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Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp

Holocaust is the most documented event in history.

Anyone who doesn't believe in the holocaust needs to have his head examined.

I believe it existed but the problem is that Jews exaggerate and take advantage of it in playing the victim card.
Holocaust is the most documented event in history.

Anyone who doesn't believe in the holocaust needs to have his head examined.

There is no scientific proof or "documented" evidence of the holocaust. There was no holocaust and up till today there is yet to be any NAZI document proving that Hitler ordered a genocide of Jews through "gas chambers" and crematoriums.
There is no scientific proof or "documented" evidence of the holocaust. There was no holocaust and up till today there is yet to be any NAZI document proving that Hitler ordered a genocide of Jews through "gas chambers" and crematoriums.
Then, what's with the documented Holocaust videos on Youtube?
I'm quite certain if a bunch of South Koreans hijacked a plane or two, killed three thousand Americans and gloat about it worldwide as their holy mission for all the wrongs done to Koreans, they would have been highly unpopular in the US as well.

As it happens to be, and i am sure you are aware from personal experience, the bad Muslims of the world have taken over the religion from peace loving Muslims and are using it as weapon and shield.

They justify atrocities as their religious duty, and the good Muslims remain the silent minority. So this American animosity towards Muslims in general is not unusual nor unexpected.

Sadly Arabs in particular and Muslims in general have worked very very hard in the last 50 years to earn the "good reputation" in the international media.

These Muslims have used every Islamic symbol to highlight their uncivilized, uncouth, and tribalistic behavior among a world audience while the world has increasingly become smaller and smaller.

Muslim countries seem to flout internationally accepted norms and do so with pride.

Ayatullahs give death threats to lowly writers, sanction killing of diplomats or take them hostage, support suicide bombing of every kind, and pushing for generally lawless regions is all linked "proudly" to Islam.

So in a sense, Western media may be spreading stereotypes, but Muslims themselves have absolutely and resolutely supported the trend.

Even in this thread, there was no need to bring in the Joos aka Jews and Islam, but so many Pakistani posters are proud to discuss and drag Islam into this.

It is like Pakistanis cut the same branch where they are perched, and when they fall squarely on their behinds, they get up and question why general public is laughing their @rses off at the simpleton behavior of seemingly educated Pakistanis.

Go figure!
There is no scientific proof or "documented" evidence of the holocaust. There was no holocaust and up till today there is yet to be any NAZI document proving that Hitler ordered a genocide of Jews through "gas chambers" and crematoriums.

There is all the proof in the world of the holocaust.

From the Gas Chambers, to the list of people documented by the Nazis who were killed, to the gold extracted from the dead people in the gas chambers, to the development of the new type of gas which killed those people, to the concentration camps, etc.

Read up the Wannsee Conference where the Final Solution towards the Jewish Question was discussed.

Hitler outsourced the solution to this problem to Reinhard Heydrich and Eichmann.

Wannsee Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have a picture of Erwin Rommel in your Avatar, and yet you have very little or no knowledge about the Nazis.

Tsk...I honestly thought you were among the more enlightened Pakistanis on this site.

I believe it existed but the problem is that Jews exaggerate and take advantage of it in playing the victim card.

We are questioning its existence.

How the current Jews use it or exaggarate it different.

Look at Norman Finkelstein. His family was killed in Holocaust and yet he still criticizes the Jews for exaggarating it.

Read up: http://www.amazon.com/The-Holocaust-Industry-Reflections-Exploitation/dp/1859843239
Then, what's with the documented Holocaust videos on Youtube?

You mean all of those bodies and starved people and corpses?

First of all, one must understand that Germany was fighting a two front war, its supply lines were cut off, it was vastly outnumbered by the Allies advancing from the West and the Russian advancing from the East. Since the Americans and Brits had complete air superiority they were bombing every German town, city, village to the ground as well as crippling German supply lines.

