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Ahmadinejad Calls for Direct Negotiations with the U.S.

One time we look back at this period and then we realize how many years we have lost due to our stubbornness and insane pride.
Independence and democracy are 2 different matters.China is not a democracy,but is an independent country in all of its policies,no matter if they are wrong or right.
I explained about democracy in Iran,at post 24.
I never said countries who have relations with U.S are not independent! It's very naive to say such thing.
Iran has not made enrichment as a dignity matter.They already had problems with us before we start enriching uranium and you know that.Have you ever thought why Iran was under total embargo during the war with Iraq?We didn't have a nuclear program back then,so what was the reason?From point to point,they changed their excuses,but the goal remains the same,toppling the regime in Iran.
Here's a question:Why U.S allow its ally regimes,like KSA,UAE or Turkey to have a nuclear program?Why do they only have problems with Iran's case?Because they think Iran will nuke some country someday?hell no! Because Iran challenges some of their interests in region,so a strong Iran,is like another USSR,in regional scale.
Even US and France supplied Saddam the weapons. And when he used chemical weapons, UN SC kept silent. No one helped Iran. Even US didn't gave back the money Iran has already paid for weapons.

West was not fair to Iran and still they feel Iran should listen to them.
Who makes the real decisions in Iran? Can you tell me that?
It depends on the decision,on major political ones and military,obviously,it's Khamenei,but on economics and some other matters,it's Ahmadinejad.same as parliament.
Is S.Korea puppet?
That is why they develop their Tanks, Fighters, Missiles, satellites, world wide accepted brands! If it is what a puppet is, personally I want to be a puppet!

The era of those charismatic expression has gone.
Dear H_T, we should have diplomatic relation with every country. and it should be just our national interests which define we will be with one country's politic or we are against it! I do not mean to say always yes to USA.
Do you really believe,politically,South Korea is indepndent?
Looking to economics,yes they are gods,but US has very strong influence on their foreign policies,same is true about Japan.
Imagine South Korea now tries to change its political course to the same as Iran,challenging US interests,although their economy is strong,but U.S is still much more powerful that its able to destroy their economy.The reason is,SK is in the western block,not the eastern one.
Is S.Korea puppet?
That is why they develop their Tanks, Fighters, Missiles, satellites, world wide accepted brands! If it is what a puppet is, personally I want to be a puppet!

Look at Japan. 2 atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hundred of thousands people died. What did they do? They sat down and negotiated with the US, the country who dropped those bombs, and made an end to the war that had devastated their country and economy. Look at Japan now; the third largest economy of the world, innovator in technology and independent. If the Japanese could forget the Americans, why couldn't we?
I am not justifying the action of west. let me to tell it in form of an example.

In a jungle, there is an aggressive and strong tiger. There are other younger tigers who have the same future of the strongest tiger, but not now. In my opinion it is not logical to inter conflict with that demon until growing up. West is powerful. We knew if we start nuc program at current economic, the aggressive tiger has the power to defeat us. What if we start enrichment after growing up. Consider who could stop a country with 3T$ GDP (instead of current .4T$ GDP?)? Who could imagine effective sanction against China?

Now we are not going to have nuc or we will face military action. On the other hand our economy was so that government decides to not publish it officially! This is what I named it as the priority.

Yes, if you are not as strong as west you should stop enrichment and rapidly continue your economical development and think about future when you are strong and the bad tiger of our story is aged! Khatami was doing this.

If you accept the law of jungle then you need to accept all its consequences , what if this so-called strong tiger would ask your territory , honor ? would you say Ok there is no problem ? like Iran-Iraq war ?did we start it?

It's said if you take 2 steps towards GOD he'll take 11 steps towards you , what about devil ? he anticipates to see one mistake from you then he'll stand in his place firmly then it's you the one who has to bow and take steps afterwards little by little you will change to a real devil.

Our former president helped them a lot in Iraq and Afghanistan , accepted all their conditions in nuclear issue he talked about dialogue among civilizations and by the end they called us what we know.
Ahmadinejad Calls for Direct Negotiations with the U.S. thats nice but does he have any power to negotiate with anyone.
I belive the term lame duck is used for a president near the end of his term when he cant run again. Ahmadinejad is lame plucked and had his beak clipped, his choices are over ruled he cant even visit his friends that have been arrested.
The question is do the winners want to talk.
Do you really believe,politically,South Korea is indepndent?
Looking to economics,yes they are gods,but US has very strong influence on their foreign policies,same is true about Japan.
Imagine South Korea now tries to change its political course to the same as Iran,challenging US interests,although their economy is strong,but U.S is still much more powerful that its able to destroy their economy.The reason is,SK is in the western block,not the eastern one.

