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America will attack Iran, Syria in October: Gul

parihaka said:
There are as many political pressure groups in the USA as there are political causes. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, NRA, Military industrial complex, Hispanic, Italian, etc etc etc. To suggest that the Jewish lobby is the only one is absurd.

There may be many groups but the domnating groups are democrats and repulican and jewish loby have a strong hold in both parties.

parihaka said:
Of course, just as it is absurd to suggest the Jewish lobbyists are the only ones of significance.
I am not suggesting that .Its true that US politics, Business and judiciary is under control of that lobby!
Whats the issue over here?

The Arab world getting lesser money than Israel ,is that this all about???

As Neo mentioned its US taxpayers money,they decide where they spend it.
If they are Jews as being accused ,then don't worry they know very well to make each and every penny count,whether it be money given to Israel or Pakistan or Egypt or even India.

And Neo,

there is fundamental error in what you have posted here ..............http://www.pakistaniforces.com/forums/showpost.php?p=20837&postcount=65.

The govt doesn't segregate the money it receives and mark every penny to what use it should be used for.All the money govt earns via taxes (personal and corporate),duties & excise added with the domestic and foreign borrowing is what they have got to spend.

So its absolutely illogical to say that the entire cost of foreign aid is beared by the tax payer.

By doing the above calculation what you have done is just divide the foreign aid by the no of tax payers.What abt corporates and foreign govt and investors who lend money to govt of US???

The govt biggest source of funds is from borrowing(?) ie thru issue of T bonds and govt bills and these are being subscribed heavily by foreign govts like the Chineese and also by big players in Saudi and Kuwait.So a lot of their money could also be there helping the Israelis.
The govt biggest source of funds is from borrowing(?) ie thru issue of T bonds and govt bills and these are being subscribed heavily by foreign govts like the Chineese and also by big players in Saudi and Kuwait.So a lot of their money could also be there helping the Israelis.

Now, that is an interesting turn to the discussion!

Very ironical!
Bull said:
Whats the issue over here?
The govt biggest source of funds is from borrowing(?) ie thru issue of T bonds and govt bills and these are being subscribed heavily by foreign govts like the Chineese and also by big players in Saudi and Kuwait.So a lot of their money could also be there helping the Israelis.

That is realy intresting as RAY said but Sir Ray there is no use of disscussing this point unless the Arab countries realise that they themselves are adding to US steangth which resultantly being used against them in ME and other areas.
You're wrong. The Arab countries have nothing against America. America is the least of their problems. Rich Arabs send their children to study in America all the time. Their army is armed and trained by America. They sell a lot of oil in America and park the money in American banks which earn them huge tonnes of money from investments around the world. Their facilities have American consultants, Americans run their hospitality centres, become their advisors, trainers, salesmen, everything.

America is the gold card of countries for Arabs. What they have is a huge customer, dependable friend, and stable behaviour.

The relationship is fantastic. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the Gulf States are all firm, llong and loyal friends of America. Some of you are so shocked tiny Kuwait donated 500million for Katrina. Their friendship is vast.

Only Syria holds out, but even it went out of the day, grovelling and begging for American friendship, even arresting Al douri in syria to win American affection. but American heart is cold after Assad told Shias in Iraq to revolt, just as America is punishing Turkey right now by staying firm friends with Iraqi Kurds.

Don't tell me you actually believe what the lousy Arab media is blaring.

Only small timers would think that America and the Arab decision makers, the kings, the politicans, the middle class, the rich, the intellectuals, the scientists, are not aligned. They are hand in hand, symbolized by American presidents literally holding the hand of the King of Saud when he goes to America.


Only mullahs and extremists have problems against America, and they're constantly using the media to agitate the people. Cross the line however, and a few countries get burned out.

The big enemy of Arab countries is first and foremost Iran. America is far far down the list, after Al Qaeda, their own mullahs, the Muslim Brotherhood, even their urban poor.

Don't think the media actually reflects what is on the ground. Some of you are so clueless and out of the loop.
MrConcerned said:
You're wrong. The Arab countries have nothing against America. America is the least of their problems. Rich Arabs send their children to study in America all the time. Their army is armed and trained by America. They sell a lot of oil in America and park the money in American banks which earn them huge tonnes of money from investments around the world. Their facilities have American consultants, Americans run their hospitality centres, become their advisors, trainers, salesmen, everything..

