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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

Greeks will buy MQ-9 only to be shot by Akinci’s Bozdogan/Godogan air to air missile

Actually I forgot to add that given greeks known behavior/mentality they will arm these mq-9 and send them near turkish coastline
loosing such expensive UCAV is very stupid but loosing a combat drone+weapons equipment is another level of stupidity they will need maybe another decade saving enough money for replacements

Source? (about HQ-9).
Source? (about HQ-9).
greeks showed interest to buy 3 MQ9 Reapers, but as far as I know, US didn't approve this.
Now greeks wants to buy herons from Israel but who knows?
Yes, they want many things.
Yes, they want many things.
Yes and wanna hear the funniest part? Israelis wants to lease 2 herons to greece -for 3 years- for 39million Euro.
Seriously, 39 million Euros for 2 herons, and only for 3 years...
Yes and wanna hear the funniest part? Israelis wants to lease 2 herons to greece -for 3 years- for 39million Euro.
Seriously, 39 million Euros for 2 herons, and only for 3 years...

for TB2 uklraine payed 5,75mil for each but I guess these herons would be operated by israelians and greek has to pay for this services too so generally if they take that offer they have no benefits except some information gathering through the drones..

who knows who would pay for it.. there could be a sponsor in the background.. germans love to pay for others..
for TB2 uklraine payed 5,75mil for each but I guess these herons would be operated by israelians and greek has to pay for this services too so generally if they take that offer they have no benefits except some information gathering through the drones..

who knows who would pay for it.. there could be a sponsor in the background.. germans love to pay for others..
As far as I know Ukraine paid 11.5 million dollars for each armed Bayraktar TB2 (6 TB2 for 69million dollars) Turkish army pays 4 million dollars for each TB2, but export price is different of course.
But still Ukraine paid less than greeks... And greeks are not gonna even ''own'' this unarmed herons... So, in the end, yes, jews are gonna milk the greeks thats for sure.
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6 TB2 for 69million dollars

I thought it had been 12 tb2.. :D
I thought it had been 12 tb2.. :D
Nope. First media claimed that 12 Bayraktar has been sold to Ukraine but later they have fixed this wrong information and they stated that Ukraine will pay 69 million dollars only for 6 Bayraktar TB2.

The first 13 of the serial production TEI PD170 engines were delivered to Turkish Aerospace for use in Anka and Aksungur UAVs. I believe this is a historic and symbolic day for Turkish aviation industry. Because we can confidently say that from today onwards Anka and Aksungur become the first Turkish aerial platforms that are completely independent of foreign supplies except for minor, easily replaceable parts.
Is TEI PD170 completely indigenous or a foreign optimized engine? Haven't been following the engines for a while.
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