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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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The exact same day Azeri Soldier also killed 3 Armenians in return, Coward Armenia. Only have the ballz to act a stunt like this is when Clinton is in town.

Those cowards reclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh
Not Persian ? surprising

his mother was azeri .... and our supreme leader is Iranian , for a religious government , religious is more important than race .... are you think we are some useless racist just like this useless pan turks ...

IMO one of the main reason for end of ottman empire is was because pan turks begin their movement and see themselves above arabs and arabs react against their racist action ....

Iran never was a racist country , even in Hakhamaneshi empire ( Cyrus the great era ) , they gave the prance title to who serve the empire very well ....


Pan turks are moron , racist ideas growth in past 200 years , before that ,ordinary people didn't think about race so much , for example , people in Abbasid era seeing the top man in empire as calphet ... ( even in abbasid era we have taherian , Safarian , Samanian , Aم bouye and ....>> Abu molesm was the one who finished Banyu Omayeh and installed Abassid )
Its questinable which one is more dangerous :P
Guys stop this Turks vs Iranians.
There are Azeris living in Iran,they speak a branch of Turkish language,what is the problem with that?
Just like there are lots of Kurds in Turkey who are a branch of Iranian people and their language is from Iranian family.
Should we be ashamed of ourselves?
Azeris in Iran may speak a Turkish language,but first of first,they are Iranians and they would die for their country as much as every Iranian do.
I hate all these racist arguments.
Nothing is wrong with being an Iranian citizen an dying for Iran, but issue was calling them ethnical Iranians.
Guys stop this Turks vs Iranians.
There are Azeris living in Iran,they speak a branch of Turkish language,what is the problem with that?
Just like there are lots of Kurds in Turkey who are a branch of Iranian people and their language is from Iranian family.
Should we be ashamed of ourselves?
Azeris in Iran may speak a Turkish language,but first of first,they are Iranians and they would die for their country as much as every Iranian do.
I hate all these racist arguments.

This is not about Persians vs Turks or any other ridiculus stuff... There are millions of Turks in Iran and these not so clever people try to deny them their heritige, history and language. Islamic Republic of Iran still opress Turks in Iran by not giving them their right to educate their children in their own language...

Even Arabs in Israel have the right to educate their children in Arabic. Even in Israel Arabic is an offical language... You people scream about how Israel is evil and how they opress Arabs but even the Israel you hate is more democratic and gives more rights to their minorities...

This about justice and human rights not about nationality or race...

Those cowards reclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh

Unfortunatly Russia and Iran supported Armenia and Turkey didn't have the military equipment to give game-changing weapons to Azerbaijan.

Reclaim? You should choose your words carefully my friend. Specially when even your country says that Armenia is an occupier. You wouldn't want to look ridiculus now wouldn't you? But who am I kidding, being from US where big companies have regal right to bribe politicans and killing 15 years old black kid because he is black and propably not getting any punishment because of ''stand your ground law'' is ridiculus enough...
Armenia has successfully reclaimed it's rightful Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaizan supported by Chechen and Afghan terrorists on the other hand were defeated.

These are merely desperate moves being pulled by Azerbaijan. Armenia is strong enough to answer them all, like it did here.

However, peace should be ensured.

russia will not go to a war for armenia , if russia dont intervene then azerbaijan with new weapons will destroy armenia , but waiting for the right time

Do that and you will be facing the whole CSTO.

Azerbaijan would be finally annexed to Armenia as it should. Armenian genocide would be revenged.

You're the first Turk I've met who claims that "nothing can stop Russia". Haven't you read your own history? How often have the Turks whipped Russian *****? I know I lost count...

Indeed, I lost count.

Armenia has successfully reclaimed it's rightful Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaizan supported by Chechen and Afghan terrorists on the other hand were defeated.

These are merely desperate moves being pulled by Azerbaijan. Armenia is strong enough to answer them all, like it did here.

However, peace should be ensured.

Do that and you will be facing the whole CSTO.

Azerbaijan would be finally annexed to Armenia as it should. Armenian genocide would be revenged.

Reclaim? Every country on earth thinks and says Armenia is an occupier what more do you want? Don't you know the UN resolution about it? You should try to spread your propaganda elsewhere, Where people are ignorant or bias as you :P

Armenia doesn't have the military or the economic power to stand against Azerbaijan without Russian help... It is that simple.
Karabakh was officially and rightfully part of the Azerbaijan.

Seriously what are you guys trying to do ? whenever I look a thread I'm seeing Israelis posting wars of Ottomans whats your aim ?
Reclaim? Every country on earth thinks and says Armenia is an occupier what more do you want? Don't you know the UN resolution about it? You should try to spread your propaganda elsewhere, Where people are ignorant or bias as you :P

UN also hypocritically terms Israel as occupier. Nor does anybody recognise your Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus.

Armenia doesn't have the military or the economic power to stand against Azerbaijan without Russian help... It is that simple.

History suggests otherwise. Last time, brave Armenians themselves were more than enough with no need to invoke CSTO. Azerbaijani terrorists were killed like rats as they should.

This time, the Azerbaijani terrorists killed three Armenians and were responded in kind by the Armenians. You don't go about killing people and expect to not be responded.
Azeris drew the first blood by killing three soldiers in Armenia proper far away from NKR (this is not the first time either).
They also shot at a kindergarden school and an Ambulance in a village in the Tavush region.....I guess that is easier than to face the Artsakh's Army like man.

As of today we have

- 9 Azeri soldiers killed
- 2 Azeri soldiers died in alleged car accident
- 1 Azeri soldier MIA

Azeris are reported firing at three villages....we will see what tomorrow will bring for them.
- Ahh forget it, I forgot it was 'that genius' who wrote it ! -

You want the Armenian reply to your question before you edited your post?

We are not interested on other countries land, we respect them.....we will get our lands back eventually, one peace at a time....and we support Iran in regaining their lost territory.
You want the Armenian reply to your question before you edited your post?

We are not interested on other countries land, we respect them.....we will get our lands back eventually, one peace at a time.

Good luck with that. But you may want to keep Armenians in Armenia first.
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