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Armenians kill five Azeri soldiers

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PGK, i recognized that, previously when you were referring to Turks ( and when you are calm ) you were actually calling us Turks..But when you get angry, you start to call "torks" and immediately become aggressive and insulting..Is there a specific reason for that childish behavior? Just asking

Because he is a child. And you people still arguing with him. Yesterday Turks were his brothers now we became "torks". Just ignore him.
And i'm really wondering what mods are doing? Clean or lock this thread please.
No one likes to celebrate the fire holiday except Persians. You are so pathetic that you make the Aid holiday which 3 days 1 day. But your fire worshipping holiday 10 days. When are you going to realize Arabs killed the Majosi religion & its never coming back.

We make your holiday 1 day and we make our great holiday 13 days. Now go back to the sands.
Oh yes! ASQ-1918 is here. Finally an Azeri to the thread.

Welcome bro. :yahoo:
1: Learn the difference between Turkic and Turkish (Turkey)
2: Azerbaijani Turkic are a branch of Oghuz languages
3: Medieval Turkoman dynasties like Qara-Qoyunlu and Agh-Goyunlu spoke Azerbaijani Turkish, Azerbaijani Turks are basically Turkomans, which was a general term for Oghuz Turks. Iraqi Turkomans of today, which is still called Turkoman, speaks a dialect of Azerbaijani Turkish.
4: "Azeri" ethnicity or language did not exist before it was invented by Shah in Iran, historically the ethnic designation was Turkmen/Turkoman. During Russian Tsar period the ethnic designation of Azeri Turks was "Tatar".
5: Azeri Turks in Iran are still referred to as Tork/Turk and not "Azari", and the language "Torki".
I have to apologies ASQ-1918, I think everybody forgot the families of the victims at Azerbaijan.
Rest in peace to our soldiers, 3 Armenian soldiers were also killed, and 6 heavily wounded. Unfortunately, this is something that should not happen, but Azerbaijan is building up it's military capability (altough it's more complex then just that) and I'm sure it will restore it's territorial integrity and end all this for once.
In the modern meaning may be, but in fact Turks of Anatolia and Azerbaijan&Iran were not considered different historically.
In the modern meaning may be, but in fact Turks of Anatolia and Azerbaijan&Iran were not considered different historically.

Of course not, there are places in Anatolia that speak a dialect almost identical to Azerbaijani Turkish. We are just same people from same Oghuz roots.

In 1900, Azerbaijani poet Mirza Sabir wrote this;

“Osmanlıcadan tərcümə türkə” – bunu bilməm,
Gerçək yazıyor gəncəli, yainki hənəkdir;
Mümkün iki dil bir-birinə tərcümə, amma
“Osmanlıcadan tərcümə türkə” nə deməkdir?!

He says;

"Translation from Ottoman language to Turkish (Azerbaijani), I do not understand.
It is possible to translate 2 (different) languages, BUT
What means translating from Ottoman language to Turkish." (that you cannot translate two identical languages)

He actually says that you cannot translate two same languages, but we can also see that language in Azerbaijan was actually known as "Turk", and modern Turkish as "Ottoman" (he also mentions that Ottoman is also a Turk language), that is totally opposite of what "Persian God" is trying to tell us.

Anyway ignore some people, no one can change realities.
The language in Anatolia was also Turkish, "Turki" in sources, "Ottoman" probably used as a upper name coming from the state's name in some sources, was not the name of actual language.

Dialects are not actually had much visible difference in past, but regionally they differentiated through the hundreds of years.
Of course, we should not take modern Istanbul dialect as some kind of base for this argument. In Anatolia dialects are more similiar to Azerbaijani and in some cases (like Bayburt and Van Ercis), they are identical or very similiar (Erzurum, Kars).
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