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America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

Enough depends on a lot of factors, as in how much is population expected to grow by (births, deaths, net migration), how many people would enter the job market, the speculative aspect of growth, etc etc.

You can google the rest. I really dont have time for economics lessons. Sorry
Sid said:
Enough depends on a lot of factors, as in how much is population expected to grow by (births, deaths, net migration), how many people would enter the job market, the speculative aspect of growth, etc etc.

You can google the rest. I really dont have time for economics lessons. Sorry

Then why bother if you dont have answer or time.

There is no answer as how much is enough.

All thats is said abt slowing is wrt to mkt expectation and that too varies.If you glance thru the article you pasted then you will see that one guy has said that the growth is avg ...while its slow for others.
Jana said:
That is realy intresting as RAY said but Sir Ray there is no use of disscussing this point unless the Arab countries realise that they themselves are adding to US steangth which resultantly being used against them in ME and other areas.

They are not, it is purely an economic decision. The fact that China clothes americans doesnt mean it will hesitate in killing U.S. troops on the battlefield should the situation arise.

Economic decisions are best separated from politics. If it is any consolation, a good economy allows you to bash your opponent better in combat which can only arise if good ecnomic decisions are made.

The T-bonds case is as ludicrious as saying that I help agriculture here by pissing.
The T-bonds case is as ludicrious as saying that I help agriculture here by pissing

Not quite.

It burns up the crop if too much is released.

Have dogs and check your lawn. ;) :)

Notwithstanding, if Arab money is supporting the Israeli war even indirectly, it is worth consideration.

The Islamic Bank is one of the stuff that is to ensure money stays at home! I believe such a bank exists in the UK.
MrConcerned said:
1. They sell a lot of oil in America and park the money in American banks which earn them huge tonnes of money from investments around the world. Their facilities have American consultants, Americans run their hospitality centres, become their advisors, trainers, salesmen, everything.

2. America is the gold card of countries for Arabs. What they have is a huge customer, dependable friend, and stable behaviour.

3. They are hand in hand, symbolized by American presidents literally holding the hand of the King of Saud when he goes to America.

4. Only mullahs and extremists have problems against America, and they're constantly using the media to agitate the people.

5. The big enemy of Arab countries is first and foremost Iran. America is far far down the list, after Al Qaeda, their own mullahs, the Muslim Brotherhood, even their urban poor.

1. So does China which might go to war with U.S. over Taiwan.

2. That is changing with the blistering rise of China and the rapid growth of asia generally.

3. The U.S. president must keep the Saudi's happy (the worlds largest Oil supplier) so that they pump more and keep prices reasonable. U.S. needs Saudi more than Saudi needs U.S. (especially with Saddam gone.)

4. You only think

5. Not really, Syria and Iran have had a very long lasting deep relationship (in a region racked by change). Saudi-Iran relationship has greatly improved in last seven years. Iran and Pak. have a very good relationship.
Jana said:
1. it may be very good for Arabs to invest in USA and get benefit by selling oil to them and closing eyes to whatever being done to Muslims, in the short run.

2. But in the long run one day it will result in a very scary situation where these ARABS no longer b able to invest and sell their own oil to US rather they will be seen as employees at their own resources and working for US.

1. Study the theory of diversified portfolio from Finance and you will understand why it is good for Arabs to invest in U.S.

2. Sorry Jana, the facts say otherwise. The demand for Oil in the world has never been greater and the price has rocketed up. Things are good if you have Oil.
MrConcerned said:
1. Before Saddam committed his act of insantiy, and even during the OPEC crisis, invasion was only ever the last last resort to preserve the unity of America.

2. America provided far more security, technology and resources than the Arab countries could ever find for themselves, including during the cold war against the Soviet Union.

3. Just so you know, Arabs investing in America is a quiet agreement made many decades ago, in that Arabs can control OPEC in return for investing in America.

4. Firstly, absolutely true, America would rather pay for oil because it is not a colonialist country.

5. Muslims doing a better job than the "genocidal Americans" have ever done.

6. America tried very hard to bring a productive democracy to Iraq that will allow all the different factions to grow rich together.

7. but it is uncertain that it will work, because Muslims just love butchering each other.

1. An act of opportunism, not insanity.

2. It occurs because it is mutually beneficial. If you continue with your point, then U.S. should compensate Europe for the hundred of billions in technology transfers (when it was a new nation)

3. lol, and it has nothing to do with diversifying to reduce risk?

4. So the martians invaded Iraq?

5. Yes, the 14 yo iraqi girl gang raped repeatedly in front of her family who were killed and the girl who was then burnt was again committed by those martians.

