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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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If I'm not wrong this air base houses nuke...please confirm??????????:undecided:
You are Sitting in our Backyard , All the mess you have made we have to clean it up , you & your Allies are Running out of Afg since you cannot Win & control half of Afg we are now left with the mess , So Yes Pakistan has the Complete Right to tell US what they need to Do in Afg , you are Running away after loosing a War , we have to stay here forever ,

Military trainers and funding are still going to be provided beyond 2014 withdrawal. Afghans have to learn how to manage the country without the need to depend on U.S. Nobody is running away. Taliban are running away to Pakistan. You notice the drop in attacks in the winter? Pakistan can't even control its own country!

So Yes , Who THE HELL IS US to tell us what we need to do ? we are a Sovereign country we know what is in our best interest, We said to close borders because we knew you will never that , as if you did your own funded Terrorists will be killed , and US will have nothing to destabilize Pakistan.

We ask you guys to launch operation but you guys probably never do that because of your own funded terrorists will be killed. More useful to use against India of course.

You lost 3000 people in Twin tower Attack , & in return you killed half a million innocent civilians in the Name of war of terror , So you tell me WHo is the Real Terrorist ?

OMG now you expect that when we lose that many we only inflict the same amount? Now I'm dealing with a naive person. Not to mention most of the people killed are by your own brethren. Muslims! Thats right Muslims.

as i said before , people like you are teh once , who think you Saints & have the Right to tell others what to do , while every one who does not listen to you is a Terrorist .

Answer me this .

1 . You started war in IRaq to Find Nuclear Weapons , DID you FIND THEM ???

Iraq used WMDs back in the 80s its a well known fact. DO YOU DENY IT??

War in Afghanistan is ongoing, how do you expect to ask that question. That be like saying did you win World War 2 just six months after Pearl Harbor attack.
Can anybody give me a gist of the attack? How many terrorists were there? How many Security personnel got killed? Were any aircrafts damaged?

ATTOCK: The valiant personnel of Pakistan Air Force and SSG Commandoes of Pak Army have completed the operation against the attackers at Kamra air base in which all eight militants have been killed while search for more miscreants is still underway in the surrounding area of the facility, sources said Thursday.

According to PAF spokesman, seven to eight militants stormed into PAF Base Minhas and in a two-way clash all eight were killed while one body of a suicide bomber, a foreigner, strapped with explosives has been found close to the impact area. One security man was also martyred in the attack.

“The aircraft parked at the base are safe and no J-F Thunder planes were present at the facility,” he confirmed.

There are reports of six security personnel being injured, one of whom is said to be in critical condition.

A C-130 aircraft is flying over the area of impact to help locate the hiding militants, if any.

Earlier, nine-ten militants, disguised in security forces’ uniform, launched an armed attack on Kamrah airbase in the wee hours of Thursday where fierce gun-battle took place and blasts were also heard.

The militants made their way into the base from the direction of Pind Salman Makhan.

The intrusion was followed by a gun-battle between security forces and assailants which started at 2:00 AM and continued till 6:00 AM.

The militants also used hand grenades in the attack, sources said.

Normally, about thirty aircraft remain parked at Kamra airbase.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Interior has ordered to beef up security in and around all the airports and airbases of the country. Order has also been issued to step up security in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

It may be mentioned here that Karachi Naval Base, PNS Mehran had been attacked in a similar manner on May 22, 2011. The militants had killed several Naval personnel besides destroying two P-3C Orion aircraft.
we are not crying we are fighting like braves its usa pissed off. 11 years of war and still 75% afghanistan is under taliban and number of taliban is today more then it was in 2001 . and still daily attacks on kabul :D

Uh no that wouldn't be true otherwise the Taliban wouldn't have to hide in Pakistan would it? Why does the Taliban always talk about Spring Offensive each year?

But now I know you guys accept that Muslims kill other Muslims. Hence why you don't cry.
Rest in peace to the soldier died in bravery.

Its good that all the militants are sent to hell with minimum damage to prime assets.
Can anybody give me a gist of the attack? How many terrorists were there? How many Security personnel got killed? Were any aircrafts damaged?

dear only security personal has been mytered and two injured ......
So you agree the attackers were sons of Khyber?
No need to be to naive. These men being from our tribal areas could never have pulled off such a dastardly feat. They were hired guns and traoned by the best.
If I'm not wrong this air base houses nuke...please confirm??????????:undecided:

we have every base nuclear base maam :rofl:

Whole of PAF made nuclear: Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed

10:32 AM \

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed on Tuesday said that the whole of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has been made nuclear with the aim to giving it the status of a real deterrent force. “We have made the whole of PAF a nuclear force”, he said while talking to media after launch of a book titled “A new dawn of PAF” on PAF development during a decade till 2008. The PAF has achieved such a deterrence level that no one can cast an evil eye on the motherland, he said. Air Chief‑designate Air Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman (Deputy Chief of Air Staff perations), who will take over the PAF’s command on Wednesday was also present with the Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed on the accession.

Air Marshal Rao is architect of an effective strategy to deal with the Indian threat of carrying out surgical strikes against Pakistan. Due to this strategy the adversary had to shelve its nefarious plan of surgical operations. Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmmod Ahmed said that the country achieved nuclear power back in 1998 with the aim that the defence of the country be made impregnable and over the years PAF has been able to successfully achieve the target. “We fought two wars with India in 1965 and 1971 and prevented three imminent wars in 1998, 2002 and in recent days in the aftermath of Mumbai attacks.” India had threatened Pakistan of undertaking surgical strikes against her but seeing the level of preparedness and alertness of PAF the looming dangers from the adversary were averted effectively, which showed that the attainment of nuclear power has helped in achieving peace in the region.

