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Ashura day rained blood from sky in England + Evidence

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حین التولد المهدی الموعود (عج) من هذه الایة مع مجموع الاعداد

سوره ۹: التوبة - جزء ۱۰

هُوَ الَّذِی أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِینِ الْحَقِّ لِیُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّینِ کُلِّهِ وَلَوْ کَرِهَ الْمُشْرِکُونَ ﴿۳۳﴾

سوره ۴۸: الفتح - جزء ۲۶

هُوَ الَّذِی أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِینِ الْحَقِّ لِیُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّینِ کُلِّهِ وَکَفَى بِاللَّهِ شَهِیدًا ﴿۲۸﴾

سوره ۶۱: الصف - جزء ۲۸

هُوَ الَّذِی أَرْسَلَ رَسُولَهُ بِالْهُدَى وَدِینِ الْحَقِّ لِیُظْهِرَهُ عَلَى الدِّینِ کُلِّهِ وَلَوْ کَرِهَ الْمُشْرِکُونَ ﴿۹﴾

الاعجاز العدد فی کل الایات الثلاثه مع جمع الاعداد فیها







۲۵۲+(ثلاث الایات او فی ثلاث سور کلا فی هنا)۳=۲۵۵


More: الائمة الاثنی عشر
Jeez people still fighting, let me end this here, it rained blood or not and rivers got red what's done is done wait for the Judgement day it is Allah He will decide not xyz sects. Allah says mend your fences here people are creating hostilities against Allah's orders.

Ok so now you came back with another cheap shot. Once you said Ib Kather said it and now you say he is unsure and a lier?

Will he is neither a lier nor unsure. Are you even going to twist his words?

Here let us take a look again and read what I wrote b/t bracket

Also he rejected the Ahadeeth you are referring to and said that they are untrue with no credible Matans and chains here in Red in the first line

و أما ما روي من أن السماء صارت تمطر دما، أو أن الجدر كان يكون عليها الدم ، أو ما يرفع حجر إلا و يوجد تحته دم ، أو ما يذبحون جزوراً إلا صار كله دماً فهذه كلها أكاذيب تذكر لإثارة العواطف ليس لها أسانيد صحيحة.

يقول ابن كثير عن ذلك: ((( وذكروا أيضا في مقتل الحسين رضي الله عنه أنه ما قلب حجر يومئذ إلا وجد تحته دم عبيط وأنه كسفت الشمس واحمر الأفق وسقطت حجارة وفي كل من ذلك نظر [ نظر على اكاذيب الشيعة وليس ان معناه ليس متاكد] والظاهر أنه من سخف الشيعة وكذبهم ليعظموا الأمر ولا شك أنه عظيم ولكن لم يقع هذا الذي اختلقوه وكذبوه وقد وقع ما هو أعظم من قتل الحسين رضي الله عنه ولم يقع شيء مما ذكروه فإنه قد قتل أبوه علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه وهو أفضل منه بالإجماع ولم يقع شيء من ذلك وعثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه قتل محصورا مظلوما ولم يكن شيء من ذلك وعمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه قتل في المحراب في صلاة الصبح وكأن المسلمين لم تطرقهم مصيبة قبل ذلك ولم يكن شيء من ذلك وهذا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو سيد البشر في الدنيا والآخرة يوم مات لم يكن شيء مما ذكروه ويوم مات إبراهيم بن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خسفت الشمس فقال الناس خسفت لموت إبراهيم فصلى بهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم صلاة الكسوف وخطبهم وبين لهم أن الشمس والقمر لا ينخسفان لموت أحد ولا لحياته. )))

وفي كل من ذلك نظر على الكلام الذي قالة الشيعة وليس معناه انه ليس متاكد يعني لاتخترع لغة عربية لو سمحت تاويل من مخك

اي انه في كلامك نظر انت ايها الشيعي مختلق هذه الخزعبلات وهو باطل وقد بينه بشكل واضح في كلامة اعلاه

So again don't invent history or like stupid stories.

Now I gave you a lesson in Arabic as well:yay:
Look to his word وفي كل من ذلك نظر Now that's his openion not those who had the hadeeth because Ibn Katheer is known with his nasb that's why said وفي كل من ذلك نظر which means he still unsure about the hadeeth so don't say no he didn't yes he did and he knows those hadeeths are real and he even didn't say the reason behind them been fake again because he has nothing against them more than he didn't like the idea of sky rain blood for the prophet grand son also how come he approve it since he knows that's a great respect or dignity from Allah to Hussain that's a scandal to his calipheh yezeed something Nawasib can't help at all.

