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sigatoka said:
Please dont distort facts. Israel receives three times in monetary aid that Egypt receives (and many billions more considering technology transfer that happnens without compensation.)

So as per the argument,does egypt becomes an ext of USA if they recieve more aid/as equal to Israel?

Israel without such help from USA wud have found diff to defend itself from the Arab states.
LOLOL. From 2002,

"Israel gets more U.S. foreign aid than any other country, about $2.8 billion this year: $2 billion in military aid, the rest economic. Egypt gets the second- largest amount, about $2 billion this year, thanks to a speed-up in payments: about $1.3 billion in military, the rest economic. These payments are meant to help those countries' economies, but also to keep the peace. They go back to Israel's agreement to return the Sinai to Egypt during Jimmy Carter's administration. It was big money for a long time."


Where are the figures of Israel gets MUCH MORE than Egypt come from? And you do know that Israel makes it a point to return loans as much as possible, sometimes even clearing entire years' of debt, which is more than I can say for a lot of Muslim countries?

0.8 billion more only, and what about the other Muslim countries?

I ask again - where. is. the. whining?

stop it. the fact is, Arabs can't make an economy. They're poor relative to Israel not because Israel gets more aid, but because Israelis are getting educated, work hard and have a sense of independence and self-reliance.
It is not the bounden duty of the US to give aid to all and sundry, including those who abuse the USA.

And if they don't give aid, then they sulk! Rather beggardly an attitude.

The USA gives aid, not out of charity. It gives aid because it wishes to influence the country and its polity.

As the American phrase goes - there ain't nothing called a Free Lunch!
Gentlemen, this is a forum, a place to debate and thats the sole purpose of posting a thread.
So lets deal with facts and arguments in a proper way without getting personal.


Here are some facts: ISRAEL

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact


Benefits to Israel of U.S. Aid
Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997)

Foreign Aid Grants and Loans

Other U.S. Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid)

Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments

Grand Total

Total Benefits per Israeli
Cost to U.S. Taxpayers of U.S.
Aid to Israel

Grand Total

Interest Costs Borne by U.S.

Total Cost to U.S. Taxpayers

Total Taxpayer Cost per Israeli
More facts:

Top recipients of US aid each year Iraq - In 2004, it will become the largest recipient of US aid, receiving $18.4 billion.Israel - The largest recipient of US largesse in 2003, getting $2.1 billion in military aid annually; $600 million in economic aid.Egypt - Out of a US foreign aid budget of about $14 billion in 2003, Egypt was the second largest recipient with $1.3 billion in military aid; $615 million for social programs.Colombia - Got $540 million to battle the drug trade, and local terrorist groups.Jordan - Got $250 million in economic support; $198 in military financing.Peru, Ukraine, Russia - Received approximately $200 million each in economic and military aid annually.SOURCE: COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS

How much does the U.S. spend on foreign aid?

The annual Foreign Operations appropriations bill, seen as the most reliable way of assessing how much the United States spends on foreign assistance, is $20.7 billion for fiscal year 2006. President Bush has asked for $23.7 billion for 2007. If approved, that would mark a near doubling of foreign assistance since 1997. In 2004, official development assistance (ODA) from the United States was 0.16 percent of its GNP. The ODA, which involves grants or loans a government gives to a development country to promote economic development and welfare, excludes military assistance that makes up a major portion of U.S. foreign aid appropriations—from $3 billion to $6 billion annually during the past ten years, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Who receives U.S. aid?

More than 100 countries, though a handful of them receive the largest share. Israel and Egypt have traditionally been the single-largest recipients of U.S. aid, dating back to the 1978 Camp David peace accords between the two countries. For the current fiscal year, Israel will receive $2.49 billion in aid, of which $2.25 billion is military assistance. Egypt is to receive $1.78 billion, of which $1.28 billion is military assistance. Afghanistan and Iraq, involved in massive U.S.-led nation-building efforts, and Pakistan, an important ally in the war on terrorism, also receive huge amounts of foreign aid.

That is why Egypt has had a democratic election on being nudged by the US.

But I believe the Moslem Brotherhood challenger has been stuffed in jail/ gagged!

I maybe wrong, but I did see something of the like on Al Jazeera.
parihaka said:
As another poster has already pointed out, America gives as much in aid to Egypt as it does to Israel, and where exactly does the 90% Jews in US Congress statistic come from please?
first of all, there is a huge diffrence between the aid given to egypt and aid given to israel.the real figures are much more than the official figures. and secondly, just answer me that question: can any US president be elected without support of jewish lobby. also, I didn't use the word "exactly". but the real figure is arround that. that loby hijacked USA.
please dont tell me that you have mixed up the total sum of funds given to Israel since 1949 and compared the full sum to Egypt's aid in one year, 2002, have you.

2.8 vs 2.1 billion, where is the "three times" figure I keep hearing? Where is the humongous difference I keep hearing, especially when the Muslim world gets much more funds for other countries besides Egypt? Don't make accusations you can't substantiate, for goodness sake.
Owais said:
first of all, there is a huge diffrence between the aid given to egypt and aid given to israel.the real figures are much more than the official figures. and secondly, just answer me that question: can any US president be elected without support of jewish lobby. also, I didn't use the word "exactly". but the real figure is arround that. that loby hijacked USA.
There are as many political pressure groups in the USA as there are political causes. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, NRA, Military industrial complex, Hispanic, Italian, etc etc etc. To suggest that the Jewish lobby is the only one is absurd.
MrConcerned said:
LOLOL. From 2002,

"Israel gets more U.S. foreign aid than any other country, about $2.8 billion this year: $2 billion in military aid, the rest economic. Egypt gets the second- largest amount, about $2 billion this year, thanks to a speed-up in payments: about $1.3 billion in military, the rest economic.

Israel receives 10b outright and another b or two in technology transfers.

Egypt is 3b and zero technology transfers. This figures your presenting is just propaganda.
parihaka said:
There are as many political pressure groups in the USA as there are political causes. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, NRA, Military industrial complex, Hispanic, Italian, etc etc etc. To suggest that the Jewish lobby is the only one is absurd.

Indeed there are, however it is equally absurd to suggest that they are equally influential.
sigatoka said:
Indeed there are, however it is equally absurd to suggest that they are equally influential.
Of course, just as it is absurd to suggest the Jewish lobbyists are the only ones of significance.
Owais said:
just answer me that question: can any US president be elected without support of jewish lobby. also, I didn't use the word "exactly". but the real figure is arround that. that loby hijacked USA.

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