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Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

I thought you were talking about the AKINCI and not predator and wing loong

Check the AKINCI test flight vid from 0:35 on, take off is less than 50m

This however would change if you mount bombs and other weapons on it.
I thought you were talking about the AKINCI and not predator and wing loong

Check the AKINCI test flight vid from 0:35 on, take off is less than 50m

Following the video on google maps, it uses around 400m of the runway. It may be possible with increased engine thrust and ski jump but still difficult. There is also the problem of landing which would require complete rework of the landing gear and development and integration of a STOBAR system on the runway.


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Sure loaded it would require a longer runway, but not 2km. The US predator doesn't need such long runways either, but with safety precautions etc. those are recommended runway distances.

On aircraft carriers they use different runway requirements.

The Akinci probably would have no problems with the runway distance of the TCG Anadolu, but the 20m wingspan is the main problem.

New type jet powered UAV's like MIUS and TISU would most likely be able to use flightdecks
Following the video on google maps, it uses around 400m of the runway. It may be possible with increased engine thrust and ski jump but still difficult. There is also the problem of landing which would require complete rework of the landing gear and development and integration of a STOBAR system on the runway.

You are right bro, I did also a google measure on the Corlu airport runway, it is indeed about 330-350m from start to lift off

Takeoff distance for F35B is 140m with ski jump and about 180m without ski jump
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Following the video on google maps, it uses around 400m of the runway. It may be possible with increased engine thrust and ski jump but still difficult. There is also the problem of landing which would require complete rework of the landing gear and development and integration of a STOBAR system on the runway.
I would like to also add that that 400m is for the test flight only. The prototype in this video is almost completely empty of all but most crucial equipment (and probably only has a tiny bit of fuel). Once you add the operational equipment like the radar, satcom antenna etc and fuel, the take-off distance will rise to somewhere around 700m.

Add weapons (+1350 kg?) and you are looking at take-off distances of +1000m.

But just because your airplane took off from such a distance once doesn't mean it always will. Maybe the wind was favorable this time? Maybe something will go wrong during acceleration next time? So even if your airplane can take off in 1000m you add some 30% to that to be safe, making the final distance +1300m. When the americans take safety precautions it is not because they are stupid but because they are experienced.

Of course all this is just a rough guess so the numbers are flexible.
I would like to also add that that 400m is for the test flight only. The prototype in this video is almost completely empty of all but most crucial equipment (and probably only has a tiny bit of fuel).
How do you know there is 400 meter?
Following the video on google maps, it uses around 400m of the runway. It may be possible with increased engine thrust and ski jump but still difficult. There is also the problem of landing which would require complete rework of the landing gear and development and integration of a STOBAR system on the runway.

How do you know there is 400 meter?
You are right bro, I did also a google measure on the Corlu airport runway, it is indeed about 330-350m from start to lift off

Takeoff distance for F35B is 140m with ski jump and about 180m without ski jump

You should calculate the early (low) speed and acceleration max speed. If you can hold the UAV until he reached the max speed, you decrease take off range.
Bayraktar AKINCI TIHA successfully completed its second test flight. Bayraktar AKINCI, System Validation Test at 5000 feet altitude 0️⃣1️⃣ hour 0️⃣6️⃣ minutes remained in the air
Bayraktar AKINCI TIHA successfully completed its second test flight. Bayraktar AKINCI, System Validation Test at 5000 feet altitude 0️⃣1️⃣ hour 0️⃣6️⃣ minutes remained in the air
Can we skip 2020 and enter 2021 I can’t wait until the end of 2020 to see this beast in the hands of TAF
Can we skip 2020 and enter 2021 I can’t wait until the end of 2020 to see this beast in the hands of TAF
After now, Turkish aviation progressing will continue by doubling the every previous year. So you're likely to say the same thing in next year. Enjoy the moment.
Greeks will buy MQ-9 only to be shot by Akinci’s Bozdogan/Godogan air to air missile

Actually I forgot to add that given greeks known behavior/mentality they will arm these mq-9 and send them near turkish coastline
loosing such expensive UCAV is very stupid but loosing a combat drone+weapons equipment is another level of stupidity they will need maybe another decade saving enough money for replacements
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