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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

just learned new "facts" from Dawn News ... P3C Orion is capable of landing on our PN Ships and its a "fighter plane" bought from China
From last report four bodies of terrorist recovered
Out which one was turkish second one french all these terrorist were extremely well equipped having most latest night vision gadgets and other stuff.

so there must be involvement of sum foreign agency like RAW n CIA ,,,
From last report four bodies of terrorist recovered
Out which one was turkish second one french all these terrorist were extremely well equipped having most latest night vision gadgets and other stuff.

why turkish or french terrorists?
I guess that the attacks are intended to demoralize the military more than anything else and to stop attacking the terrorists.

GEO NEWS: Firing continuing sporadically.

Note: CNN and BBC have no reports about this yet.

why the f*** do you care!?
they'll report it whenever they want!
its not like their reporting will help our soldiers to catch the terrorists alive!
Guess the military is going to face a lot more criticism after this and the international community will start questioning the security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
We'll have to wait a bit for a clearer picture.
just learned new "facts" from Dawn News ... P3C Orion is capable of landing on our PN Ships and its a "fighter plane" bought from China

Dawn doens't know about military. Landing on PN Ships and fighter plane bought....Lol.

I dont know anything about the incident but attacking a naval base and destroying military aircraft is much too complicated a task for RPG toting men.
And you were the one advising Indians not to jump to conclusions during the Mumbai attacks. What a hypocrite.

Yes, we always do the same, Just tune on any of our News Channel, no one is shouting for India's involvement unlike your media, who reached on conclusion that Pakistanis are involved in the operation, right after the first bullet was fired.

this is called hypocrisy.
I stand by my comments

then u are a racist,,,
let it be clear to u that south waziristan is totaly free and un inhibitdced for the passt couple of years and the only human beings there are pak army,,,, and still the talibans are roaring free ,, y? how they operate so effectively when their nervous centre is in the controle of a pak army?
Patanjali, its my prediction, i can see the impending danger very well, nothing is safe at the moment in pakistan, soon the terrorits will target Pakistan's neuclear weapons facilities in Kahuta. Anti-Pakistan militant groups will intensify terrorist attacks in pakistan in the coming days. Anything can happen in the next [few] days.

You have repeated this message 19 times and thats total number of your posts...
why turkish or french terrorists?

when al-qaeda or any other organization recruit people, they dont look at the nationalities!!
infact they recruit people from every where to show that they have support around the world!
We blame others so much that people have left to belive us.If the terrorist were indian or US supported then still they are Pakistanis and we have given them so soft targets so talk about our wonselves.

I don't think anyone has any sympathy towards those traitors and they deserve the death penalty but we need to also highlight those provide them with financial and tactical means.
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