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American attack aftermath: Pakistan declares attack a 'plot'

It is not a 'consistent position' - an argument for 'accepting ground realities' is an argument for 'doing nothing to change the status quo'.

Let me try to explain with regards to the present incident:

The ground reality that will soon be accepted is that nothing substantive will change. The supply routes will reopen soon.

What needs to be done to change the status quo is not chest thumping as is being done by most here, but to build up national character and strength so that over a few years, things might improve.
An alternative possibility: The pakistani soldiers were sheltering/protecting some taliban who had come across from Afghanistan chased by the Americans.

I fail to see what else explains the attack. There's probably no other reason why ISAF troops would venture 2.5km deep into Pakistan and kill 28 soldiers.
Just 1 thing i don't understand, please any one clear it to me. Actually i believe that any foreign heli or plane has to notify the other country if it reach 4-6KM from the border, if this is correct than why NATO didn't inform & how can these NATO murderers fly their helis approx 3 KM inside Pakistan land, opened heavy fire on Pakistani troops & get away.

And why there was no immidiate response from any Pakistani jet, heli etc????
Just 1 thing i don't understand, please any one clear it to me. Actually i believe that any foreign heli or plane has to notify the other country if it reach 4-6KM from the border, if this is correct than why NATO didn't inform & how can these NATO murderers fly their helis approx 3 KM inside Pakistan land, opened heavy fire on Pakistani troops & get away.

And why there was no immidiate response from any Pakistani jet, heli etc????

the one in bold is the key question, considering

1. there were 2 attacks
2. The radars should have been tracking NATO helis much before they crossed the border
Clearly this is an emotional thread and has obviously riled several peoples nerves. One has to focus on the facts and these are 28 Pakistani soldiers have been killed in an unprovoked attack. Why the heck we have had so many off topic things brought up is as far as im concerned disrespectful. We can speculate on what course of action Pakistan will take and the repecussions of such action etc but please lets attempt to respect all. Not the right thread to troll or gain browny points for personal agendas.
I believe our nation has been shocked and outraged at this and will demand a vigorous response.
Pakistan should not fear sanctions and must remember how sanctions in the 1990s effected our economy - it helped us and sanctions helped pull our fingers out. Cheng is suggesting our nation should show caution as the US would pull their aid out. I say bring it on because their aid and charity has been one of the reasons why we have been suffering. Only people would be effectd would be our corrupto politicos as we never see the aid anyway.
The exact count of deaths is hardly a proof of investigation being done or completed.. In most cases like this the death toll goes up significantly in first few hours
I did not say that the 'exact count' was proof of an investigation - I pointed out that the initial reports that came in stated that survivors and others were being interrogated/interviewed to determine what happened - i.e investigation.

Why would NATO need to give details of their operations inside Afghanistan to Pakistan. Specially when NATO and US forces believe that any such information communicated to Pakistan finds its way to the terrorists active in the area. The reason why the operation Abbotabad (even when it was within Pakistan) was not communicated to Pakistan
Details of operations along the border need to be provided since the border, as the West itself likes to say, is poorly demarcated and insurgents move back and forth along it, which might result in troops being mistaken for insurgents massing to carry out attacks.

NATO paranoia and conspiracy theories do not excuse NATO for not coordinating their ops along the border with Pakistan - if they did not coordinate, then NATO is at fault.
If Pakistan fired at NATO troops across the border as claimed by NATO, then its them who have to provide a reason for firing across the border...
The same reason the US/NATO uses to carry out attacks inside Pakistan - the area has been used by terrorists to stage attacks into Pakistan and Pakistani forces might have (since fire by Pakistani forces first has not yet been established) fired thinking they were attacking terrorists moving across the border, or they might have thought the 'terrorists' were already on the Pakistani side of the border, since it was night and visibility was poor.

In all of the scenarios above it is NATO that has to demonstrate that it provided details of its border operations at night to Pakistan and coordinated with Pakistani forces during the operations, in order to establish NATO innocence.
An alternative possibility: The pakistani soldiers were sheltering/protecting some taliban who had come across from Afghanistan chased by the Americans.

I fail to see what else explains the attack. There's probably no other reason why ISAF troops would venture 2.5km deep into Pakistan and kill 28 soldiers.
An alternate possibility - NATO/Afghan soldiers were sheltering/protecting terrorists launching attacks into Pakistan, came under Pakistani fire because they were caught, and resorted to CAS to save themselves and the terrorists.

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

the one in bold is the key question, considering

1. there were 2 attacks
2. The radars should have been tracking NATO helis much before they crossed the border
NATO conducts operations along the border quite often and their air support is probably in the air non-stop - tracking fighter jets in the air would not provide any indication of a potential attack on a Pakistani border post. Low flying helicopters would be hard to detect on radar in that terrain.
the one in bold is the key question, considering

1. there were 2 attacks
2. The radars should have been tracking NATO helis much before they crossed the border

Yes but still i didn't get my answere & will like to ask again,

Just 1 thing i don't understand, please any one clear it to me. Actually i believe that any foreign heli or plane has to notify the other country if it reach 4-6KM from the border, if this is correct than why NATO didn't inform & how can these NATO murderers fly their helis approx 3 KM inside Pakistan land, opened heavy fire on Pakistani troops & get away.

And why there was no immidiate response from any Pakistani jet, heli etc????
Sana' Bucha's interview with Brig. Gen Carlston Jacob
watch from 10:30 onwards

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Let me try to explain with regards to the present incident:

The ground reality that will soon be accepted is that nothing substantive will change. The supply routes will reopen soon.

What needs to be done to change the status quo is not chest thumping as is being done by most here, but to build up national character and strength so that over a few years, things might improve.
Arguing against the 'status quo' is a necessary part of changing societal opinion - whether done by this government or the next.

Staying silent and not calling for change because of 'ground realities' offers nothing.

'Building national character and strength' while also calling for a rejection of injustice and inequality in international policies towards Pakistan and building pressure on Pakistani institutions to take tangible steps to support their rhetoric are not mutually exclusive.
Mind you, NATO has reportedly refused to condemn the incident.

Which clearly means that NATO stands by its action.
...all this 2.5km inside Pakistan border?
Hey, the US was claiming the ISI went all the way to Kabul to carry out some attacks .... compared to that nonsense, this makes sense - US/Afghan special forces acting in concert with terrorists planning to attack Pakistan trying to sneak across the border (or perhaps even attack the check posts pretending to be militants) got caught and came under fire and resorted to CAS to save themselves.
Hey, the US was claiming the ISI went all the way to Kabul to carry out some attacks .... compared to that nonsense, this makes sense - US/Afghan special forces acting in concert with terrorists planning to attack Pakistan trying to sneak across the border (or perhaps even attack the check posts pretending to be militants) got caught and came under fire and resorted to CAS to save themselves.

You are comparing a covert op. to an open attack.
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