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Angola Bans Islam, Destroys Mosques

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Now let me show u the door, go back and read what I wrote, why I wrote it. And then when u are done reading, come back and do let me know when and where did I even complain about the angolans. **** them if I care. And you welll as they say stupid is what stupid says, does. Talking about being desperate, you sir are the best example of a desperate retard, who is that short on common sense, and comprehension. Buzz off now. If there is an iota of shame left into you, you will atleast not reply to me.
One exception - Happy to oblige.
First grow up and learn how to speak and then start quoting others.
things like this comes handy when your own point backfires at you. if you don't have problems with ksa just because islam originated in ksa, you shouldn't have problem with india too.
That is asking way to much from an indian mind you. lol
please read the conversation. while i agree that i shouldn't have used that kind of word. i'm sorry for that.

KSA's situation is far complicated than Angola. It is more like of demanding the Vatican to build up a Mosque in it.

Personally, I'm a %100 against building Temples and Churches in KSA, not because I want to limit people's freedom of religion, but I do know how things will turn, with these baboons we've got in hand as of right know, I fear for the safety of those worshippers.

That doesn't make any sense, as someone said should India ban Islam because it did not originate in India and Hinduism is it's origin and majority.
Stupid move by Angola. Angola is lucky that they are 7000 KM from Pakistan otherwise they would have faced hell fire from Pakistan. It is time for muslim army to invade Angola and liberate our muslim brothers or if it is not possible then mujahideens from TTP,LET,LET, AT and AQ should start going there.

Don't worry our Angolian Muslim brothers we are coming.

Pls take polio shots before going.

Syrian Children Struck With Polio
I'll tell you one thing the percentage of the Muslims who have died at the hands of such terrorists is much much higher than that of the minorities i think even you should understand that but i guess you don't want to so can't do much about that.
Secondly i don't hear such condemnation the reason i mentioned Myanmar is because it was one of those cases which was highly underrated and nobody bothered showing any sympathy with the victims. I am not even saying Buddhists are the bad guys in fact i won't call the followers of any religion bad because that would be unfair indeed but since in this case the Buddhists were butchering Muslims thats why i named them.
No it doesn't pale compared to other religions. If a terrorist decides to blow himself up he might utter Allah hu Akbar or anything else for that matter but that doesn't make him a Muslim or show his support for Islam. I have heard thousands of people condemning such things making efforts to clear the air about such incidents and how little religion has to do with them.
You might be an atheist but you live in India do you not see the plight of Kashmiris i am not even going in the debate of who it belongs to lets just keep that aside please but does it bother you that there are people in you're country who have to face draconian laws for whatever reason some get killed and nobody bothers and some get detained for God knows how long? To me personally i was deeply affected when the Church blast happened but even the pastor there said a wonderful thing that there have been so many mosques blown up by these terrorists that they know it isn't religious or sectarian intolerance its a full scale war which is politically motivated.

Btw, in India's proxy state, Bhutan only Buddhist kyangs are allowed. IA troops build Hindu mandirs, gurdwaras and mosques for own troops within encampments.
things like this comes handy when your own point backfires at you. if you don't have problems with ksa just because islam originated in ksa, you shouldn't have problem with india too.

please read the conversation. while i agree that i shouldn't have used that kind of word. i'm sorry for that.

No they don't come in handy when the point backfires for some people like you disagreement means you get the licence to badmouth people to me it doesn't. I have discussed things with people in this thread but they were being civil and not indecent like you and if my point didn't backfire with them after having a long discussion you think it would backfire with you?? Like i said earlier grow up its a forum not a battleground.

KSA's situation is far complicated than Angola. It is more like of demanding the Vatican to build up a Mosque in it.

Personally, I'm a %100 against building Temples and Churches in KSA, not because I want to limit people's freedom of religion, but I do know how things will turn, with these baboons we've got in hand as of right know, I fear for the safety of those worshippers.

P.S. There are no mosques in Greece as far as I know.

I cannot agree with you here....Vatican is a holy place for Catholics....KSA is not a holy place....it is a country that has some Holy cities....a more rational approach to this problem would be to let Churches be built in cities that are of no significance to Islam(Jeddah,Riyadh..etc)...and restricting such buildings in holy cities like Mecca and Medinah....KSA banning churches is more like Italy banning mosques(and Italy does not ban mosques).
Leave terrorism aside, there are plenty of Muslims on other divine missions - I don't want to start listing, and i am sure you know it as well.

I would be really interested to know those so called divine missions. I hope you have some genuine reasons to hate 2 billion humans in this world.

LOL!!! Is that criteria of judgement? If an Indian clicked thank on my post than it will make me friend of India and enemy of Islam & Pakistan? Take a break dude, Indians generally like criticism on Islam & Pakistan without caring it's genuine or not

So you accept that your rant against Islam was not genuine? Or was foolish.
No they don't come in handy when the point backfires for some people like you disagreement means you get the licence to badmouth people to me it doesn't. I have discussed things with people in this thread but they were being civil and not indecent like you and if my point didn't backfire with them after having a long discussion you think it would backfire with you?? Like i said earlier grow up its a forum not a battleground.
you can keep up the grow up thing, i don't care. you haven't replied to my question. i did agree that i shouldn't have used that kind of language and i said i am sorry about it.
you are ignoring what i asked. thats what is all i care about and not fighting war over internet forums.
answer without being biased if you can. i rest my case. have a good day.
you can keep up the grow up thing, i don't care. you haven't replied to my question. i did agree that i shouldn't have used that kind of language and i said i am sorry about it.
you are ignoring what i asked. thats what is all i care about and not fighting war over internet forums.
answer without being biased if you can. i rest my case. have a good day.

When did you say you're sorry about that? In you're dreams? if you read some of my posts in this thread you would find that answer when someone asked me that India is the birthplace of Hinduism so technically Hinduism should only prevail there i answered that so i am not sidelining anything you on the other hand are too quick to form judgements about how everybody is unable to reply to you and their logic backfires as long you start asking questions.
I think Al Qaeda and the GCC made people hate Islam for the zionists
When did you say you're sorry about that? In you're dreams? if you read some of my posts in this thread you would find that answer when someone asked me that India is the birthplace of Hinduism so technically Hinduism should only prevail there i answered that so i am not sidelining anything you on the other hand are too quick to form judgements about how everybody is unable to reply to you and their logic backfires as long you start asking questions.


things like this comes handy when your own point backfires at you. if you don't have problems with ksa just because islam originated in ksa, you shouldn't have problem with india too.

please read the conversation. while i agree that i shouldn't have used that kind of word. i'm sorry for that.
If this is true than RIGHT DECISION, because there is no Islam in actual meanings. keep yourself away from Sunni & Shia retarded sectarian conflict and incoming of radical wahabism and deobandism. Live in peace.

It's nice that you have apologised but no thats not the only reason we don't have problems with KSA and i don't think you need to ask me why India and Pakistan have issues they have issues and they will frankly continue and so will the blame game but the way you are perceiving it is not right. It has many other aspects to it that you would choose to ignore since you happen to be an Indian as well.
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