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Alleged 'Batman shooter' worked at Jewish camp

PteX and RazPak. For the sake of Almighty, stop bickering!
Why should I as a Pakistani have to put up with Jewish sympathy story?

I had nothing to do with it. Beat the Germans for it.

The whole world is now held hostage to the Jewish sympathy story.
White phosphorus rounds are being used against villagers in Afghanistan. So many civilians killed, why no international outcry?

When native Americas were practically wiped out it was referred to as "Manifest Destiny".

When Jews were killed by the Germans it was a tragedy and crime against humanity.

See the propaganda.
...The best case you could argue was that the media doesn't highlight Jews who kill others.
Here, that doesn't apply:

"Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles confirmed that Holmes was a cabin counselor, responsible for 10 children at its Camp Max Straus for children ages 7 to 14 from Los Angeles. Holmes was then a 20-year-old student at the University of California, Riverside, and neighbors have said he was active in the Presbyterian church that the family attended. The camp is nonsectarian."

So Holmes is not Jewish. He worked at a summer camp that was sponsored by Jews. Here's the article that broke the news:

Photos of James Holmes, camp counselor for underprivileged kids


James Eagan Holmes, right, goofing around with an unidentified fellow counselor at Camp Max Straus in summer 2008, near Glendale, Calif.
You are such a Hypocrite.

If he had a Muslim name you would be screaming Islamic terrorist at the top of your voice.

No, not at all. If he happened to be a Muslim (by name) and his action were in no way related to an extremist ideology, I would call him just I would call the other troubled and frustrated men who do such killings: a mass murder. :wave:

It does not matter one bit in what name people are killing, the result is death and destruction. Calling Islamic terrorists evil when western politicians are the biggest terrorists on earth themselves is kind of hypocritical to say the least, don't you think?

Killing in the name of democracy, freedom, capitalism, corporatism, new world order, western "civilization".. what difference does it make, seriously? It has the exact same consequence.

You're leaping from religious affiliation of violent terrorists to (questionable) foreign policies of certain countries. Now you're being ridiculous.
War does not qualify as terrorism. Was is declared and it's open. It's intent is not to create terror (although it can be a part of it accidentally or even intentionally), but to achieve strategic goals. Unlike terrorism, which targets and kills civilians indiscriminately to attain a political objective.

Must have been the best paid McDonald Burger flipper because he paid $15,000 just for the 6000 rounds of Ammunition. Not to mention the big bucks he must have paid for for handguns and assault rifle.

BTW, he was a Phd candidate at University of Denver. Not exactly a High School Dropout flipping burgers.

I guess he ate some of those burgers to save some money for ammo.....

After graduation Mr Holmes returned to San Diego, where he is said to have struggled to find a job. Eventually, he got part-time work at McDonald's.

James Holmes: Student suspected of mass shooting - ITV News

I can't say if he was happy there though...

but a 9/11 terrorist crashed the plane while chanting allah hu akbar?? thus an izlamic terrorism?

Chanting that particular slogan is not a prerequisite to be a terrorist.:D But is certainly sheds some light on the motivation...
Why should I as a Pakistani have to put up with Jewish sympathy story?

I had nothing to do with it. Beat the Germans for it.

The whole world is now held hostage to the Jewish sympathy story.

Obviously the "sympathy" part didn't work on you. And it was never intended to be anyways.

Jewish Holocaust is part of European history. If someone sympathizes with the suffering of Jews, then that's fine. But Jewish people never came to Pakistan begging for our sympathy.

However it is extremely important for Pakistanis to learn the history from established sources and not from the white-supremacists and neo-Nazis.

100s of 1000s of "all volunteer" Muslim soldiers from modern day Pakistan sacrificed and died fighting Nazis. If nothing else, we must make sure they didn't die in vain.

Once specific aspect to understand is that horrendous sufferings of jews in Germany and Nazi occupied regions is key for Pakistanis to understand how not to treat our minorities.

Us the majority Sunnis in Pakistan have committed horrible crimes against Shias, Ahmadis, Christians, and Hindu minority. In some ways we are Nazis without gas chambers. But that makes our Nazism no less horrible.

Going back in our history a bit, there was a holocaust in Punjab. Where Indian Punjab cleansed all Muslim Punjabis and Pakistani Punjab did the same to non-Muslims.

We didn't treat Bengalis in the right manner either.