Plz stop religious discussion here .

وَعِبَادُ الرَّحْمَنِ الَّذِينَ يَمْشُونَ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ هَوْنًا وَإِذَا خَاطَبَهُمُ الْجَاهِلُونَ قَالُوا سَلَامًا
the worshipers of the merciful are those who walk humbly on the earth, and when the ignorant address them say: 'peace, '
Al forghan 63
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Jeez people still fighting, let me end this here, it rained blood or not and rivers got red what's done is done wait for the Judgement day it is Allah He will decide not xyz sects. Allah says mend your fences here people are creating hostilities against Allah's orders.

This about logic and history not about sects.

So the sky wept blood in England for the death of Hussein RA? why didn't it rain blood in Makkah, Medina or Karbala? Why didn't rain for the death of Prophet Mohammed PBUH?

Here is what prophet said when his son Ibrahim died

"The sun and the moon are signs of God. They are eclipsed neither for the death nor birth of any man. On beholding an eclipse, therefore, remember God and turn to Him in prayer.''
This about logic and history not about sects.

So the sky wept blood in England for the death of Hussein RA? why didn't it rain blood in Makkah, Medina or Karbala? Why didn't rain for the death of Prophet Mohammed PBUH?

Here is what prophet said when his son Ibrahim died

"The sun and the moon are signs of God. They are eclipsed neither for the death nor birth of any man. On beholding an eclipse, therefore, remember God and turn to Him in prayer.''

Prophet(pbuh) demised but grandson of prophet martyred in the wrost way in way of Islam.
This is a historical fact Shia and Sunni has quoted this.

Hey, kinda off topic, MY name is Ali Hasnat Mohammad Sultan Mahmud Rabbi. Am I Shia or Sunni?
Leave that kafir alone,God has cursed kafirs in quran
Prophet(pbuh) demised but grandson of prophet martyred in the wrost way in way of Islam.
This is a historical fact Shia and Sunni has quoted this.

Leave that kafir alone,God has cursed kafirs in quran

I was saying we are Muslims. We are not Shia or Sunni. If we make divisions in religion Kafirs gonna enjoy more.
I dont think anyone can tell mochery about Prophet(pbuh) grandson.

And what's your take on doing mockery about Prophet's (pbuh) wives and his companions? Especially the four Khaliphs (r.a)??
Prophet(pbuh) demised but grandson of prophet martyred in the wrost way in way of Islam.
This is a historical fact Shia and Sunni has quoted this.

Leave that kafir alone,God has cursed kafirs in quran

Why is he Kaafir? Because he questioned the logic of bringing Him and His family to a certain death?
و أما ما روي من أن السماء صارت تمطر دما، أو أن الجدر كان يكون عليها الدم ، أو ما يرفع حجر إلا و يوجد تحته دم ، أو ما يذبحون جزوراً إلا صار كله دماً فهذه كلها أكاذيب تذكر لإثارة العواطف ليس لها أسانيد صحيحة.

يقول ابن كثير عن ذلك: ((( وذكروا أيضا في مقتل الحسين رضي الله عنه أنه ما قلب حجر يومئذ إلا وجد تحته دم عبيط وأنه كسفت الشمس واحمر الأفق وسقطت حجارة

Ooooops about this wahabi thought I have to say all of ur mofties(laa)are in enmity of 14 innocents . They still think earch is flat.
This historical event has happened after Imam Hossein martyrdom in all over the earth.There are more than 30 Shia Sunni books that has quoted this.
This historical english book shows this event even happened in England.Angelo saxon was not crazy.
Ur moftis(laa) must leave enmity of 14 innocents(SAA) and believe earth is not flat! and Ali(SAA) is leader after Prophet.
In historical books never happened like this and this is one evermore.

Why is he Kaafir? Because he questioned the logic of bringing Him and His family to a certain death?

U must study about Imam Ali(SAA) and Imam Hossein(SAA) and Shia thought about ahlal bait .
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@Arabian Legend thanks for your post
I request everyone to keep the discussion academic and within the limits of decency.

my humble advice to @Malik Alashter , @Resurrection5782 and other members who are pressing on this blood rain event that you have made your point and now some objectors are doing exactly what I feared, their posts are getting reckless and they are insulting which will hurt us all because the personality in question is dear to us all.

so please, stop it now no point in repeating yourself because you loose the value of your argument.now we are reaching a point where the thread is becoming an insult match and degrading the sacrifice of Imam Hussain ra.
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