Why should they change their politic against USA. Their national interest is to stand with USA. Who could cover the fact how much problem they make with their budget friendly products in USA especially in Auto section. Who is not aware of conflict between Apple and Samsung. The democratic government is totally chosen by nation. Is there any reason they want live like a N. Korean resident?

is the relation with USA against their national interests?
It's said if you take 2 steps towards GOD he'll take 11 steps towards you , what about devil ? he anticipates to see one mistake from you then he'll stand in his place firmly then it's you the one who has to bow and take steps afterwards little by little you will change to a real devil.

Thats exactly the point, you dont get the benefits of being US puppets without the negatives - US runs your foreign policy, have military bases in your country and uses all the geostrategic clout your country has to expand US influence to yet another countries. Even breaks apart your country if it suits them.

Another illusion some have, that after gaining considerable economic level one could just stop being a puppet - good luck with that. US will simply do a coup and replace with puppets again, at a gunpoint. If it doesnt work - will sabotage that "great economy" very quickly. Iran currently is self-sufficient to the extent it would never be as a puppet, therefore not as fragile to sanctions. Defenseless to US attack as well - all the high end fighters and SAMs from US would be turned off.

There are many, many drawbacks of being a puppet, and current Iran's leadership can see that (whats more - they experienced that till 1979), so its sad to see few Iranians here see only a golden cage and want it, without seeing the consequences of being caged.
Why should they change their politic against USA. Their national interest is to stand with USA. Who could cover the fact how much problem they make with their budget friendly products in USA especially in Auto section. Who is not aware of conflict between Apple and Samsung. The democratic government is totally chosen by nation. Is there any reason they want live like a N. Korean resident?

is the relation with USA against their national interests?
was the relation between shah and US against our national interest?ask yourself.
Look at Japan. 2 atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hundred of thousands people died. What did they do? They sat down and negotiated with the US, the country who dropped those bombs, and made an end to the war that had devastated their country and economy. Look at Japan now; the third largest economy of the world, innovator in technology and independent. If the Japanese could forget the Americans, why couldn't we?
japs still angry to america , but they got pressure by americans militarry in their own country....

btw comparing iran with japs is not fair , iran focused build their own country start at 1990's and japs has already start at WW2....
Why should they change their politic against USA. Their national interest is to stand with USA. Who could cover the fact how much problem they make with their budget friendly products in USA especially in Auto section. Who is not aware of conflict between Apple and Samsung. The democratic government is totally chosen by nation. Is there any reason they want live like a N. Korean resident?

is the relation with USA against their national interests?

It's not about 'wanting' to change politics,it's about being able to do it.of course they can't change their politics against US,otherwise,they will be destroyed and turned in to a 'devil' who threatens world security.
Look at them,US tells them decrease your oil imports from Iran,they do it immdiately,they can't stand in his face and say,we won't do it.Because US can destroy their economy.
We should be like China,be strong enough,both politcally and economically,being able to oppose western policies if we want,knowing that we could hurt them if they put us under pressure for our decisions.
If you accept the law of jungle then you need to accept all its consequences , what if this so-called strong tiger would ask your territory , honor ? Yes it is a fact this tiger is insane! Please do not give the tiger accuses to invade us like Iraq for nothing.

would you say Ok there is no problem ? like Iran-Iraq war ?did we start it? I know far more better than every one how dirty is this tiger. but please do not scarify anything just for a thing!

It's said if you take 2 steps towards GOD he'll take 11 steps towards you , what about devil ? he anticipates to see one mistake from you then he'll stand in his place firmly then it's you the one who has to bow and take steps afterwards little by little you will change to a real devil. He will takes steps back. as he wants to get the reason to invade.

Our former president helped them a lot in Iraq and Afghanistan , accepted all their conditions in nuclear issue he talked about dialogue among civilizations and by the end they called us what we know. That is because they want to push us in war by mal-informing the world about our nuc program.
It's not about 'wanting' to change politics,it's about being able to do it.of course they can't change their politics against US,otherwise,they will be destroyed and turned in to a 'devil' who threatens world security.
Look at them,US tells them decrease your oil imports from Iran,they do it immdiately,they can't stand in his face and say,we won't do it.Because US can destroy their economy.
We should be like China,be strong enough,both politcally and economically,being able to oppose western policies if we want,knowing that we could hurt them if they put us under pressure for our decisions.

Who did not decrease the oil imports? China, India, Greece, who? nobody wants to face with big tiger
Who did not decrease the oil imports? China, India, Greece, who? nobody wants to face with big tiger
Well,China decreased it for a brief time,but again increased it,becasue their relation with 'big tiger' is also important for them,they want to have both sides,because only 'their' interests matters.
BBC News - China Iran oil imports rise as payment dispute resolved

India also increased its oil imports after a while.Both India and China are importing most of Iran's oil.
But Greece?Well they their economy is already in a bad trouble,they didn't want more trouble by facing US,also Lybia is now supplying their oil demands.
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