So learning correct history about Jewish holocaust will free your mind and you will start accepting the tragedies that occurred in Pakistan, and then perhaps you will learn to sympathize with your fellow Pakistanis.

Hope you get the point.

When native Americas were practically wiped out it was referred to as "Manifest Destiny".
When Jews were killed by the Germans it was a tragedy and crime against humanity.
See the propaganda.
It's a continual problem for the guilty and their descendants that they or their ancestors are more guilty of terrible crimes than other groups. One way to deal with it is to pretend such people are as bad or worse than they were. But introducing that meme into a society leads to other, vast, distortions in the collective consciousness. That's the road to the Nazi Holocaust, the 1971 war, and the continual terrorism and anti-Zionism in Pakistan today.

Pakistanis should realize that the reason their country remains in a special, unique, mess is because key and critical ideas to normalcy are being blocked at the social level; ideas that are automatically rejected, concepts you may not allow yourselves to think. It really is the only explanation as to why Pakistan hasn't got it right in seventy years whereas a country like Israel has.

I've concluded that many Pakistanis are aware of this at the subconscious level even if they don't realize it consciously; otherwise, they wouldn't be turning to Zionists like me for assistance and advice in tough situations.
It's a continual problem for the guilty and their descendants that they or their ancestors are more guilty of terrible crimes than other groups. One way to deal with it is to pretend such people are as bad or worse than they were. But introducing that meme into a society leads to other, vast, distortions in the collective consciousness. That's the road to the Nazi Holocaust, the 1971 war, and the continual terrorism and anti-Zionism in Pakistan today.

Pakistanis should realize that the reason their country remains in a special, unique, mess is because key and critical ideas to normalcy are being blocked at the social level; ideas that are automatically rejected, concepts you may not allow yourselves to think. It really is the only explanation as to why Pakistan hasn't got it right in seventy years whereas a country like Israel has.

I've concluded that many Pakistanis are aware of this at the subconscious level even if they don't realize it consciously; otherwise, they wouldn't be turning to Zionists like me for assistance and advice in tough situations.

The Jews of Europe were massacred. Ok, I will accept that.

What is the first thing they do, after attaining a homeland?

Put Palestinians into ghettos and start massacring them.
Here, that doesn't apply:

"Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles confirmed that Holmes was a cabin counselor, responsible for 10 children at its Camp Max Straus for children ages 7 to 14 from Los Angeles. Holmes was then a 20-year-old student at the University of California, Riverside, and neighbors have said he was active in the Presbyterian church that the family attended. The camp is nonsectarian."

So Holmes is not Jewish. He worked at a summer camp that was sponsored by Jews. Here's the article that broke the news:

Photos of James Holmes, camp counselor for underprivileged kids


James Eagan Holmes, right, goofing around with an unidentified fellow counselor at Camp Max Straus in summer 2008, near Glendale, Calif.
Thank you for that. Now this proves that playing the victim card is just ridiculous

Debating the Holocaust - * DEBATING THE HOLOCAUST© 2009, T. Dalton*

The only thing one can argue is that the numbers are exaggerated. This is true of any event that occurred, I also believe the number of people killed in both the World Wars are exaggerated too. This is because the German deaths would be reported by the winners but to maintain an air of supremacy, their own deaths would be hidden. The point of this is that all major events have some exaggeration. But even then, this document provides enough proof of gas chambers from verified sources.
The Jews of Europe were massacred. Ok, I will accept that.
What is the first thing they do, after attaining a homeland?
Put Palestinians into ghettos and start massacring them.
Exactly the problem: so many people want to believe in this falsehood. The truth is something many Pakistanis don't want to accept - even those who know it. One Pakistani woman even wrote an article last month that Pakistanis should simply believe in the falsehood and wish for Israel's destruction.
The Jews of Europe were massacred. Ok, I will accept that.

What is the first thing they do, after attaining a homeland?

Put Palestinians into ghettos and start massacring them.

Again you don't know history which is not surprising.

The only people who put the Palestinians in ghettos are other Arab countries who refused to accept them and wanted to continue the war with Israel.

Look at Egypt and Jordan who ruled over Gaza and West Bank for 19 years or in Lebanon where the Palestinian still live in refugee camps.
Exactly the problem: so many people want to believe in this falsehood. The truth is something many Pakistanis don't want to accept - even those who know it. One Pakistani woman even wrote an article last month that Pakistanis should simply believe in the falsehood and wish for Israel's destruction.
This is what's hidden in Pakistani teaching of history. Even Arabs accept that the Palestinians left of their own free will to other countries, believing the Arabs would crush Israel

Germany fought a single front War until June 6, 1944.