So when your supply lines are cut off and your cities reduced to rubble, how will you feed your own soldiers fighting at the front? How will you feed those millions of American, British, French, and Russian POW's as well as Jews in those concentration camps? Between your soldiers fighting at the front and POW's in your camps, who's your top priority to feed? Your soldiers at the front or people in concentration and labor camps?Of course people will become thin and eventually starve to death, of course there are going to be so many bodies piling up and the stench so extreme, of course there is going to be mass graves.

If Hitler wanted to massacre all of these Jews whom he hated so much then why would the Germans even bother providing them living/sleeping quarters, prison uniform, tattooed numbers on their wrists, give them proper sanitation areas. Has anyone even bothered realizing that fact?

Hitler could have simply just put all of the Jews in one big pile of barren landscape and starved them to death without even spending a single penny on them the way American General Eisenhower starved 1.9 million of German boys to death after the war was over.

There is all the proof in the world of the holocaust.

From the Gas Chambers, to the list of people documented by the Nazis who were killed, to the gold extracted from the dead people in the gas chambers, to the development of the new type of gas which killed those people, to the concentration camps, etc.

Read up the Wannsee Conference where the Final Solution towards the Jewish Question was discussed.

Hitler outsourced the solution to this problem to Reinhard Heydrich and Eichmann.

Wannsee Conference - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
All of those claims are already refuted in my post on the previous page by gas chamber and crematorium expert as well as Jews themselves who have studied the so called "gas chambers".

You have a picture of Erwin Rommel in your Avatar, and yet you have very little or no knowledge about the Nazis.
No no no, not at all. It is you who are the one with very little knowledge of NAZI's.

Tsk...I honestly thought you were among the more enlightened Pakistanis on this site.
Oh, well then. It doesn't matter to me, should i change me views just because of a certain person?
And you think all those who blow themselves in the middle of a mosque are not psycho????

Not more "psycho" than Hillary Clinton, Sarkozy, Obama, Netanyahu and the rest of the gang.. when you take into account the number of people they have killed/are killing. Quite the contrary..... Just because some people kill with an army does not make them less psycho. A sophisticated murderer is still a murderer......
The diary of Anne Frank was written using a Ball Point pen. The problem is Ball point pens were not invented up until 1952. Please explain this anomaly to us Mercenary.
You mean all of those bodies and starved people and corpses?

First of all, one must understand that Germany was fighting a two front war, its supply lines were cut off, it was vastly outnumbered by the Allies advancing from the West and the Russian advancing from the East. Since the Americans and Brits had complete air superiority they were bombing every German town, city, village to the ground as well as crippling German supply lines.

So when your supply lines are cut off and your cities reduced to rubble, how will you feed your own soldiers fighting at the front? How will you feed those millions of American, British, French, and Russian POW's as well as Jews in those concentration camps? Between your soldiers fighting at the front and POW's in your camps, who's your top priority to feed? Your soldiers at the front or people in concentration and labor camps?Of course people will become thin and eventually starve to death, of course there are going to be so many bodies piling up and the stench so extreme, of course there is going to be mass graves.


Germany fought a single front War until June 6, 1944.

It first fought Poland on September 1, 1939 - October 1939, then the Western Allies in May 1940 - June 1940 and then Russia starting on June 22, 1941. Italy and North Africa were insignificant side shows.

The Western Allies did not reach Air Superiority over Germany until Summer of 1943 when Operation Gomorrah, the bombing of Hamburg took place and despite fierce allied bombing, Germany was producing more Tanks and Planes in September 1944 than at any other time in the war.

The Concentration Camps were located deep in Poland, and the Allied Air Campaign was focused on destroying German industrial sector located in Ruhr Germany which is located in Western Germany and german U-boat pens, German Airfields, and bases located in Western Europe for the impending Allied Invasion.

Its only in February 1945 that Allied Warplanes began targetting German forces concentrated in the East, starting with the bombing in Dresden.

