to the recent escalations since OBL death.
May be the Wiki leaks of year 2015 show us what happened today.

The episode had disturbed many and you are right on spot
A pakistani friend of mine has pointed out how the attacks on the naval buses, Saudi diplomat and now the air base have-all in Karachi, point to a concerted effort to either attack legitimate targets of an insurgency, avoid civilian casualties or both.

I thought the implications of such a possible shift in target selection very interesting. Clearly this was a sophisticated penetration. It'll be interesting should the actual means come to public knowledge.
How was I trolling, you were using abusive language, while other Pakistanis responded properly. Maybe you are having a tough time.

Peace man.

I don't want to waste the time and go back to look up the stupid comments you made regarding the Pakistan army and the death of innocent Pakistani because you aren't worth it.

Trollers will be trollers, asking you to stop trolling and respect the topic would be asking too much because you are low
this cant be talibans, cant be alquaeda, these men are becked from strong people who have good knowledge, and they have a very strong training
Pakistan: Militants attack Karachi naval air base
Source : BBC News - Pakistan: Militants attack Karachi naval air base

Gunmen have attacked a military base in the Pakistani city of Karachi, killing at least two soldiers, officials say.

Big explosions were heard as the men stormed parts of the Mehran naval aviation base. They are said to be holding hostages, including foreigners.

Officials say it is a terror attack, and commandos are fighting back.

No group has claimed the raid, but the Pakistani Taliban have vowed to avenge the killing of Osama Bin Laden by US special forces on 2 May.

They have carried out several attacks since then.

On Sunday between 15 and 20 militants stormed three hangars housing aircraft at the Mehran base, according to officials.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik said: "We have been able to confine them to one building and an operation is underway either to kill or capture them."

Irfan ul Haq, a spokesman for the Pakistani navy, told AFP news agency: "One of our officers and one Navy personnel have been martyred."

Fires have erupted, with smoke billowing above the base.

A number of planes are said to have been damaged.
Commodore Irfan ul-Haq on GEO NEWS: Not a security lapse. Will investigate in the coming time. Care being taken to protect assets and troops. No comments yet on number or killed/captured terrorists. They used rockets to attack. No foreigner present, even as hostages. No hostages. No building under terrorist control.

Navy has full control of area.
CIA has to be involved in such a precision attack........They have the habit of destroying the military hardware they gave to a foreign country..after their purpose has been served..
Remember ojhri camp?

This time it may well be to demonstrate that our military cant protect themselves and we need American troops in Pakistan..

No i dont have proof,i am speculating same as anybody else...
Sorry, Raymond Davis and RAW are related just like Hillary Clinton and Hu Jintao. Please stop embarrassing yourself. This is my last reply to you as I dont want to digress from the topic at hand.

Embarrassing myself? LOL. Ok, if that makes you feel better.
A terrorist live on TV admitted bharat provides money and targets. More importantly, from horse's mouth itself - Qari Ziaur Rehman admitted to getting help fron ANA.

But the thing is that you're accusing me of being a hypocrite, but do the same yourself. i.e. accuse Pakistan without evidence and then go on things like this.
I don't want to waste the time and go back to look up the stupid comments you made regarding the Pakistan army and the death of innocent Pakistani because you aren't worth it.

Trollers will be trollers, asking you to stop trolling and respect the topic would be asking too much because you are low

Peace man, calm down a bit.

Just because you dont agree with a person, doesnt mean you have the right to call someone a troll, when I broke no rules. Read message 467, is he a trolling talking about nukes like I did? lol hypocrite.

You are just jealous mate. Have a good day, dont want to derail the topic any further with you.

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