It first fought Poland on September 1, 1939 - October 1939, then the Western Allies in May 1940 - June 1940 and then Russia starting on June 22, 1941. Italy and North Africa were insignificant side shows.

You're giving me the whole timeline of the war:lol:. Did i deny the fact that Germany was fighting a one front war until June 6th? How is this supposed to change the fact that Germany had a shortage of food, ammunition, and supplies by 1944-45??

In war the soldier is always the top priority so of course they would reserve food supplies for their troops.

The Western Allies did not reach Air Superiority over Germany until Summer of 1943 when Operation Gomorrah, the bombing of Hamburg took place
The allies had the ability to inflict heavy losses on German population centers even before 1943, the Luftwaffe was vastly outnumbered and was engaged on two fronts. Also the German war machine was receiving raw materials from throughout NAZI occupied Europe, therefore the allies had to target railroads and supply convoys throughout NAZI occupied Europe, add to that the partisans and French underground resistance who harassed troop convoys, blew up railway networks, etc.

and despite fierce allied bombing, Germany was producing more Tanks and Planes in September 1944 than at any other time in the war.
And more than half of them were immobile due to fuel shortage, manpower, mechanical failures, and lack of spare parts.

The Concentration Camps were located deep in Poland, and the Allied Air Campaign was focused on destroying German industrial sector located in Ruhr Germany which is located in Western Germany and german U-boat pens, German Airfields, and bases located in Western Europe for the impending Allied Invasion.
Wrong, the allied air campaign involved more than just targeting industrial centers. The City of Cologne was targeted before 1943, when the allies "gained" air superiority over Germany. 1,000 bombers took part in the bombing of the city which took place in may30/31, 1942. Not only cities were targeted but also strategic ammo and supply dumps.

And thus they needed the Soviet Winter Offensive launched in January 12, 1945 to be the final blow against Germany and thus they began bombing, railway corridors, marshaling yards and railways in the Western Germany to slow the re-deployment of German forces in the East and especially the 6th SS Panzer Army.

The 6th SS panzer army was deployed to Hungary to guard oil fields, only after the battle of the bulge. Secondly, you don't make any sense, you mean to tell me the whole time the allies were engaging the Germans they didn't touch a single bridge, railroad, shipyard, until 1945 yet you stated otherwise before. You're just contradicting yourself.

Hitler wanted indeed to massacre the 6 Million Jews under his captivity. The problem was it would take a very long time to do so as you would have to kill them using firearms and they needed man power for the war in the east and it would seem to sap morale.
Wow, that's the lamest excuse i've ever read. So you need bullets and gas chambers to kill people? You mean to tell me he couldn't kill them off without bullets? What sort of evil genius will waste so much manpower, energy, money, and valuable resources to build industrial size gas chambers to gas millions when he could just simply mass starve them???

I guess Eisenhower was a much more of a evil genius that he was able to starve 1.7-9 million Germans without even firing a single shot or building a single gas chamber.

The breakthrough came with the invention of a special gas and the opening of concentration camps which can kill 15,000 people per day.
Be specific as to which "gas" and which camps you are referring to. Is it Zyklon B??

The Germans are meticulous record keepers and thus they stamped every person with a number, and took the healthy ones to work as slave labor.
Give me your reason as to why they tattooed numbers on their wrists.

Actually, Hitler tried starving the mass humanity of people, it is called the Siege of Leningrad where 1 million Russians were killed in 888 Day Siege.
Similar to how the Soviets mass starved 6 million Ukrainians in what is now known as the Holodomor? Or similar to the Bengal famine orchestrated by the british? Jeez, what about those 60 million Russians murdered by Jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union? Were they secretly working for Hitler?

I don't know where the heck you are getting your facts from but 1.9 German soldiers did not starve to death under Eisenhower's command.
If you don't know about the "Eisenhower Death camps" then you know jack sh!t about WW2.

Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans

In 'Eisenhower's Death Camps'

Read some books on hitler instead of relying on ravings of White Supremacists on Youtube to fill you in with facts.
Lol, oh, my hatred for jews:lol:, oh, i'm a evil NAZI oh my lol. I can't remember the last time i went to a KKK convention.

Maybe you should recommend those propaganda comic books to people who are gullible.

Its obvious you know next to nothing about World War II.

Nahh, that's fits you well.

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