Germans launched the offensive in December 1944 in Battle of Bulge, which delayed the Allied attack into Germany by 2 months. Also, the Americans were getting ready to invade Japan and American troops were being diverted to the Pacific and thus the Allies had no more reserves and thus could continue fighting beyond the Summer of 1945. And thus they needed the Soviet Winter Offensive launched in January 12, 1945 to be the final blow against Germany and thus they began bombing, railway corridors, marshaling yards and railways in the Eastern Germany to slow the re-deployment of German forces in the East and especially the 6th SS Panzer Army.

The British were more interested in Terror bombing of German cities, while the Americans were focused on strategic targets such as industries, the concentration camps never figured into their calculus as places to bomb.

If Hitler wanted to massacre all of these Jews whom he hated so much then why would the Germans even bother providing them living/sleeping quarters, prison uniform, tattooed numbers on their wrists, give them proper sanitation areas. Has anyone even bothered realizing that fact?

Hitler could have simply just put all of the Jews in one big pile of barren landscape and starved them to death without even spending a single penny on them the way American General Eisenhower starved 1.9 million of German boys to death after the war was over.

Hitler wanted indeed to massacre the 6 Million Jews under his captivity. The problem was it would take a very long time to do so as you would have to kill them using firearms and they needed man power for the war in the east and it would seem to sap morale.

The breakthrough came with the invention of a special gas in 1942 and the opening of concentration camps which can kill 15,000 people per day.

The Germans are meticulous record keepers and thus they stamped every person with a number, and took the healthy ones to work as slave labor.

Actually, Hitler tried starving the mass humanity of people, it is called the Siege of Leningrad where 1 million Russians were killed in 888 Day Siege.

I don't know where the heck you are getting your facts from but 1.9 German soldiers did not starve to death under Eisenhower's command.

Read some books on hitler instead of relying on ravings of White Supremacists on Youtube to fill you in with facts.

Its obvious you know next to nothing about World War II.

All of those claims are already refuted in my post on the previous page by gas chamber and crematorium expert as well as Jews themselves who have studied the so called "gas chambers".

You refuted nothing. Your statement carried no facts, figures or anything. Just some claims which you expect me to believe against all the evidence that exists.

The only people who will believe you are the most seditious, dead enders and bottom feeder members of society.

No no no, not at all. It is you who are the one with very little knowledge of NAZI's.
ummm...yeeaaa...ok...lolz :lol:

Oh, well then. It doesn't matter to me, should i change me views just because of a certain person?

Believe whatever you want to believe.

There are still people who believe the world is flat. :)

The diary of Anne Frank was written using a Ball Point pen. The problem is Ball point pens were not invented up until 1952. Please explain this anomaly to us Mercenary.

Sure, first of all you don't know your facts.

That Pen was invented in 1938 and not 1952.

Its obvious you just went to google and typed Anne Frank Diary Fake and cut and pasted the first thing that was posted there.

I honestly feel sorry for you. :lol:
The diary of Anne Frank was written using a Ball Point pen. The problem is Ball point pens were not invented up until 1952. Please explain this anomaly to us Mercenary.

Prove this point. Also you are giving wrong date of invention of ball point pen.

Germany fought a single front War until June 6, 1944.

It first fought Poland on September 1, 1939 - October 1939, then the Western Allies in May 1940 - June 1940 and then Russia starting on June 22, 1941. Italy and North Africa were insignificant side shows.

The Western Allies did not reach Air Superiority over Germany until Summer of 1943 when Operation Gomorrah, the bombing of Hamburg took place and despite fierce allied bombing, Germany was producing more Tanks and Planes in September 1944 than at any other time in the war.

The Concentration Camps were located deep in Poland, and the Allied Air Campaign was focused on destroying German industrial sector located in Ruhr Germany which is located in Western Germany and german U-boat pens, German Airfields, and bases located in Western Europe for the impending Allied Invasion.

