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Analysis: Is Israel building up for an offensive against Gaza?

You're suffering from the notion that this is 'cross border terrorism' while ignoring all the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the history of this conflict. Only reason Palestinians suffer more is because they're weak in sense of military terms and live in a tiny strip of land which a world power attacks with disproportionate force.

Why don't you say the same to Israel and condemn their siege and daily attacks against the Gaza Strip? Or to the occupation in the West Bank? I just posted several articles of illegal Israeli activity according to international law in Palestinian territory. Why don't you condemn that?

You have Israeli Knesset government members and leaders telling their intentions to the world, that they want to dominate the Palestinians and usurp their land through a brutal military occupation and yet we see nothing about that from people like you, why?

Forgive me, but I have no sympathies for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Fatah. I support Israel which is surrounded by hostile forces on all sides but still holds it ground.

Regarding civilians in Gaza - yes I share your concerns that innocents should not be killed but when they give shelter to Hamas, allow them to use there villages and cities to fire rockets at Israel, then it becomes very difficult to distinguish who is an innocent civilian and who is a terrorist.

Like I said easiest way to stop the war is to stop firing rockets and carrying out terrorist attacks.
israel hates john kerry so they might wanna bomb gaza to make john kerry not to go to israel again
This section is turning into a joke. Now you are going off-topic again.

Not interested in a discussion so save the reply.

PS: KSA is still not a so-called Gulf country (Khaleeji) but I guess that ignorant people will remain ignorant even when we are talking about their own ancestral region (MIddle East and Arab world). No wonder that there are so many problems. Thankfully the GCC is doing great and I am seriously thinking that we should not waste our time with the ME region but look outside of it as long as it is a mess. Life is too short for that.

ALREADY KNOW THAT, where did I say Saudi ? Gulf states I said.

Kuwait : 10.000 US soldiers
Qatar : 10-15.000 US soldiers
Bahrain :5th fleet naval base
UAE : USAF fighters stationed

Looking outside the ME region sounds good, I hope they will it's the solution.

I guess that idiotic statements have no cure on this forum. What a incredibly stupid statement to make. You seem very obsessed about certain Sunni Arab country. What is the matter? Still sucking up to the Mullah's and their audience? Keep doing it since nothing will change.
It’s not my issue if people are incapable of understanding not more then 2 sides, work on it.
@Hazzy997 I honestly believe one state is the only solution now. I doubt Israel will launch another operation though what with the horrible press they got last time and with Kerry making so many trips in the region.
ALREADY KNOW THAT, where did I say Saudi ? Gulf states I said.

Kuwait : 10.000 US soldiers
Qatar : 10-15.000 US soldiers
Bahrain :5th fleet naval base
UAE : USAF fighters stationed

Looking outside the ME region sounds good, I hope they will it's the solution.

It’s not my issue if people are incapable of understanding not more then 2 sides, work on it.

Always the same nonsense from you I see. Even in threads that have nothing to do with the nonsense you are blabbering about.

You were referring to KSA as well. Don't pretend otherwise. You do it often. In fact you seem obsessed but complain about the 3-4 Saudi Arabian users who are countering Iranian double users/trolls whom you never dare to criticize for doing the same/being obsessed about KSA/Arabs/Sunnis. Works both ways but you only look at one side as usual.

Now this idiotic post?

So what if US has bases there? Your whole God damn government came to power thanks USA. Likewise your country was "liberated" by them. So talking about puppets or American allies is the last thing you can do. You are not from North Korea.

Turkey is NATO member what about them?

The reason for the instability in the ME have many reasons. Blaming it solely on some American bases that do not harm anybody in small countries such as Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar is simply idiotic. No disrespect. But whatever. Not interested in a long discussion on something as useless as this.
Always the same nonsense from you I see. Even in threads that have nothing to do with the nonsense you are blabbering about.

You were referring to KSA as well. Don't pretend otherwise. You do it often. In fact you seem obsessed but complain about the 3-4 Saudi Arabian users who are countering Iranian double users/trolls whom you never dare to criticize for doing the same/being obsessed about KSA/Arabs/Sunnis. Works both ways but you only look at one side as usual.

Now this idiotic post?

So what if US has bases there? Your whole God damn government came to power thanks USA. Likewise your country was "liberated" by them. So talking about puppets or American allies is the last thing you can do. You are not from North Korea.

Turkey is NATO member what about them?