:read: thats what we are talking about Mr Unconcerned.
Few wealthy minds only can see to a short distance there are billions of depoits by ARABS in US banks which realy helping US to send to Israel and othere areas for waging war against Muslims.
it may be very good for Arabs to invest in USA and get benefit by selling oil to them and closing eyes to whatever being done to Muslims, in the short run. But in the long run one day it will result in a very scary situation where these ARABS no longer b able to invest and sell their own oil to US rather they will be seen as employees at their own resources and working for US.
You seem to think that America wants to wipe out Arab countries and take their oil.

That's far from reality. And you need a reality check.

Before Saddam committed his act of insantiy, and even during the OPEC crisis, invasion was only ever the last last resort to preserve the unity of America.

Why would America want to invite trouble on itself?

It would rather have many friends in that region, each making each other richer and having influence on each other. It was the perfect symbiosis relationship.

America provided far more security, technology and resources than the Arab countries could ever find for themselves, including during the cold war against the Soviet Union.

Just so you know, Arabs investing in America is a quiet agreement made many decades ago, in that Arabs can control OPEC in return for investing in America. This is an arrangement taht has made both regions rich beyond measure.

You whining about America wanting to kill Muslims and take their oil is childish beyond belief and scarcely worthy an intellect like yours.

Firstly, absolutely true, America would rather pay for oil because it is not a colonialist country. Secondly, those who have visited America before, including Muslims, know what a welcoming country it is and how bighearted and kind Americans are.

Whatever is done to Muslims? Let me ask you, whatever is done to Muslims that Muslims cannot do themselves, have not or are not doing in much worse measure, and will gladly do to themselves in the future, Arab on Arab, Sunni on Shia, Shia on Sunni, Sunni on Sunni, Shia on Shia.

About 1000 people are slaughtered each month in Iraq, 99% of which is Shia murdering Sunni, or Sunni murdering Shia. Muslims doing a better job than the "genocidal Americans" have ever done.

If you noticed, the Sunni community in Iraq has done 180 degree turn and is desperate for American army to stay on there. (Four huge bases are being built to last decades or more.) If you noticed, American deaths have dropped to just over 1 a day, usually the Sunnis and Shias don't even attack them even more, the deaths are usually due to Americans taking action to clear an area or the occassional AQ attack.

All the above is absolutely true. Perhaps you should open your eyes and see that it's extremism and lack of balanced behaviour that's destroying and rotting the ummah from within, not America. America tried very hard to bring a productive democracy to Iraq that will allow all the different factions to grow rich together. but it is uncertain that it will work, because Muslims just love butchering each other.

Just I mention how many Palestinians the deceased King of Jordan killed? How many Muslim Brotherhood the old Assad slaughtered, a city of 20, 000 dead and completely levelled?

Yes, just blame America and Israel for all your problems. Your problem is yourself, Muslim.
Mr. Concerned, what you fail to realize is that in the Arab world, much of the Islamicate world; there is a 'vacuum' of sorts between the rulers and the ruled. That happens when there is no democracy and no interest in what the local populace thinks. The rulers are people, never elected by their people to rule them. They are alienated behind their high walls and the only way for them to continue ruling unquestioned has been to be 'pet pals' of the US.

The Saudis are the most idiotic when it comes to dealing with the Americans. They literally throw away their oil-dollars at personal luxuries and such ludicrous material wealth items that it is just mind-boggling. Of course the Americans are happy about it since they know, those oil-dollars could've had a million other better uses.

But things are gradually changing, voice of dissent against the oppresive rulers are taking shape. By saying this, I do NOT talk about the radicals because they are a lost cause. The 'moderates' are what its all about. They want their voices to be heard. Reforms are coming in slowly but surely. Arabs are investing more in China and places like Pakistan, Malaysia, etc than before and soon the US would be deprived of Arab investment since uncertainty about American economy is growing due to its involvement in two wars and policing the planet.

More to come.
Thank you for your sincere reply Sid. I do appreciate it.

