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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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LOLLL. So when is this Mujahedding Army heading to Angola?
Will this be Al-Qaeda ver.2.2.33?
And will you be the new-messiah OBL? :haha:

Might not work out too well, big brother China loves itself some oil including Angolan oil and the easy access to the Angolan market. Much like Burma the Angolans will get away with it because they have made all the right connections, not that that is necessarily a good thing.
Out of 2 billion muslims how many are related to AQ, Taliban, Al Shabab, Bako Haram etc etc?

Leave terrorism aside, there are plenty of Muslims on other divine missions - I don't want to start listing, and i am sure you know it as well.

I see only Bharatis thanking your posts. May be because you are speaking their mind.

LOL!!! Is that criteria of judgement? If an Indian clicked thank on my post than it will make me friend of India and enemy of Islam & Pakistan? Take a break dude, Indians generally like criticism on Islam & Pakistan without caring it's genuine or not
It is all due to the spread of American Evangelical Christianity in Africa. In last century, Christian missionaries, backed with billions of dollars, spread their evangelical Christianity all over Africa by tricks and bribes.

Evangelical Christianity HATES Islam. We have channels here in U.S, of evangelical Christians, who are PURELY, and PURELY on air to bash Islam, call Prophet Muhammad names, and spread anti-Muslim propaganda...And I'm very sure Angola is doing this due to this missionaries/American evangelical influence.

Another chapter in the historical struggle between the greatest, and only two global, religiously-inspired civilizations (Islamdom and Western-Christendom)....

How about a visit to Northern Sudan guys? I mean, lets deploy air power on advance Saudi Air Bases...like Pakistani F-16s, Turkish F-16s, Saudi F-15s etc...and then use Sudan as a stop by point in the short, but brutal air campaign against those irrelevent, piece of sh!t ugly Angolians!

If this news is indeed true, then Angolia can prove a good 'practice' target for our newly inducted air power...Angola shall pay for this audacity!!!!

There can be NO, I mean NO, systematic obstacle to the spread and practice of Islam. Angolians must know that. The last historical force that systematically tried to stop Islam, communism, was destroyed in the rocky mountains of Afghanistan by Islamic Insurgent Forces...Now, NOTHING can 'ban' Islam or try to systematically oppose Islam now. This must not be allowed.

This is against U.N charter, and all accepted rules of engagement of 21st century....

Unfortunately PAF can't defend its own skies from drones atm.I bet if this happened in china you would say their country their rules.
Listen, if you have you're mind made up on bashing abrahamic religions i can't change that though i don't agree with that statement of you'rs but people like you forget to notice that being an extremist in religion is called just that, a fundamentalist or a blind believer but a person who bashes religion and adds nonsense to it while claiming its the truth to show his own hatred isn't called an extremist. Anyways like i said just now you're statement is incorrect and since you prefer to believe in incorrect notions rather than facts i can't do much in that case.
I'm sure deep down you know where does all these hate come from...
It will dawn to you sooner or later

I will stop here...
I'm sure deep down you know where does all these hate come from...
It will dawn to you sooner or later

I will stop here...

Its better that you do if i respect other people for the choices they make and don't make a mockery of it i would at least expect the same favour to be returned which you won't be able to do considering you're views on abrahamic religions so i agree there is no need to further discuss it.
Some attacks killed few Muslims? Are you serious?

LOL!!! How Bharaties came in to this? I don't think any Bharati consider me friend

Ehm... speak about your self chacha... I consider you my friend....:pleasantry:
great move from angolan govt. see, only those countries are bleeding because of islamic terrorism where muslims are present. take the example of japan for instance, no muslims no terrorism

I feel pitty to your fellow indian (muslim) :coffee:
Not much, Angola will most like feature on the list of countries will very less religious freedom, along with these countries.

Maybe Pakistan can get China to put some pressre on Angola. Chinese after all are Angola's biggest trading partner, with almost 50% of Angola's export going to China.

So expats don't deserve religious freedom? Would you be ok if America and the UK and other European countries banned Mosque and Islam, since majority of Muslims in these countries are expats? Thats a poor cop out.

