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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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.. in all due respect it seems no leasons were learned from the last show down at PN base..

Thats the issue.

Until people start getting their act together, we're going to keep seeing attacks like this happening for many many years.

Well they even released Terrorist who tries to kill Mush citing lack of evidence, thats why Mush staying in UK, in PAK you need get permission from Terrorist to live. No wonder they didn't blame MUSF attack on US as he was pro US that time or else they would have blame that.
Who the hell does Pakistan tell us what we need to do in Afghanistan? Asking us to close Afghan borders when to launch operaation to prevent terrorists from escaping to Afghanistan huh??? Tell me! Pakistan is the devil itself with all those bombs blowing up in mosques and at markets. Terrorists around the world traveling to Pakistan for training. Indeed its the devil itself in Asia. Look at yourself and figure out why so many terrorists die in your country by drones or special ops raids.

You are Sitting in our Backyard , All the mess you have made we have to clean it up , you & your Allies are Running out of Afg since you cannot Win & control half of Afg we are now left with the mess , So Yes Pakistan has the Complete Right to tell US what they need to Do in Afg , you are Running away after loosing a War , we have to stay here forever ,

So Yes , Who THE HELL IS US to tell us what we need to do ? we are a Sovereign country we know what is in our best interest, We said to close borders because we knew you will never that , as if you did your own funded Terrorists will be killed , and US will have nothing to destabilize Pakistan.

You lost 3000 people in Twin tower Attack , & in return you killed half a million innocent civilians in the Name of war of terror , So you tell me WHo is the Real Terrorist ?

as i said before , people like you are teh once , who think you Saints & have the Right to tell others what to do , while every one who does not listen to you is a Terrorist .

Answer me this .

1 . You started war in IRaq to Find Nuclear Weapons , DID you FIND THEM ???
indian made mess is growing in thread MODS be ready :lol:
do pakistanis have nukes at all??

No Pakistan doesn't have nukes, it's all made up. That's why every country pisses their pants on the sight of Pakistan's nukes including yours truly. Nukes are the only reason keeping the US and India out of Pakistan.
You are Sitting in our Backyard , All the mess you have made we have to clean it up -
True or not, nowadays nobody believes that such claims from Pakistanis are anything other than $h!t.
No Pakistan doesn't have nukes, it's all made up. That's why every country pisses their pants on the sight of Pakistan's nukes including yours truly. Nukes are the only reason keeping the US and India out of Pakistan.

US is our godfather they save the whole of europe!:angel:...
True or not, nowadays nobody believes that such claims from Pakistanis are anything other than $h!t.

All thanks to you ? Thank you Friends . you have been so much help for us .
Don't cry when more mosques and bases get attacked by your own Muslim brethren. Unless you don't cry at all because its acceptable.:wave:

we are not crying we are fighting like braves its usa pissed off. 11 years of war and still 75% afghanistan is under taliban and number of taliban is today more then it was in 2001 . and still daily attacks on kabul :D
Don't cry when more mosques and bases get attacked by your own Muslim brethren. Unless you don't cry at all because its acceptable.:wave:
The hard core will believe what they want to believe and invent new conspiracy theories to support them, each as unprovable as the one before, with faith that should be invested in God going to prop up human invention instead. Thus for religious Pakistanis their spiritualism - their closeness to God - necessarily drops into the toilet, while for non-religious Pakistanis the corruption of their hearts increases further.

I hope Israel never again becomes such a basket case, such as Josephus described before the Romans destroyed the Second Temple.
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