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Attack on PAF Base Minhas

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But everyone on media raising one point, these type of terrorist attack are " well financed " , well planned, information provided, planning, with good weapon and all night vision equipment

Yup it was not a random yaboo attack..
It was well planned,well equipped and they had pre assigned targets...
53 members and 111 guests???? i think the title scared the sh!t out of the people......:D
Who the Hell is US to Tell us what we need to Do , ? Who are you , why does Paneta needs to make an announcement that Pakistan is Launching an operation , did we made that announcement ? , did we ask you to make that announcement ? did we even conformed that we will be launching an operation ?

US is the Devil behind all the mess in Asia . whether you believe it or decide to close you eye & Chant we are Saints we are saints.

Who the hell does Pakistan tell us what we need to do in Afghanistan? Asking us to close Afghan borders when to launch operaation to prevent terrorists from escaping to Afghanistan huh??? Tell me! Pakistan is the devil itself with all those bombs blowing up in mosques and at markets. Terrorists around the world traveling to Pakistan for training. Indeed its the devil itself in Asia. Look at yourself and figure out why so many terrorists die in your country by drones or special ops raids.
Agree with you mate. The scene is now set for an assault in North Waziristan.
The public opinion has now been shaped for it.
Now no one can say that its not Pakistan's war and this attack will be used by Generals to start a war at north .
Little off topic:
violence is like fire .. It starts from a incident and cycle of destruction goes on forever untill fuel burns out ..winning Psychological war is important ..one should show the seed of doubts in enemy mind that they are fighting for wrong reasons ..and every peace attempt should be reciprocated with due respect ..non violence should be the core principle of country in todays turbulant time ..otherwise you attract all the ills ..
Attackers are said to be 19 to 33 years old...
They had night vision equipment and were targeting SAAB ERIEYE AWACS
Who the hell does Pakistan tell us what we need to do in Afghanistan? Asking us to close Afghan borders when to launch operaation to prevent terrorists from escaping to Afghanistan huh??? Tell me! Pakistan is the devil itself with all those bombs blowing up in mosques and at markets. Terrorists around the world traveling to Pakistan for training. Indeed its the devil itself in Asia. Look at yourself and figure out why so many terrorists die in your country by drones or special ops raids.

just don't cry when taliban bang you and NATO :lol: daily 6-4 solders killed and packed to USA :D
and the Fake Liberal scum is blaming Imran Khan,
CJP, Army, Islam for kamra attack. These
fake libreal scum are the biggest enemies
of the country.
This was an operation against Pakistan by the Americans. Anyone that doubts this is either an idiot or a tool.

Well to bad operation, the US done so much with OBL that under PAK army garrison area didn't know about it until they not finished them off....

Even a un-trained person is not capable to launch such op
Very sad news i was not expecting this again after PN show... GOD bless the lost soul who lost his life to protect his country against these cowards.. in all due respect it seems no leasons were learned from the last show down at PN base. Thank GOD no more lives were lost and not alot damage done to the base and it's assits.
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