6. They tried very hard to install Chalabi as their puppet.

7. Take your ignorant flaming elsewhere. Note to Mods
MrConcerned said:
1. The investments in America are parked in the best investment banks who fight to get their business and ensure high returns every year. The spending money can only be blamed on the Saudis themselves.

2. Even in 2050, 2070, probably in 2100, America will still be a superpower, especially since it is planning to icnrease its population by another 100 million in 14 - 20 years time.

3. Also, the constant refrain - if you think that there is another cold war coming between American and China, you will be sadly and sorely mistaken. The two are on the way to building the strongest economic relationship in the world, and along with that will come military partnership, social partnership adn technology partnership.

4. As long as China stays on the current right path of course.

1. Saudi economy is growing @ 5% a year from a much much higher base than Pak. and India. It also has 0% of population living on lower than $1 a day (unlike India and Pak.) and it has free education and heavily subsidized health care for all (unlike U.S.). 30million U.S. have people without health insurance and the poorest children in U.S. can not look forward to a uni. degree because they were born into poverty. Life is not only about level of income, but also about justice and a safety net.

2. Things change very quickly, but i will also add that it wont be the sole superpower (with the rapid rise of China, India, Brazil, Russia)

3. Just like the americans thought when the bombs fell on pearl harbour?

4. You mean right from U.S. perspective?
Bull said:
1.The money they earn is so huge that there are not much venues to invest in the middle east other than the real estate in Lebonon(before),qatar and UAE.

2. Interest rates dont go up in an economy which is slowing down!!!

1. Buy a finance text book and open to the section on portfolio diversification.

Also google up the dutch disease, another reason not to use all the extra money in your nation. (if u still dont understadn then post, im not baby sitting, ive got three assignments due in econ.)

2. It can and it has. (Aust. in the 1970's)
Bull said:
1. How much is enough??

1. It is the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment. This is different across different economies and it changes over time. Below this growth rate and its a wasted opportunity, above and you spark off inflation.
Bull said:
1. Then why bother if you dont have answer or time.

2. There is no answer as how much is enough.

1. When your @ uni with assignments and exams youll understand.

2. There is an amount which is enough (it is dynamic; it changes) but that doesnt mean just because its hard to find that it doesnt exist.

Salim said:
Not quite.

1. It burns up the crop if too much is released.

2. Have dogs and check your lawn.

3. Notwithstanding, if Arab money is supporting the Israeli war even indirectly, it is worth consideration.

4. The Islamic Bank is one of the stuff that is to ensure money stays at home! I believe such a bank exists in the UK.

1. Never knew

2. Did have, but big yard never saw.

3. It isnt becasuse its on commercial terms.

4. Its illogical according to finance theory.
sigatoka said:
1. Saudi economy is growing @ 5% a year from a much much higher base than Pak. and India.


whats Indias GDP and whats Saudis GDP pls do check it up.

As per my records Indians economy is more than three times as big as Saudis and is still clocking 8% as to Saudis 5%.

Dont use the same logic in your school eco rpoj,you might flunk

Saudi GDP approx 350 Bn dollar
Indias GDP 738 Bn dollar

sigatoka said:
It also has 0% of population living on lower than $1 a day (unlike India and Pak.) and

There is no data on poverty level available on most of the media sources.But considering the fact that they have one of the worst disparity of income in the world your argument muight not hold ground.
sigatoka said:
They are not, it is purely an economic decision. The fact that China clothes americans doesnt mean it will hesitate in killing U.S. troops on the battlefield should the situation arise.

Economic decisions are best separated from politics. If it is any consolation, a good economy allows you to bash your opponent better in combat which can only arise if good ecnomic decisions are made.

The T-bonds case is as ludicrious as saying that I help agriculture here by pissing.

You have taken my argument totally out of context.Look at what i was replying to,and what i meant. I didnt criticise arabs for investing in US/Europe.
I just gave reasons why they arent inveting in their own country.
sigatoka said:
1. When your @ uni with assignments and exams youll understand.

Ok i shall understand when i reach the university level? When thats going to be god alone knows...:cheesy:

sigatoka said:
2. There is an amount which is enough (it is dynamic; it changes) but that doesnt mean just because its hard to find that it doesnt exist

There is no stipulated growth rate which is enough.Its not dynamic nor static..its simple not there.the fig doesnt exist.
sigatoka said:
1. Buy a finance text book and open to the section on portfolio diversification.

Also google up the dutch disease, another reason not to use all the extra money in your nation. (if u still dont understadn then post, im not baby sitting, ive got three assignments due in econ.)

i shall try to get a hand to the book and undrstand whats all that abt?

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