However, there is something wrong with your analysis. You seem to think that Americans are the sole providers of "personal luxurious and material wealth items" to the Arab countries, intending to corrupt them. This is absolutely wrong. Arab luxurious are found all over the world. Perhaps you have heard of the Saudi prince who spent 50 million chartering a 747 of his friends to gamble on the French seville? Europe is probably more popular for material wealth items than America. If you're talking about weapons, may I point out that it is Arab policy to buy from both America and Europe, hence the Eurofighter, so that it can have friends in whatever crisis that erupts?

Also, the point that the Saudis wasting money is the fault of Americans is crazy. America is the customer and the seller who earns the money decides what to do with it. If you get a customer to sign a contract and later that night blow the comission on a night out and get drink driving, do you blame the customer for signing the contract?

The investments in America are parked in the best investment banks who fight to get their business and ensure high returns every year. The spending money can only be blamed on the Saudis themselves.

HEre we come to a familiar theme of Muslims again, victimisation.

"Boo hoo, look at those dirty kaffir Americans, giving us all these money. Me doing all these dirty things is all their fault."

HAHAHAHAHAH Even you can see is absurd.

And the talk of investing in other countries is good for the countries with the money. It should be encouraged. But America remains the most innovative country in the world with huge returns, even though it has less than twice the people in Pakistan. Even in 2050, 2070, probably in 2100, America will still be a superpower, especially since it is planning to icnrease its population by another 100 million in 14 - 20 years time.

Also, the constant refrain - if you think that there is another cold war coming between American and China, you will be sadly and sorely mistaken. The two are on the way to building the strongest economic relationship in the world, and along with that will come military partnership, social partnership adn technology partnership.

As long as China stays on the current right path of course.
MrConcerned said:
Thank you for your sincere reply Sid. I do appreciate it.

However, there is something wrong with your analysis. You seem to think that Americans are the sole providers of "personal luxurious and material wealth items" to the Arab countries, intending to corrupt them. This is absolutely wrong. Arab luxurious are found all over the world. Perhaps you have heard of the Saudi prince who spent 50 million chartering a 747 of his friends to gamble on the French seville? Europe is probably more popular for material wealth items than America. If you're talking about weapons, may I point out that it is Arab policy to buy from both America and Europe, hence the Eurofighter, so that it can have friends in whatever crisis that erupts?

Also, the point that the Saudis wasting money is the fault of Americans is crazy. America is the customer and the seller who earns the money decides what to do with it. If you get a customer to sign a contract and later that night blow the comission on a night out and get drink driving, do you blame the customer for signing the contract?

Aha! You misunderstood my last post. I wasn't saying that America is the cause of Arab problems nor that America is the sole provider of luxuries, etc to them. I did not even say that Arabs wasting money was America's fault. That thought is just absurd. My very first line of the second para was 'The Saudis are the most idiotic when it comes to dealing with the Americans' which meant the Saudis are at fault.

BUT, what I did try and say was, America does NOT truly like to see a stable Middle East or see oil-dollars being spent where they should be, given that all these Arab states are its 'long term' allies. If you have watched the recent movie, "Syriana", you'll have some idea of what I'm trying to say here.

MrConcerned said:
HEre we come to a familiar theme of Muslims again, victimisation.

"Boo hoo, look at those dirty kaffir Americans, giving us all these money. Me doing all these dirty things is all their fault."

HAHAHAHAHAH Even you can see is absurd.

I just answered that above.

MrConcerned said:
And the talk of investing in other countries is good for the countries with the money. It should be encouraged. But America remains the most innovative country in the world with huge returns, even though it has less than twice the people in Pakistan. Even in 2050, 2070, probably in 2100, America will still be a superpower, especially since it is planning to icnrease its population by another 100 million in 14 - 20 years time.

Once again, I do NOT understand why you resort to comparing Pakistan with America. Some paranoia here?

MrConcerned said:
Also, the constant refrain - if you think that there is another cold war coming between American and China, you will be sadly and sorely mistaken. The two are on the way to building the strongest economic relationship in the world, and along with that will come military partnership, social partnership adn technology partnership.

As long as China stays on the current right path of course.

Now you should've used China in that earlier comparison of yours with the US. And sorry to burst your bubble, but sooner or later, there is a Cold War of sorts coming between the US and China. Some even reckon it has begun.

True that their economic relationship (biggest factor, Trade) is very strong but it has its backdrops and those will only become worse with time. America already has a huge trade deficit vis-a-vis China and the latest US stubborness at that WTO talks was mainly because of countries like China and India because the US does not want its farmers and primary sector people to pack up and go home to rot with unemployment.