Its only in February 1945 that Allied Warplanes began targetting German forces concentrated in the East, starting with the bombing in Dresden.

Germans launched the offensive in December 1944 in Battle of Bulge, which delayed the Allied attack into Germany by 2 months. Also, the Americans were getting ready to invade Japan and American troops were being diverted to the Pacific and thus the Allies had no more reserves and thus could continue fighting beyond the Summer of 1945. And thus they needed the Soviet Winter Offensive launched in January 12, 1945 to be the final blow against Germany and thus they began bombing, railway corridors, marshaling yards and railways in the Eastern Germany to slow the re-deployment of German forces in the East and especially the 6th SS Panzer Army.

The British were more interested in Terror bombing of German cities, while the Americans were focused on strategic targets such as industries, the concentration camps never figured into their calculus as places to bomb.

Hitler wanted indeed to massacre the 6 Million Jews under his captivity. The problem was it would take a very long time to do so as you would have to kill them using firearms and they needed man power for the war in the east and it would seem to sap morale.

The breakthrough came with the invention of a special gas and the opening of concentration camps which can kill 15,000 people per day.

The Germans are meticulous record keepers and thus they stamped every person with a number, and took the healthy ones to work as slave labor.

Actually, Hitler tried starving the mass humanity of people, it is called the Siege of Leningrad where 1 million Russians were killed in 888 Day Siege.

I don't know where the heck you are getting your facts from but 1.9 German soldiers did not starve to death under Eisenhower's command.

Read some books on hitler instead of relying on ravings of White Supremacists on Youtube to fill you in with facts.

Its obvious you know next to nothing about World War II.

You refuted nothing. Your statement carried no facts, figures or anything. Just some claims which you expect me to believe against all the evidence that exists.

The only people who will believe you are the most seditious, dead enders and bottom feeder members of society.

ummm...yeeaaa...ok...lolz :lol:

Believe whatever you want to believe.

There are still people who believe the world is flat. :)

Sure, first of all you don't know your facts.

That Pen was invented in 1938 and not 1952.

Its obvious you just went to google and typed Anne Frank Diary Fake and cut and pasted the first thing that was posted there.

I honestly feel sorry for you. :lol:

Why have so many jews have faked being holocaust survivors?
Why have so many jews have faked being holocaust survivors?

This is the page from Anne Frank's diary. Surely looks written in ink pen and not with a ballpen
Why have so many jews have faked being holocaust survivors?

I knew you couldn't debate me on facts because you don't know any. :rofl:

And you go off on a tangent claiming about Jews and fake holocaust survivors.

We can debate that on a different day. The issue on hand is whether the holocaust actually happened.

Since you don't know anything, now you are going on a tangent.

Which is expected from a bottom feeder troll like you. :lol:
I knew you couldn't debate me on facts because you don't know any. :rofl:

And you go off on a tangent claiming about Jews and fake holocaust survivors.

We can debate that on a different day. The issue on hand is whether the holocaust actually happened.

Since you don't know anything, now you are going on a tangent.

Which is expected from a bottom feeder troll like you. :lol:

No need to get personal since you are still a child, I will ignore you.

I have not denied holocaust and that is not my position.

Perhaps your father is a Jew and you have taken offense. I was not trying to offend you.

I had watched an interesting documentary by a gentlemen named David Cole a few years back. It was interesting to see how much the holocaust was propagandized. I can put up the videos if you are interested.
No need to get personal since you are still a child, I will ignore you.

I have not denied holocaust and that is not my position.

Perhaps your father is a Jew and you have taken offense. I was not trying to offend you.

I had watched an interesting documentary by a gentlemen named David Cole a few years back. It was interesting to see how much the holocaust was propagandized. I can put up the videos if you are interested.
I could put up videos of the loch ness monster, it will enlighten you with all the truth such a video holds.

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