“It helped deter any misadventure in the region.” he said. Answering a question, he said 95 % of PAF personnel and officers are not out to earn livelihood but they joined PAF with the passion to defend the motherland through obtaining mastery over the machine and ammo. Talking about the last ten years, the Air Chief said the PAF today is much more effective and potent force than what it was in 1998 and it shall continue to excel further with the passage of time. Earlier, making remarks at the book launching, the Air Chief termed all the sanctions imposed by the west from time to time in the past a s blessing in disguise saying “this helped us a lot to achieve indiginization of technology. It has brought us at the higher pedestal.” “We would have not gone nuclear. We are now a nuclear state and it is all due to the sanctions,” he said.

The co‑production with China of a modern fighter aircraft like JF‑17 Thunder is also an outcome of the sanctions. “We achieved all that with minimal spending while living within our limited financial resources.” About the book he said the author Alan Warne (Editor of UK based Air Forces Monthly) has written the book on his own as the PAF had facilitated the writer to carry out his work with an unbiased approach independently. He appreciated the efforts of the writer for creating a masterpiece within a short span of about 15 months. He said the book covers past, present and future of the PAF, presenting salute to heros of the force besides shedding light on future plans. He also appreciated the services of former Director Public Relations (Air) Air Commodore Sarfraz Ahmed Khan for facilitating the author for accomplishment of his task.

He also mentioned the DPR (Air) Air Commodore Humayun and his able team in the Directorate. Earlier, the author of the book said that the PAF during the last 40 years had been undergoing sanctions and despite all that what it has achieved is highly appreciable. PAF is the only air force of the world which has been co‑building modern fighter aircraft like JF‑17 Thunder, he said. Chairman International Relations Department of Quaid‑e‑Azam University Islamabad Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed and Assistant Professor of Strategic Studies Quaid‑e‑Azam University also spoke about the book. A large number of senior officers of PAF attended the function.
Meanwhile, in an interview with a TV channel, the air chief said that during his tenure, several agreements, worth $9 billion, were reached with different countries to modernise the PAF.He said the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) was being obtained from Sweden and China.He said agreements had been reached with the US to provide electronic warfare system, smart bombs and long-range missile system. He said air-to-air refuellers were being modified and after some time, its pilot programme would be matured.He said the PAF was the only institute in the public sector, which was totally online. Responding to a question, he said the PAF had almost 550 aircrafts, including helicopters and transport aircrafts.The number of fighter planes was around 350, he added. At the moment, he said, there were 46 F-16 aircrafts in the PAF, including 14 F-16 aircrafts obtained from the US almost free of cost.

PAF goes nuclear; Air chief says $9 bn being spent on upgrading

ISLAMABAD: Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mehmood Ahmed on Tuesday said that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had been made nuclear for giving it the status of a real deterrent force.

He expressed these views while talking to the media after launching of a book, titled “A new dawn of PAF”. Air Chief-designate Air Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman was also present on the occasion.

Tanvir said: “We have made the whole of PAF a nuclear force.” He said the PAF had achieved such a deterrence level that no one could cast an evil eye on the motherland.

He added that the country achieved nuclear power back in 1998, aimed at defending the country. Over the years, he said, the PAF had been able to successfully achieve the target. “We fought two wars with India in 1965 and 1971 and prevented three imminent wars in 1998, 2002 and in the recent days in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks,” he added.

India had threatened Pakistan of undertaking surgical strikes but seeing the level of preparedness and alertness of the PAF, the looming dangers were averted, which showed that the attainment of nuclear power helped in achieving peace in the region.

“It helped deter any misadventure in the region,” he said. Answering a question, he said 95 per cent of the PAF personnel and officers were not out to earn livelihood, but they joined the PAF with the passion to defend the motherland through obtaining mastery over the machine and ammo.

He said at the moment, the PAF was a much more effective and potent force than what it was in 1998 and it would continue to excel further with the passage of time. Earlier, making remarks at the book launching, he termed all the sanctions imposed by the west from time to time a blessing in disguise. “It has brought us at the higher pedestal.”

He said: “We would have not gone nuclear. We are now a nuclear state and it is all due to the sanctions.” The co-production with China of a modern fighter aircraft like the JF-17 Thunder was also an outcome of the sanctions, he added.

“We achieved all that with minimal spending while living within our limited financial resources,” the air chief said. About the book, he said the author, Alan Warne, the editor of the UK-based Air Forces Monthly, had written the book on his own, as the PAF had facilitated the writer to carry out his work with an unbiased approach independently. Earlier, the author, Alan Warne, said the PAF had been undergoing sanctions during the last 40 years and despite all that, what it had achieved was highly appreciable.

Meanwhile, in an interview with a TV channel, the air chief said that during his tenure, several agreements, worth $9 billion, were reached with different countries to modernise the PAF.

He said the Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) was being obtained from Sweden and China.

He said agreements had been reached with the US to provide electronic warfare system, smart bombs and long-range missile system. He said air-to-air refuellers were being modified and after some time, its pilot programme would be matured.

He said the PAF was the only institute in the public sector, which was totally online. Responding to a question, he said the PAF had almost 550 aircrafts, including helicopters and transport aircrafts.

The number of fighter planes was around 350, he added. At the moment, he said, there were 46 F-16 aircrafts in the PAF, including 14 F-16 aircrafts obtained from the US almost free of cost.


PAF goes nuclear; Air chief says $9 bn being spent on upgrading
Air Cmdr Muhammad Aazam , is among the injured , he was Leading the operation .
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