Military partnership? Are you kidding me? Every six months, the Pentagon is churning out reports after reports of 'Chinese Military Buildup' and the 'concerns' shown in such reports are extremely serious. China has already reduced US clout in Asia Pacific region which has rung alarm bells in already concerned US circles. If US was even thinking of forming any sort of military partnership with China, it wouldn't keep on insisting on keeping the Arms Embargo on China which has been in place since the Tiananmen Square Massacre; even though the EU wanted to repeal that embargo.

Technological partnership? Right! Almost all Chinese scientists, engineers and other personnel involved with innovative technology in the US are under constant FBI surveillance due to suspicion of espionage. Recently, all BRAND NEW computer systems at a US government agency were trashed, simply because they were MADE IN CHINA. The US was worried about the work being done on those machines getting passed on to the Chinese.

Trust, me I would be the first person to want a good partnership between the US and China as it would be great for the world at large given the effects of globalisation, but I just dont see it happening.
Arab world isnt investing in US bcoz of the their love to western world/US.Its mainly due to the fact that..

1.The money they earn is so huge that there are not much venues to invest in the middle east other than the real estate in Lebonon(before),qatar and UAE.

2.There is no commerce to accept this huge amount of money.

3.The stock markets are not deep enough( no of companies-of course other than the saudi market)

4.There are no estb. investment house other than ADIA in the middle east who can manage their money.

So what will they do with this huge amnt of money....???

They mostly give it to hedge fund/CTA/or any other pvt inv firm like barclays or JPM,and it is they who pool in this money to the european and american markets.

So its not that the Saudi directly wire in the money to foriegn markets most of it is routed thru foreign inv managers/firms.

Sid said:
Soon the US would be deprived of Arab investment since uncertainty about American economy is growing due to its involvement in two wars and policing the planet. More to come.

Interest rates dont go up in an economy which is slowing down!!!
Bull said:
Interest rates dont go up in an economy which is slowing down!!!

Jobless rise as US economy slows

US unemployment rose last month for the first time this year, providing further evidence that the economy is slowing.

The US economy added 113,000 new jobs last month, fewer than expected, and this pushed the jobless rate up to 4.8% from the 4.6% reported in June.

Experts believe the economy has shifted down a gear after a strong first quarter, with house sales cooling.

The jobs data makes it less likely that the US Federal Reserve will raise rates when it meets on Tuesday.

Business reluctance

The Fed has been tightening rates over the past 18 months and persistent fears about rising inflation have led to stock market instability in recent months.
But experts said Friday's Labor Department figures - which showed a net loss of 15,000 manufacturing jobs - were an illustration of growing caution among businesses.

"Consumers are reluctant to spend and businesses are reluctant to invest," said Charles Lieberman, chief investment officer at stockbrokers AG Edwards and Sons.

A further hike in rates from their current level of 5.25% - their highest mark for five years - now seems less likely, despite further the increases in the cost of borrowing seen in the UK and the eurozone in recent days.

"I would characterise the jobs growth as moderate," said Sam Rahman, an investment manager from Baring Asset Management.

"It is consistent with the general slowing in growth we are seeing, but the economy is still expanding. It is likely to put the Fed on hold next week."

Housing impact

Job figures for May and June have been revised upwards, although not by enough to suggest that the robust growth of early 2006 is continuing.
June saw 124,000 jobs being created - up from the initial 121,000 figure - while May's number was revised upwards from 92,000 to 100,000.

The number of "non-farm payroll" jobs created last month was not enough to offset those leaving the workforce, resulting in the first rise in unemployment since November.

The housing market - which has helped drive the US economy in recent years - has slowed down in the face of higher borrowing costs.
Fed chairman Ben Bernanke said last month that the economy had begun to slow in June but that he believed the housing market was set for a soft landing.


An economy slowing down doesnt mean that its stagnant or going in the negative direction. It just means, the economy isn't growing enough. I dont think I need to say anything else.
Sid said:
An economy slowing down doesnt mean that its stagnant or going in the negative direction. It just means, the economy isn't growing enough. I dont think I need to say anything else

growing enough?

How much is enough??

PS:the report mentions only the Q/Q stats...

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