-Turkey is NATO and a democracy, complete different case.
-I’m not obsessed with anyone.
-I will never criticize my Iranian masters/superiors you are right ( you wanted to hear that gave it to you now your happy).
-We don’t have US bases here.
-Turkey is NATO and a democracy, complete different case.
-I’m not obsessed with anyone.
-I will never criticize my Iranian masters/superiors you are right ( you wanted to hear that gave it to you now your happy).
-We don’t have US bases here.

- Whatever you say. Still a puppet in your eyes and a Western ally following their politics.
- Certainly does not seem so.
- I do not care. You can praise them every minute for all I care. Just find the hypocrisy funny.
- No but what I wrote happened and is even worse than having 1 small base using your logic.

PS: Be happy that USA is willing to help you fight ISIS in Al-Anbar otherwise more causalities would occur. Thank USA.
- Whatever you say. Still a puppet in your eyes and a Western ally following their politics.
- Certainly does not seem so.
- I do not care. You can praise them every minute for all I care. Just find the hypocrisy funny.
- No but what I wrote happened and is even worse than having 1 small base using your logic.

PS: Be happy that USA is willing to help you fight ISIS in Al-Anbar otherwise more causalities would occur. Thank USA.

Worse as in ? it’s supposed to be a shame ? no one can fight the US.

It happened through the same gulf states I mentioned before so now you get why it is bad that they have US bases.

USA is not helping in any direct way, they are only selling military gear, however in Saudi Arabia’s case which has all the needed equipment they are performing drone strikes against AQ of the peninsula so theres nothing you should be saying regarding that.

Not interested in a long discussion on something as useless as this.

ok no discussion then im off anwyay
Worse as in ? it’s supposed to be a shame ? no one can fight the US.

It happened through the same gulf states I mentioned before so now you get why it is bad that they have US bases.

USA is not helping in any direct way, they are only selling military gear, however in Saudi Arabia’s case which has all the needed equipment they are performing drone strikes against AQ of the peninsula so theres nothing you should be saying regarding that.


Saddam Hussein was removed and the Americans basically changed everything upside down and created a new constitution etc. I would call that more than just meddling/using a little military base. But you already know this so no point stating the obvious.

What happened?

Eh, have they not trained the Iraqi army since 2003 and just allowed Apaches to be sold?

That's nonsense. AQ on the Arabian Peninsula are only based in Yemen so has nothing to do with KSA. Besides those are just rumors. Not sure how that fits with anything. But if this is correct then I support them. Good job from two long-time allies.

Anyway not interested in a long discussion so I drop my sword.
Where is Solomon the Zionist defender who said israel is struggle for peace
My opinion is well known to Hazzy997. The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank must accept the right to exist of Israel within their pre-1967 borders. Otherwise, the Palestinian non-Jewish people will have zero peace. No other outside power or force will make the Jews cede their pre-1967 territory. Post-1967 territory is negotiable but only if pre-1967 territory is first, and, undeniably, accepted.
My opinion is well known to Hazzy997. The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank must accept the right to exist of Israel within their pre-1967 borders. Otherwise, the Palestinian non-Jewish people will have zero peace. No other outside power or force will make the Jews cede their pre-1967 territory. Post-1967 territory is negotiable but only if pre-1967 territory is first, and, undeniably, accepted.

There is something called "living in time" as in living in present.

The only thing Palestinians can negotiate TODAY is where the borders are NOW.

Tomorrow the negotiations will be where the borders will be TOMORROW

An Individual or a nation that tries to live in the past

loses its future.
You're suffering from the notion that this is 'cross border terrorism' while ignoring all the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the history of this conflict. Only reason Palestinians suffer more is because they're weak in sense of military terms and live in a tiny strip of land which a world power attacks with disproportionate force.

Why don't you say the same to Israel and condemn their siege and daily attacks against the Gaza Strip? Or to the occupation in the West Bank? I just posted several articles of illegal Israeli activity according to international law in Palestinian territory. Why don't you condemn that?

You have Israeli Knesset government members and leaders telling their intentions to the world, that they want to dominate the Palestinians and usurp their land through a brutal military occupation and yet we see nothing about that from people like you, why?

Stop launching rockets towards Israel and stop the Stone pelting over Jews ..Then talk about Israel .till then shut up
It does seem there is something being planned. Not just because of the Israeli rhetoric, but also the developments on the ground. Hamas is getting attacked on two fronts now.
Israel will probably wait til Hamas is severely weakened.

I think Israel is betting on Hamas to get very weak politically and economically. I dont believe Hamas will get politicaly weaker, but economically it has taken a very hard blow, due to the closing of Sinai tunnels.
I think we will see a new conflict this year. :/

Btw @Hazzy997 have you tried to send pm message? If so, I can no longer view or start a new conversation, after the ban.
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