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Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp

I understand what you are saying, but according to Islam and human point of view, slaughtering innocents like that indiscriminately can't be right. Even if they were like this in Palestine, we just can't be like them.

Hitler never slaughtered innocents, its a lies, war time propaganda. There was no holocaust.

Don't you people ever realize that whatever these zionists accuse Hitler of doing they themselves did and continue to do so?

for example:

They accuse Hitler and Germany for believing in the Aryan super race while they consider themselves as "God's Chosen People".

They accuse Hitler and the Germans for being racist for considering non-Aryans as "untermenschen" (subhumans) yet they themselves consider us non-Jews as "Goyim" or "gentiles".

They accuse Hitler and the Germans of stealing land for "lebensraum"(living space) by kicking out the original inhabitants yet they themselves are stealing land from the Palestinians and have made countless Palestinians homeless in their own land.

They accuse Hitler and Germany of mass murders and genocides of millions of people yet if you look back in history, both recent and past, you will be astonished to find out that Zionist Jews are responsible for the deaths of between 60-135 million people. They butchered 20 million Ukrainians in Gulags, mass executions, and through forced collectivisation which caused mass starvation.

They are what they accuse others of, ie; Terrorists, mass murderers, butchers, racists, land robbers, and the biggest of all hypocrites.

Of course, i'm by no means generalizing all Jews, there are good Jews too.
And Idi Amin was a brutal dictator and not a muslim terrorist. Get the drift, the willfully ignorant and forever victims?

Wonder what hitler loving Modi is known for, blood thirsty Hindu fanatic worshipped by the folks belonging to a caste based religion.
It is absolute hypocrisy.

If it was a Muslim that committed this heinous crime, we all know that the media headlines would be screaming about Terrorism. With late night American talk shows discussing the connection between Muslims and violence.

But the biggest massacre of this kind in America (in recent times) was actually done by a SOUTH KOREAN national. I don't hear the Americans screaming about South Koreans though.
Official research by experts disagrees with you.
Which official experts would those be? Dr. Ahmenijacket and Dr. Ahmed? If you ever decide to visit Poland, ask someone to check you in one of those made up gas chambers, and lock the door. Kindly do report your findings.
It is absolute hypocrisy.

If it was a Muslim that committed this heinous crime, we all know that the media headlines would be screaming about Terrorism. With late night American talk shows discussing the connection between Islam and violence.

But the biggest massacre of this kind in America (in recent times) was actually done by a SOUTH KOREAN national. I don't hear the Americans screaming about South Koreans though.

Which south korean would that be? Never heard of that before.

And are you suggesting this guy is Jewish because he worked at a Jewish camp?
Which south korean would that be? Never heard of that before.

You must be joking?

Haven't you heard of the Virginia Tech massacre?

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The massacre is the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in U.S. history.


And are you suggesting this guy is Jewish because he worked at a Jewish camp?

No, and in fact I did not even mention the word Jewish at all in my post.
You must be joking?

Haven't you heard of the Virginia Tech massacre?

Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


No, and in fact I did not even mention the word Jewish at all in my post.
From what i understood you were implying hypocrisy because of the possibility of the man being Jewish, when you said "if it was a muslim".

About the Virginia Tech massacre, i've never heard about it actually. Was too busy concentrating on buses blowing up in Israel and savagery by the Palestinians against women and children.
From what i understood you were implying hypocrisy because of the possibility of the man being Jewish, when you said "if it was a muslim".

About the Virginia Tech massacre, i've never heard about it actually. Was too busy concentrating on buses blowing up in Israel and savagery by the Palestinians against women and children.

My post was pretty self-explanatory, I used the example of both a Muslim and a South Korean and showed how the Americans don't go ballistic over South Koreans, when South Korean nationals commit mass murders on US soil like Virginia Tech that are unmatched in history.

My post was specifically about American hypocrisy, I did not once mention anything connected to Jewish people or Israel or anything like that.

I have no problem with Israel or Jewish people and to be honest I'd rather keep it that way.

And I actually find the Holocaust denial on this thread deeply disturbing as well.
My post was pretty self-explanatory, I used the example of both a Muslim and a South Korean and showed how the Americans don't go ballistic over South Koreans, when South Korean nationals commit mass murders on US soil like Virginia Tech that are unmatched in history.

My post was specifically about American hypocrisy, I did not once mention anything connected to Jewish people or Israel or anything like that.

I have no problem with Israel or Jewish people and to be honest I'd rather keep it that way.

And I actually find the Holocaust denial on this thread deeply disturbing as well.

I'm quite certain if a bunch of South Koreans hijacked a plane or two, killed three thousand Americans and gloat about it worldwide as their holy mission for all the wrongs done to Koreans, they would have been highly unpopular in the US as well.

As it happens to be, and i am sure you are aware from personal experience, the bad Muslims of the world have taken over the religion from peace loving Muslims and are using it as weapon and shield.

They justify atrocities as their religious duty, and the good Muslims remain the silent minority. So this American animosity towards Muslims in general is not unusual nor unexpected.
It is absolute hypocrisy.

If it was a Muslim that committed this heinous crime, we all know that the media headlines would be screaming about Terrorism. With late night American talk shows discussing the connection between Muslims and violence.

But the biggest massacre of this kind in America (in recent times) was actually done by a SOUTH KOREAN national. I don't hear the Americans screaming about South Koreans though.

It all depends upon how many such terrorist acts are done by the guy with similar background. There have been several such shooting acts in the past in US. Background of all were different. most of them were students who had the twisted reality of life. Moreover they prepared their act single handedly.
However. the crime done my Muslims leaves a trail to somewhere else showing that the guy is just the executioner and plan was made (by)somewhere else. and if this trail frequently leads to one particular region where the rule of law is absent then, then the case becomes different

In the future if there are more such acts by people of Korean decent, you will find the korean would be looked with suspect(and its the same for any other background)
Which official experts would those be?
Western experts as well as some Jews themselves.

Dr. Ahmenijacket and Dr. Ahmed?
Completely uncalled for.

Fred Leuchter American Gas Chamber Expert - No Gassings Ever Took Place - YouTube

Professor Raul Hilberg, author of The Destruction of the European Jews, the "standard work"
on the Holocaust, appeared as an expert witness at the 1985 trial of Revisionist Ernst Zundel,
during which Hilberg had the following exchange with Douglas Christie, Zundel's barrister:

"Can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi-occupied territory?" defence counsel Doug Christie asked Hilberg in a day-long rapid fire of cross-examination.

"I am at a loss," Hilberg replied.

"You are (at a loss) because you can't," Christie said.


Also, this video refutes all the nonsense of the gas chambers in Poland:

David Cole in Auschwitz Full Documentary - YouTube

If you ever decide to visit Poland, ask someone to check you in one of those made up gas chambers, and lock the door. Kindly do report your findings.

A Jew already visited Poland and Auschwitz, he also debunked the lies of gas chambers in which Jews were gassed.

Also, another important fact, the concentration camp Dachau, which ended up in the portion of Europe under the Western Allies, was at first stated to be a "death camp" where Jews were supposedly "gassed", however after investigators investigated the camps site there was no proof that Dachau was a "death camp".

But the same wasn't the case in the territories which fell under Soviet occupation after the war. The Soviets made absurd claims of "gas chambers" and "death camps" yet they refused any independent expert investigation of those claims. Does that not signify that the Soviets claims were empty?

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