As for Angola,

So your expat excuse should be valid in this case as well.

There won't be any bloodbath in Angola. Angola is one of the most prosperous countries in that part of the world, and has one of the world's fastest growing economy, they ll manage just fine. There just won't be any religious freedom.

Come to Kuwait I will show you the religious freedom the chiristians enjoy here. And the mess they make around their church, on the day of the mass you cant find a slot for parking. Not even in your own designated private area. And yet no one raises a finger. We normally tend to avoid the area during the timings as we know how difficult it becomes to navigate around. But still I dont see anyone calling cops on them. My x neighbor was a hindu family. So many a times they use to have their gatherings where they would make our lives miserable with their loud bhajans. They didnt even have the common courtesy to ask for our permission, as we as neighbors were getting bothered. But still I never ever went to complain to them let alone calling the cops on them, as it is illegal to have religious gatherings in your house by anyone. I dont see the hindus and christians and others complaining in masses, and yet you sitting far far away is acting the clown. Take your bs and sell it to someone who is really not aware of the ground realities on the areas that you running you mouth on.
Come to Kuwait I will show you the religious freedom the chiristians enjoy here. And the mess they make around their church, on the day of the mass you cant find a slot for parking. Not even in your own designated private area. And yet no one raises a finger. We normally tend to avoid the area during the timings as we know how difficult it becomes to navigate around. But still I dont see anyone calling cops on them. My x neighbor was a hindu family. So many a times they use to have their gatherings where they would make our lives miserable with their loud bhajans. They didnt even have the common courtesy to ask for our permission, as we as neighbors were getting bothered. But still I never ever went to complain to them let alone calling the cops on them, as it is illegal to have religious gatherings in your house by anyone. I dont see the hindus and christians and others complaining in masses, and yet you sitting far far away is acting the clown. Take your bs and sell it to someone who is really not aware of the ground realities on the areas that you running you mouth on.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been specifically mentioned.
Does KSA allow Temples and Churches?

If not, then maybe you should devote your energies to making them do so before asking others.
Why are the folks here foaming at the mouths.

The Hypocrisy on display here is astounding!

They dont have a problem with Saudi Arabia not allowing construction of Temples and Churches.

Then they shouldnt have a problem with another country not allowing Mosques.

If you want change, start by asking KSA to allow permanent buildings for other religions.


KSA's situation is far complicated than Angola. It is more like of demanding the Vatican to build up a Mosque in it.

Personally, I'm a %100 against building Temples and Churches in KSA, not because I want to limit people's freedom of religion, but I do know how things will turn, with these baboons we've got in hand as of right know, I fear for the safety of those worshippers.

P.S. There are no mosques in Greece as far as I know.
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Is this true at all in the first place?
I have travelled extensively to Angola and I wish to clear up certain misconceptions regarding this article.

  • Angola is self sufficient and relies heavily on the economically stable SADAC nations to trade internationally.
  • Angola is heavily influenced by Portugal, the USA and South Africa
  • Angolans generally have a very strong Christian background
  • Some years ago Angola after the civil war saw an influx of Central and North Africans who entered the country as refugees. Many of these refugees claimed that they were escaping the Muslim Christian wars in their homelands and most claimed to be Muslims. They usually used Angola as a Launchpad into other countries such as South Africa
  • Some of the refugees remained. Some of those who remained especially in areas such as Luanda, started criminal networks which targeted SADAC regions and these included the 9/11 scams (people emailing with claims of winning the lotto etc just to obtain the victims banking details to defraud them).
  • In its desperate but stupid attempts to bow to the pressure from its fellow SADAC members and to close down these criminal rings, the Angolans started a clampdown on their Muslim immigrants and neutralized citizens and Islamic faith and hence we have what started as an ill-conceived move becoming legislation which is frankly just plain stupid. The circus which has resulted from Angola's clampdown on Muslim immigrants to prevent 9/11 scams against their fellow SADAC members has now resulted in the SADAC members condemning Angola's clampdown on Islam which just goes to prove that you can please some of the people some of the time, you can please some of the people all of the time but you can never please all of the people all of the time and hence you should always do what's humane and right.
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